Request for the detailed Rate Calculations and other information on the GWRC 202/23 Annual Plan

Tony Randle made this Official Information request to Wellington Regional Council

The request was partially successful.

From: Tony Randle

Dear Wellington Regional Council,

This information request is on behalf of the Johnsonville Residents Association (JCA) and asks for information on the 2022/23 Annual Plan.

A) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed calculations that were used to provide the General Rates information in the 2022/23 Annual Plan?
B) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the calculations of the 2022/23 General Rate allocation to ratepayers?
C) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed costs for the cost amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 General Rates ?
D) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed revenue for the revenue amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 General Rates?
E) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed calculations that were used to provide the Transport Rates information in the draft 2022/23 Annual Plan?
F) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the calculations of the 2022/23 Transport Rate allocation to ratepayers?
G) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed costs for the cost amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 Transport Rates?
H) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed revenue for the revenue amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 Transport Rates?
I) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of the changes (contributions and withdrawals) from the Transport Reserve over the past three years including the source for the contributions and the target for the withdrawals ?
J) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of any reports or presentations to GWRC councillors at Annual Plan 2022/23 workshops?

If the requested information is held in electronic form, it is preferred that the information is provided in its complete and original electronic format. It is also preferred that information is not removed from documents even if this information may be assessed as being out of scope for this information request.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Randle

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From: Darrell Young
Wellington Regional Council

Dear Tony,


Acknowledgement of Request for Information under the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


Thank you for your email dated 20 November 2022, requesting information
regarding detailed Rate Calculations and other information on the GWRC
202/23 Annual Plan.


Your request is being followed-up and a reply will be sent to you within
20 working days of the request being received.


Please note that it is our policy to proactively release our responses to
official information requests where possible. We do not publish
requesters’ personal information.

We will let you know when we respond to your request if we intend to
publish it on Greater Wellington’s website.


Yours sincerely,


Darrell Young




Luke Troy



Greater Wellington Regional Council







ATTENTION: This correspondence is confidential and intended for the named
recipient(s) only. If you are not the named recipient and receive this
correspondence in error, you must not copy, distribute or take any action
in reliance on it and you should delete it from your system and notify the
sender immediately. Unless otherwise stated, any views or opinions
expressed are solely those of the author, and do not represent those of
the organisation.

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From: Jean Don
Wellington Regional Council

Attachment image001.png
7K Download

Attachment Response Letter Tony Randle 2022 221.pdf
412K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe Tony,


Thank you for your request for information from Greater Wellington
Regional Council, dated 20 November 2022.


Our response to your request is attached:


Your request was:


“This information request is on behalf of the Johnsonville Residents
Association (JCA) and asks for information on the 2022/23 Annual Plan.

A) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed
calculations that were used to provide the General Rates information in
the 2022/23 Annual Plan?

B) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the calculations of the
2022/23 General Rate allocation to ratepayers?

C) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed costs for
the cost amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 General Rates?

D) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed revenue for
the revenue amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 General Rates?

E) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed
calculations that were used to provide the Transport Rates information in
the draft 2022/23 Annual Plan?

F) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the calculations of the
2022/23 Transport Rate allocation to ratepayers?

G) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed costs for
the cost amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 Transport Rates?
Page 2 of 10


H) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed revenue for
the revenue amounts used in the calculation of the 2022/23 Transport

I) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of the changes (contributions and
withdrawals) from the Transport Reserve over the past three years
including the source for the contributions and the target for the

J) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of any reports or presentations to
GWRC councillors at Annual Plan 2022/23 workshops?

If the requested information is held in electronic form, it is preferred
that the information is provided in its complete and original electronic
format. It is also preferred that information is not removed from
documents even if this information may be assessed as being out of scope
for this information request.”


We trust this response meets your requirements.  However should you
require any further information, please do not hesitate to be in contact.


Ngâ mihi,


[1]makaurangi Jean Don (she/her)


Kaiâwhina Matua ki te Kaiwhakahaere Matua Ratonga Rangapû e
Te Pou Whakarae


Executive Assistant to:

o Monica Fraser, General Manager, Mâori
o Sue McLean, General Manager, Corporate Services Group


Greater Wellington Te Pane Matua Taiao

Mobile:  021 764 952
100 Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011

Follow us online: [2]Facebook | [3]Twitter |





ATTENTION: This correspondence is confidential and intended for the named
recipient(s) only. If you are not the named recipient and receive this
correspondence in error, you must not copy, distribute or take any action
in reliance on it and you should delete it from your system and notify the
sender immediately. Unless otherwise stated, any views or opinions
expressed are solely those of the author, and do not represent those of
the organisation.


Visible links

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From: Tony Randle

Dear Jean Don,

The GWRC response letter refers to the following attachments:

Attachment 1 – Rates Model 2022/23
Attachment 2 – Annual Plan 2022/23
Attachment 3 – 2021-31 Long Term Plan Supporting Information
Attachment 4 – Metlink budget 2022/23
Attachment 5 – 2022/23 Annual Plan update to Councillors December 2021
Attachment 6 – 2022/23 Annual Plan update to Councillors March 2022

However, these documents were not attached to the GRWC response email. Therefore I have not received the GWRC response yet.

Can you please look into this as a matter of urgency?

Yours sincerely,

Tony Randle

Link to this

From: Jean Don
Wellington Regional Council

Attachment Attachment 6 2022 23 Annual Plan update to councillors March 2022.pdf
807K Download View as HTML

Attachment Attachment 5 2022 23 Annual Plan update to Councillors Dec 2021.pdf
486K Download View as HTML

Attachment Attachment 4 Metlink budget 2022 23.xlsx
71K Download View as HTML

Attachment Attachment 1 Rates model 2022 23.xlsm
646K Download

Attachment Attachment 3 2021 31 LTP Supporting Information Document.pdf
7.4M Download View as HTML

Attachment Attachment 2 Annual Plan 2022 23.pdf
4.5M Download View as HTML

Attachment Response Letter Tony Randle 2022 221.pdf
412K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Tony,

Thank you for drawing the missing attachments to my attention. You are right, the original email should have contained those attachments - please accept my apologies. They are now enclosed for your reference, along with a copy of your response letter.

Kind regards

Jean Don (she/her)
EA to Monica Fraser and Sue McLean

[mobile number]
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

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Things to do with this request

Wellington Regional Council only: