Request for Annual Cordon Survey Data for Wellington CBD for 2022, 2023 and 2024

Tony Randle made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

Currently waiting for a response from Wellington City Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Tony Randle

Dear Wellington City Council,

I understand from the WCC that you and the GWRC undertake an annual "Wellington CBD Cordon Survey" of travel into and out of the Wellington CBD. I understand that there are four annual cordon surveys:
* Vehicle Occupancy
* Pedestrian
* Cycling
* Public Transport User (done by the GWRC)

This is very valuable data to help understand the performance of Wellington City transport.

The CBD cordon survey data to 2021 was provided in a previous FYI response:

Can the WCC please provide the CBD cordon survey data for Vehicle Occupancy, Pedestrian, Cycling and Public Transport User for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024?

It is preferred that the requested information be provided in its complete and original electronic spreadsheet format.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Randle

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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Kia ora  

Thank you for contacting the Wellington City Council Official Information

Your email has been received and we will respond within 3 business days. 
If your request is more a general enquiry, or for anything urgent, please
contact our Contact Centre on 04 499 4444 or email [1][email address]   
For Police CCTV requests, please send through to [2][email address]  

Many thanks  
Official Information Team 


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2. mailto:[email address]

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From: BUS: Official Information
Wellington City Council

Kia ora Tony

Thank you for your request dated 11 July requesting information.

Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 which requires us to provide a decision as soon as possible, but no later than 8 August, being 20 working days of receipt.

The reference number for your request is IRC-6740

Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Kind regards

Official Information Team
Email: [email address]
Wellington City Council | W |

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Things to do with this request

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