
A public authority

216 requests
Response by KiwiRail to jayson chilvers on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Please find attached the plans for the work on the Western line as requested. Please note we do not have an artist's impression as requ...
Third Main aka Track - Westfield to Quay Park
Response by KiwiRail to Harriet Gale on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Harriet, thank you for refining your question. I am looking into your request and will be in touch with what information we hold. Ngā mihi Laura...
Block of line impact on freight share
Request sent to KiwiRail by Isaac Morrison on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora, I am writing to request information under the Official Information Act 1982. Specifically, I am seeking: 1. Information regarding the oper...
Wellington Upgrades
Response by KiwiRail to Isaac Morrison on .
Good afternoon Isaac.   I am responding to your recent OIA request asking:   I would like to make an OIA regarding information to the current p...
Process behind alternatively fueled vehicles policy
Follow up sent to KiwiRail by Matt Johnston on .
Long overdue.
I have yet to receive a response to this despite the deadline passing on the 17th and me following up last week. Could I please get an update on th...
WRS Precinct Master Plan
Request sent to KiwiRail by T.J. Pohl on .
Awaiting response.
Under the Official Information Act 1982, I request a copy of the WRS Precinct Master Plan, specifically (though not limited to if there is more) inf...
Further Capacity Improvements (WMUP 7)
Response by KiwiRail to T.J. Pohl on .
All good TJ We do seem to be having a few issues with FYI recently. If you have any issues in future, please feel free to contact me directly at [emai...
Good afternoon Please find the attached. Apologies for the delay, as you will be aware there have been issues with uploading documents to Ki...
Fourth Main aka Track Auckland
Request sent to KiwiRail by Harriet Gale on .
Could I please have any relevant business cases, communications, maps, plans, station layouts, diagrams or consultations of the Fourth Main aka Trac...
Locomotive Mean Distance Between Failures (MDBF)
Response by KiwiRail to LJ Holden on .
Good afternoon Lewis   Please find the attached.   As noted previously there is considerable fluctuation in the figures from month to month, w...
Wellington Metro Upgrade
Response by KiwiRail to Iain Palmer on .
Kia ora Iain,   Attached is the OIA response to your request dated 27^th November 2021 relating to what considerations have been made towards the...
Proposed closure of Ava railway bridge footpath
Response by KiwiRail to Mike Mellor on .
Good afternoon Please find our response as per the attached. Kind regards Dave Dave Allard  | Senior Government Relations Advisor DDI: 027 201 8182...
Good afternoon Anne Apologies, it seems we are having issues with responding to requests. Please find our response below. I have checked in...
Concept Design for Rail Ro-Ro Passenger Ferry (2011)
Response by KiwiRail to T.J. Pohl on .
Information not held.
Good afternoon I am responding to your OIA request as per the below. Unfortunately, we are declining your request under Section 18(e) - does not exis...
Further to my earlier OIA request re the proposed Ava railway bridge footpath closure, please provide all information about the consistency of this...
Heathcote Express Cycleway
Response by KiwiRail to M A Kerr on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Please find our attached response. Kind regards Dave Memos 9(2)(a) - Privacy 9(2)(a) - Privacy 9(2)(a) - Privacy 9(2)(a) - Privacy...
LCSIA for Heathcote Expressway cycleway
Response by KiwiRail to Cody C on .
Good afternoon Cody Please find the attached which covers your three requests. Apologies for the delay. Kind regards Dave Dave Allard  | Senior Gov...
Easements for Heathcote Expressway cycleway
Follow up sent to KiwiRail by Cody C on .
Long overdue.
Response to this request is delayed. By law, you should have responded no later than November 27, 2024. Yours faithfully, Cody C
A friendly reminder that a response is due on or before 4 December. Yours faithfully, Cody C
Detailed Plan to commission and fully operationalise the Auckland CRL
Response by KiwiRail to Jon Eriksen on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Jon Thank you for your request, as per the below. A quick email to acknowledge receipt, we are just scoping your request out at the mom...
Costs of Govt decision to cancel iReX
Response by KiwiRail to Miss W. Forest on .
Good afternoon Miss Forest   You have requested under the OIA: Provide the total actual cost and / or estimated cost of the cancellation of iReX p...
List of Rolling stock 2008 & 2024
Follow up sent to KiwiRail by Joel Jackson on .
Partially successful.
Thank you Dave Allard, I would appreciate the 2014 data as I may be able to fill in the gaps Yours sincerely, Joel Jackson
Request for the full potential assessment of KiwiRail by McKinsey and Co.
Request to KiwiRail by Howard Phillips. Annotated by David G on .
Long overdue.
Given that the request is now overdue, Can this request also include the following: - the criteria used to evaluate Mckinsey & Co as the succesful con...
P2P Line speed
Response by KiwiRail to Isaac Morrison on .
Waiting clarification.
And trying again   From: Dave Allard Sent: Monday, November 4, 2024 6:15 PM To: [FOI #28668 email] Subject: RE: Official Information request - P...
GETS Awards
Request sent to KiwiRail by Charlene on .
Long overdue.
Please kindly confirm which main contractors were awarded the following projects. 1) GETS 29294931 Paerata Station - Civil - Contract 2024/124 -...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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