Wellington City Council
A public authority
555 requests
- all requests
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- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Contractor with Conflict of Interests to WNHT
Response by Wellington City Council to Wellington City (Brooklyn) Rate Payer on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Wellington City (Brooklyn) Rate Payer
Thank you for your email dated 26 February 2025, to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke
| Wellington City Council (t...
Wellington Water Limited FY23/24/25
Response by Wellington City Council to Miss W. Forest on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe,
Official information request (our ref: 25-063).
Your request was officially transferred to Wellington Water by Wellington
City Council o...
Total number of cycle trips recorded on Onepu Road in March 2025
Response by Wellington City Council to P. Moore on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Pamela,
Thank you for your email dated 24 March requesting information.
Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official...
Kia ora P. Moore,
Thank you so much for providing those pieces of information, it was very kind of you and extremely helpful to the Council officers i...
Dear Melissa,
Thank you for your email to the Council received on 25 September 2023 in
which you sought information relating to the changes to t...
2024 Final Quarter Interest
Response by Wellington City Council to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Chris
Thank you for your email dated 18 March requesting information.
Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official I...
Keith Spry Pool Use of Cameras at pool
Response by Wellington City Council to S. Paurini on .
Hello Seann
I have been reviewing all your information requests and have found a
request that I thought I had already sent.
Please see att...
Kia ora Chris,
Please find attached to this email our response to your request for
official information.
Ngā mihi
Laura McIlhone
Cost of rubbish bags
Response by Wellington City Council to David Farrar on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora David
Please find attached our response to your request for official
Ngā mihi
Laura McIlhone
Official Informa...
Kia ora Randy
Please see the attached response to your request for information.
Kind Regards
Asha Harry
Official Information | Wellington City Co...
Communications with Wellington Airport
Response by Wellington City Council to Alan Riley on .
Tēnā koe Mr Riley
Please find the attached correspondence from Te Kaunihera o Pōneke |
Wellington City Council.
Nga mihi
Danika Morr...
Data collected on the Thorndon Connections project from Community Survey initiated Feb'25
Response by Wellington City Council to Thorndon Residents' Association on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Thorndon Residents' Association
Thank you for request of 4 March 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke |
Wellington City Council (the Council),...
Tēnā koe Chris,
Please find attached the relevant graphs on letterhead as requested.
Kia pai te rā - Have a good day.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Amber S...
Urban on Manners alcohol licensing
Response by Wellington City Council to Miss W. Forest on .
Kia ora Miss W. Forest
Per my last email, please see appendices 4-6.
Ngā mihi,
Chelsea McHugh
Senior Advisor Official Information | Risk & A...
Kia ora Chris,
The total costs were:
MBM - $5680 + GST
Homegrown - $420 +GST (copy of advertisement)
Which adds to a total of $6,100+GST for th...
Kia ora Paul
Please see attached response to the remainder of your request.
As there is a large volume of documents, I have had to use high...
Latest seismic assessment report for 16 Glenmore Street
Response by Wellington City Council to John Cuthbert on .
Tēnā koe Mr Cuthbert
Please find attached correspondence from Te Kaunihera o Pōneke |
Wellington City Council.
Nga mihi
Danika Morri...
Re: Homegrown festival (File Ref: IRC-7811)
Response by Wellington City Council to James Powell on .
Kia ora James
Wellington City Council had no sway in the decision made by the organisers of Homegrown to no longer hold the event in Wellington. No pe...
Ian Leary directive isnt being followed
Response by Wellington City Council to chris (papa} paroli on .
Hello Chris
Please see attached response to your request for information.
Kind Regards
Asha Harry
Senior Advisor | Official Information Team | W...
Copies of Bike Network Thorndon connections plans i.e. current versions of the detailed layout drawings
Response by Wellington City Council to Thorndon Residents' Association on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
Thank you kindly for your patience.
Please find attached the response to your request for information below.
Kind regards
The Assurance T...
Zero charging station opposite Island Bat New World
Response by Wellington City Council to Edwin Bruce on .
Kia ora Edwin,
Please find attached our response to your request for official
We are very sorry for the delay in providing th...
Kia ora Jame
Please see attached response to your request.
Thank you for your patience on this request.
Kind Regards
Asha Harry
Official Infor...
Tēnā koe Me Powell
Please find attached correspondence from Te Kaunihera o Pōneke |
Wellington City Council.
Nga mihi
Danika Morris-...
Stormwater overflow calculations, St Mary St
Response by Wellington City Council to Thorndon Residents' Association on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora
Please see the attached response to your request for information.
Ngā mihi,
Chelsea McHugh
Senior Advisor Official Information | Ris...
Documents relating to the buissness case presented for the Begonia House
Response by Wellington City Council to John Cuthbert on .
Tēnā koe Mr Cuthbert
Please find attached correspondence from Te Kaunihera o Pōneke |
Wellington City Council.
Due to the volume and size...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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