Tony Randle
Joined FYI in 2013
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This person's 159 Official Information requests
PTOM Information for 2018/19 and 2019/20
Follow up sent to Wellington Regional Council by Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Thank you for reminding me. I missed this as it was in a Word Document.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Randle
PTOM Unit Patronage, Fare and Subsidy Information for 2023/24
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Tēnā koe Tony
Request for information 2024-211
I refer to your request for information dated Monday 26 August 2024, which
was received by...
Request for Background Calculations used for LGWM MRT and Mt Vic Tunnel Options
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Tony
Please find attached the original Excel spreadsheet of the MRT Option
Capital Costs estimates that was previously publicly released...
Request for the detailed Rate Calculations and other information on the GWRC 2024/34 Long Term Plan
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Ngā Mihi
[1]makaurangi Leonie Dobbs
Kaiāwhina Matua| EA Group Manager, Corporate Services Julie
Pūtea me ngā Tūraru|Group Mana...
Request for Annual Cordon Survey Data for Wellington CBD for 2022, 2023 and 2024
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Mr Randle,
Please find attached Greater Wellington’s response to your request for
information 2024-180.
Nâku iti noa, nâ
Revised Mode Capacities used in the finalised Auckland Rapid Transit Plan
Response by Auckland Transport to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tony,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 1/04/2024 you asked for information about the Auckland Transport Rapid...
PTOM Unit Patronage, Fare and Subsidy Information from July 2021
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Tēnā koe Tony
Request for information 2023-281
I refer to your request for information dated 4 November 2023, which was
received by Greater Wellin...
Capacity assumptions by mode in the Auckland Rapid Transit Plan
Response by Auckland Transport to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tony,
I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for your follow-up
correspondence. I would like to clarify that in your latest email, y...
Request for Bus Road Damage calculations
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Hello '
If you're reading this, I pray this email finds you well. I want to offer
you a free guest article on this site. [1]
Request for 2016 PE Report on procuerment of bus services
Follow up sent to Wellington Regional Council by Tony Randle on .
Thank you for checking. There seems to be an issue with my laptop.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Randle
PTOM Unit Patronage, Fare and Subsidy Information from June 2019
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Tēnā koe Tony
Request for information 2023-011
I refer to your request for information dated Saturday 21 January 2023,
received by GWRC on...
Request for the detailed Rate Calculations and other information on the GWRC 202/23 Annual Plan
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tony,
Thank you for drawing the missing attachments to my attention. You are right, the original email should have contained those attachments...
The Cost and Benefit calculations for the NIRP - North Island Regional Passenger Rail Connector
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
Date 8 November 2022
Tony Randle
Email: [1][FOI #20999 email]
Dear Tony
Information associated with WKs review and decisions on information request OIA 9096
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tony
Please find attached the response to your request of 2^nd June 2022 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
City Population Growth Information Shared between WCC and LGWM
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tony
Please find attached the response to your request of 29 April 2022 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Request for the background analysis supporting the Speed Management Nine Options
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Good afternoon Mr. Randle,
Thank you for your email received on 6 June 2022 in which you requested information relating to the background analysis sup...
Usage Information on Johnsonville Electric Chargers
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Kia ora Tony,
Thank you for your patience.
Please see attached the response to your recent request for information.
Ngā mihi
District Plan criteria for Good Public Transport Accessibility
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Randle,
Further to your email below, please find attached a PDF copy of the response sent to you on 25 March 2022.
I am unsure why the respon...
Request for the Agreement for development of the Johnsonville Bus/Rail Interchange
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Kia ora Tony,
Attached is Greater Wellington’s response to your recent request for
information and corresponding attachments.
Nga mihi,...
Request to The Road Efficiency Group on the ONF Classification of PT Services
Follow up sent to New Zealand Transport Agency by Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
On December 10th, I sent a response to my OIA Request to the Road Efficiency Group.
In this reply, I asked Waka Katohi for the following informati...
Request for Information supporting the definition of Rapid Transit Service in the UPS
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Môrena Tony Randle,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngâ mihi,
Natalia Olivecr...
JCA request for information supporting the Proposed Spatial Plan
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Hello Tony
Please see updated response.
Kind Regards
Asha Harry
Senior Advisor | Official Information Team | Wellington City Counci...
Request for AT Mass Rapid Transit Criteria
Response by Auckland Transport to Tony Randle on .
Kia ora Tony
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 25/11/2021 you asked for information about the Regional Land Transpo...
Request for Public Transport Classification Information in the ONF
Follow up sent to New Zealand Transport Agency by Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
For the requested information that is not held by WK as it is from the TSIG, and WK please transfer the information request to Local Government New...
Request for Canterbury PT Unit Subsidy information
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Information not held.
Dear Tony
You are correct that this is information that will now be published in the future, starting with the 2021 calendar year as we started our PT...
This person's 43 annotations
You might as well have also asked for the workshop agenda and a copy of any reports, presentations or other information sent to the attendees before or...
Travel time savings from proposed additional Mt Victoria Tunnel in Lets Get Wellington Moving
Partially successful.
You might also find the LGWM Briefing to the minister on the 2nd Mt Vic tunnel useful:
Presentations related to RLTP 2021
Long overdue.
Hi Nicholas
Just to note that the AT Response is probably incomplete. They have provided you with links to already publicly available information whi...
Wellington traffic light control data and traffic flow statistics
Partially successful.
I know it's frustrating but it might be more helpful to reply by asking the WCC to provide the specific reason under LGOIMA for refusing to provide the...
1990s reports on Hutt Valley - Porirua link
These are interesting reports on Petone - Grenada Link.
In case you are not aware of subsequent reports from the NZTA they including the Ngauranga Tr...
Any potential conflict of interest by Sir Michael Cullen and/or Sir Brian Roche on the Superfund LRT proposal might be important to know.
However, as...
Note the GWRC will withhold some information from the requested Annual Plan Transport Rate calculations going back more than a decade stating:
"Note t...
I asked for similar information but in a different way.
These are the responses I received from:
* Min Twyford (
Request for the detailed Transport Rate Calculations outlined in the GWRC 2019/20 Annual Plan
Partially successful.
Note the GWRC response to this information request was attached to previous request for similar information:
4 March 2019 Response containing Annual P...
2nd Request for the Crown business cases for the the Wairarapa Line and to remove rail network constraints
Long overdue.
These business cases were only provided by KiwiRail in a readable/searchable format after the commencement of the Ombudsman's investigation of a compla...
I want to note that the WRC has been supportive of this information request with discussion and agreement to do some further work to try to provide mor...
Request for the 2017 Capital Connection Business Case
Partially successful.
Note that the continual refusal by the Horizon Regional Council to provide the information used to support their business case for a multi-million doll...
Passenger Numbers
For the second set of information, I would suggest you go back and ask when this information will be processed by the GWRC into a refined form such tha...
Research on coloured lights in public transport
The new Wellington buses are the responsibility of the Greater Wellington Regional Council, not the WCC. Perhaps try your request from here: https://f...
Request for travel time survey data
Partially successful.
I have had a good conversation with Statistics to help clarify and refine my request. They are working on providing the information held.
IMHO this Kiwirail response could be, arguably, correct, although Kiwirail has been most unhelpful in assisting the requester (esp. taking a month to r...
Journey times from Panmure to Auckland CBD
Initial thoughts are that:
* I agree with your position on providing access to the requester based on the logic you have already outlined. Whether t...
KiwiRail adn Rail Funding
Long overdue.
Interesting that Treasury has kicked the OIA Request over to Transport. I am aware of significant funding to Kiwirail via the Treasury in addition to...
A response email following was also received from WCC. Below is a copy with officer names removed:
From: <The Manager, City Planning & Design>
Met with the WCC as suggested on Friday 14th along with one of our local WCC Councillors.
The WCC Transport Planner outlined the background to the wo...
As suggested, have arranged a meeting with WCC Officer on Friday to discuss information request.
I would note that the WCC response is not very satisfactory because, although WCC property may be operated by different business units, I do not believ...
For some reason the FYI site has incorrectly stated the response to this request as being due " normally no later than August 10, 2016".
The informati...
Note KiwiRail appears to have breached the OIA in refusing to the provide the specific grounds under the OIA they are relying on to withhold the reques...
Wilson Parking
Interesting response. I would suggest you could now ask for the following:
- A copy of any documentation held that records that the Wilson Parking's...