Engagement with Rainbow sector 2018/2019
Jem Traylen made this Official Information request to Human Rights Commission
The request was successful.
From: Jem Traylen
Tena koutou Human Rights Commission,
Please provide a list of formal meetings with Rainbow sector stakeholders for the 12 months ending 30 June 2019.
Nga mihi and kind regards
Mx Jemima C. Traylen
PolicyWorks NZ
From: Jaimee Paenga
Human Rights Commission
Tēnā koe Jem,
On 2 August 2019, you requested from the Human Rights Commission (“the
Commission”) a list of formal meetings with Rainbow sector stakeholders
for the 12 months ending 30 June 2019.
Unfortunately, it appears this request did not make it through our normal
processes and our response is now outside the statutory timeframe. We are
looking into how this happened and apologise for the delay in providing
this response.
Please find attached, the Commission’s response to your request for
Alternative avenues
If you are unhappy with this response, under the Official Information Act
you are entitled to complain to the Ombudsman’s Office. Information about
how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or on
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any further queries about this response, please feel free to
contact me directly.
Nāku noa, nā
Jaimee Paenga
Ngāti Porou, Ngāi te Rangi me Ngāti Ranginui
Kaitiaki Ture | Legal Officer
New Zealand Human Rights Commission | Te Kāhui Tika Tangata
w: [2]www.hrc.co.nz
a: PO Box 10424, The Terrace, Wellington 6143
[3]Twitter [4]Facebook [5]YouTube [6]LinkedIn
[7][IMG] [8][IMG]
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Visible links
1. https://www.hrc.co.nz/
2. http://www.hrc.co.nz/
3. https://twitter.com/nzhumanrights
4. https://www.facebook.com/nzhumanrightsco...
5. https://www.youtube.com/user/nzhumanrights
6. https://nz.linkedin.com/company/new-zeal...
7. http://www.dvfree.org.nz/
8. https://www.rainbowtick.nz/
From: Jaimee Paenga
Human Rights Commission
Tēnā ano Jem,
Further to the below email, there was an additional meeting held on 19
November 2018 between the Cross-Parliamentary Rainbow Group and sexual
orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristic-diverse
communities (SOGISC). This included representatives from: re.frame, Kāhui
Tū Kaha, TransAction, Shakti, Love Life Fono Trust, Waitematā DHB,
OUTLine, Mental Health Foundation, Body Positive, New Zealand
AIDS Foundation, AUT, Parents and Caregivers of Trans and
Gender Diverse Children, Waikato University, InsideOut, Gender
Minorities Aotearoa, Tīwhanawhana Trust and ActionStation.
We apologise for missing this meeting off the previous response.
Nāku noa, nā
From: Jaimee Paenga
Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2019 11:39 AM
To: [FOI #10879 email]
Subject: Response to you request for information (Ref: FYI)
Tēnā koe Jem,
On 2 August 2019, you requested from the Human Rights Commission (“the
Commission”) a list of formal meetings with Rainbow sector stakeholders
for the 12 months ending 30 June 2019.
Unfortunately, it appears this request did not make it through our normal
processes and our response is now outside the statutory timeframe. We are
looking into how this happened and apologise for the delay in providing
this response.
Please find attached, the Commission’s response to your request for
Alternative avenues
If you are unhappy with this response, under the Official Information Act
you are entitled to complain to the Ombudsman’s Office. Information about
how to make a complaint is available at [1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
on freephone 0800 802 602.
If you have any further queries about this response, please feel free to
contact me directly.
Nāku noa, nā
Jaimee Paenga
Ngāti Porou, Ngāi te Rangi me Ngāti Ranginui
Kaitiaki Ture | Legal Officer
New Zealand Human Rights Commission | Te Kāhui Tika Tangata
w: [3]www.hrc.co.nz
a: PO Box 10424, The Terrace, Wellington 6143
[4]Twitter [5]Facebook [6]YouTube [7]LinkedIn
[8][IMG] [9][IMG]
This message may contain information that is confidential or legally
privileged. If you have received this email in error please contact the
sender immediately. You do not have permission to use or disclose this
information if the email is not addressed to you.
Please consider the environment before printing this email
Visible links
1. http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/
2. https://www.hrc.co.nz/
3. http://www.hrc.co.nz/
4. https://twitter.com/nzhumanrights
5. https://www.facebook.com/nzhumanrightsco...
6. https://www.youtube.com/user/nzhumanrights
7. https://nz.linkedin.com/company/new-zeal...
8. http://www.dvfree.org.nz/
9. https://www.rainbowtick.nz/
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence