Jem Traylen
Joined FYI in 2018

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This person's 54 Official Information requests
OIA review papers
Partially successful.
Cabinet Agenda
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Jem Traylen. Annotated by Jem Traylen on .
7 August 2019 Agenda finally released in full
Cabinet agenda for the First 100 Days
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Jem Traylen on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mx Traylen,
Please find attached a letter from Michael Webster, Secretary of the
Cabinet regarding your Official In...
Ensuring people receive full entitlements available
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Jem Traylen on .
Tçnâ koe Jem Traylen,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.
Due to the size of this respo...
Response to Wakem Report ('Not a game of hide and seek')
Response by Public Service Commission to Jem Traylen on .
Dear Jem
Please find attached our response to your OIA below.
Kind regards
SSC Enquiries
email: [1][email address]
Te Kawa Mata...
Copy of Cabinet Office Notice (15) 3 Proactive Release (and related advice)
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Jem Traylen on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon
Please find attached response from Michael Webster, Secretary of the
Regards – Cabinet Office...
Response to the Wakem Report ('Not a game of hide and seek')
Response by Ministry of Justice to Jem Traylen on .
Kia ora Jem
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request
of 7 December 2020 regarding the Wakem report.
Review of Proactive Release policy (confirm report back)
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Jem Traylen on .
Dear Mx Traylen
Please find attached SSC’s reply to your below OIA request.
Kind regards
SSC Enquiries
[1][email address]
Advice received on transgender health in 2018/2019
Response by Julie Anne Genter to Jem Traylen on .
Kia ora Jemima,
Please see attached a response to your OIA request of 2 August relating to
the health of transgender people
Kind regards...
Engagement with Rainbow sector 2018/2019
Response by Human Rights Commission to Jem Traylen on .
Tēnā ano Jem,
Further to the below email, there was an additional meeting held on 19
November 2018 between the Cross-Parliamentary Rainbow Grou...
Advice received on transgender rights 2018/2019
Response by Andrew Little to Jem Traylen on .
Dear Mx Traylen,
Please see a copy of the response to your OIA request attached.
Kind regards,
Matt Swann
Ministerial Advisor to Hon And...
OIA 2019-077
Dear Mx Traylen
Attached is a response to your request of 2 August 2019 for information
under the Official Information Act....
All papers from Cabinet Meeting 26 October 2017
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Jem Traylen on .
Information not held.
Dear Mx Traylen,
Please find attached a letter from Michael Webster, Secretary of the
Cabinet in response to your Official...
Ministerial papers on screen industry
Response by Ministry for Women to Jem Traylen on .
Tçnâ koe Jem
Please see attached, being the Ministry for Women’s response to your
official information request below.
Nâku noa, nâ
Demographic analysis of policy outcomes & wellbeing
Response by Public Service Commission to Jem Traylen on .
Dear Mx Jemima
Please find attached our response to your OIA below.
Kind regards
SSC Enquiries
email: [email address]
Te Kawa Mataaho | State Servi...
RBNZ briefings received - First 100 Days
Response by Grant Robertson to Jem Traylen on .
Dear Mx Jem Traylen
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Kind regards
- Katy
Katy Greco-Ainslie | Private Secretary | Of...
Matariki Festivals - list of media recordings
Response by Wellington City Council to Jem Traylen on .
Hello Jem,
Thank you for your patience, with regard to your request.
The Council, until this point, did not have a list of documented media
Advice received on Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) at airports
Follow up sent to Julie Anne Genter by Jem Traylen on .
Dear Olivia Kitson - for your office to note:
I have also received a good response from CAA and am now cautiously optimistic that the horror stories...
Internal compliance with HSWA mental health provisions (2)
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Jem Traylen on .
Thank you for contacting WorkSafe New Zealand. This email is to confirm
that we have received your correspondence.
If your correspondence relates to...
Use of AIT scanners - protection of Human Rights
Follow up sent to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand by Jem Traylen on .
Thank you for your response which has been very helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Jem Traylen
Implementation of To Be Who I Am in 2008
Clarification sent to Ministry of Justice by Jem Traylen on .
Thank you that has been very helpful for my research
Nga mihi,
Mx Jem Traylen
Rainbow Wellington
Internal compliance with HSWA mental health provisions
Response by WorkSafe New Zealand to Jem Traylen on .
Thank you so much for your feedback.
We really appreciate it!
Nga mihi
Ministerial Services
Strategy and Performance
Policy recruitment - written exercises
Follow up sent to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by Jem Traylen on .
I acknowledge receipt of your correspondence and will phone Alan in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Jem Traylen
Tena koe Antony Paltridge
Thank you for your latest correspondence which more closely addresses the information I requested.
As the department with...
Policy recruitment - written exercises
Response by Public Service Commission to Jem Traylen on .
Dear Mx Traylen,
Please find attached SSC's response to your email below.
Kind regards
Ministerial Services
Ministerial Services...
This person's 8 annotations
OIA review papers
Partially successful.
Cabinet Agenda
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Jem Traylen. Annotated by Jem Traylen on .
7 August 2019 Agenda finally released in full
Cabinet Agenda
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Jem Traylen. Annotated by Jem Traylen on .
On 20 June 2019, the Chief Ombudsman informed me that he had discussed the matter with the DPMC and they had...
Fair enough :-)
Cabinet Agenda
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Jem Traylen. Annotated by Jem Traylen on .
This is currently under investigation by The Ombudsman and a final decision is expected soon.
Link to PWQ referred to in response -
Sexual Health - LGBTI Issues
I was emailed the document directly. Currently trying to find an appropriate webpage to publish it on.
Kia ora Ashley
This document was finally released to Rainbow Wellington yesterday by Minister Genter
Kia Kaha