There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Anthony Jordan
Anthony Jordan
Joined FYI in 2013
Send message to Anthony Jordan

"Arguing with a fool only proves there's two"
"A common mistake that people make when trying to make something completely foolproof is to under estimate the ingenuity of complete fools"
"Its not until you've been in the deepest valley, will you truly know what its like to be on the highest mountain"
Sign in to change password, subscriptions and more (Anthony Jordan only)
This person's 220 Official Information requests
Access Authority to Deceased Coroner Cases in New Zealand Hospital Mortuary's
Response by Health New Zealand to Anthony Jordan on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora Anthony,
Thank you for your request of 14 March 2025 for the following information:
Please Supply the following Protocols in the Contex...
With reference to Official Information Act request, reference: GOV-037035 at the Accident Compensation Corps advice
Response by Health New Zealand to Anthony Jordan on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Anthony,
Thank you for your request for information regarding ACC funding to Health
New Zealand on 18 February 2025.
Please find...
Motorcycle Accidents and Funding of non-compliance Conduct
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 19 February 2025. If you have any questions about t...
Names of Peer Reviewers and Branch Medical Advisors
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
Thank you for contacting ACC’s Government Services inbox.
If your request falls within scope of the Official Information Act, we
will end...
The ACC do not know any Amount of funding given by their own scheme to assist Respective North Island Emergency Departments in New Zealand for years 20...
Claimant High Court Hearings and Costs Awarded to the ACC
Partially successful.
You also might want to ask for the details of which cases the claimant was successful. I can find none in 2024 or 2023. I think the most recent favoura...
Minutes Pertaining to the Europe Meeting the ACC CEO Attended in 2024
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 1 July 2024 . If you have any questions about the resp...
National Concussion Guidelines 2024 Winter Season Research Collation Resources
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 11 June 2024. If you have any questions about the respo...
Complete and Full Meeting Minutes from 6 February 2023 to date
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Anthony Jordan on .
Good afternoon Anthony,
All minutes of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and HBRC committees, including
Joint Committees, are available online via th...
Concussion Causation and Accepted forms of Evidence
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Anthony Jordan
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 11 June 2024. If you have any questions about th...
Cubic Meter of water per second flowing out to sea from Wairoa River respective Days 7th to 21st February 2023
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Anthony Jordan on .
Good afternoon Anthony,
Please see the attached email dated 13 June 2023 in response to your
request for information dated 30 May 2023.
I’m not ce...
Concussion Research Costs and Funding to Mātai Medical Research Institute
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 29 April 2024. If you have any questions about the res...
CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) Communications between the ACC and any Sports Organizations
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 29 April 2024. If you have any questions about the...
Reports that where Issued to the ACC Pertaining to Dissolution of the Multi-Discpline Panel in 2018
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Anthony Jordan
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 29 April 2024. If you have any questions about t...
CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) Financial cost to the ACC from Respective Years 2010 to date
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora,
Thank you for contacting ACC’s Government Services inbox.
If your request falls within scope of the Official Information Act, we
will end...
Feedback to Media Regarding Avacado Injruy Costs to the ACC
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 24 March 2024. If you have any questions about the resp...
Obligation to Proactivley Seek and Store Claimant Feedback
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 24 March 2024. If you have any questions about the resp...
Communications to the Minister for ACC regarding Staff Cuts
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 05 March 2024. If you have any questions about the resp...
ACC Instructions Published to Providers to Forbid giving Recommendations in Claimants Reports
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 27 February 2024. If you have any questions about the...
Term of Reference when Establishing Tyre Disposal Tariffs
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Anthony Jordan on .
Tēnā koe Anthony
Thank you for your email of 6 February 2024 to the Ministry for the
Environment (the Ministry) requesting the following informa...
Concussion Clinic Feedback/Post Concussion Services Feedback
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora
Thank you for contacting ACC; this is an automatic reply to confirm we
have received your email.
We will try to respond your query...
Pleading Guilty under Duress due to Threats/Coercion/Psychiatric and Psychological factors...Turning around Justice for the actual Victim
Response by Ministry of Justice to Anthony Jordan on .
Kia ora Anthony
Please find attached a response to your query regarding pleading guilty
under duress.
Ngā mihi
Water Released from Lake Waikaremoana February 2023 via Onepoto Spillway and Respective Power Stations
Response by Department of Conservation to Anthony Jordan on .
Afternoon Anthony
Please see below the information you requested initially to the Department
of Conservation on the 30^th of May 2023.
Water flow in Cubic Meters per Second Pertaining to Waiau River and Wairoa River
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Good evening Anthony,
Please find the information you requested attached, which completes your
request, and note the comments in relation to fur...
In the Context of Transparency and 'Working Together' -ACC's Prerogative to Exclude Communications between Legal Teams and the ACC in a Claimants File Information Request
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Anthony,
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 11 May 2023. If you have any questions about the respo...
This person's 28 annotations
The ACC do not know any Amount of funding given by their own scheme to assist Respective North Island Emergency Departments in New Zealand for years 20...
number of suicides of claimiants on ACC
Information not held.
In the interest of Mental Health statistics
Could Government services please quote on the cost to collate?
Any documentation relating to the number...
Complete file including kiosk, paper form
Request to Accident Compensation Corporation by Michelle Swinburne. Annotated by Anthony Jordan on .
Handled by post.
Hi Michelle
In order to avoid delays, you will need to request your personal information using the privacy information act
The ACC will only decl...
Good morning David
For information pertaining to yourself, its imperative you obtain a full copy of your ACC file in hard copy or disc
Independent Assessor Safety Concerns Submissions to withhold OI act Information
Partially successful.
Given that Wayfinders is subsidized and funded solely by the ACC...Wayfinders will be engineered to fulfill the needs of the ACC
Personally, to be p...
Independent Assessor Safety Concerns Submissions to withhold OI act Information
Partially successful.
Hi the risk of sounding cynical, Collier is very much well protected by loopholes, ignorance, constructive policy and a will by certain dep...
Complaints about Providers and Assessors
Partially successful.
Step 3
If the issue is… then…
resolved add a note in Ariba and continue to monitor performance
this process ends
not resolved consider escalating t...
Head Injury/Concussion Claims Pertinent to Police Cars
Partially successful.
A very poor response
If one is to assume that a employer must take all practicable steps to prevent injuries, surely the employer needs to know what...
Request for official information regarding ACC's policies and documentation associated with Initial Medical Assessments
Long overdue.
I wonder how many Medical Assets are unaccounted for and still sitting on people's garages etc
Standards for Head Injury (1995)
Information not held.
It is clear that the ACC needs to reassess thier information storage and referencing protocols
In order to manage future injury, past guidelines must...
ACC Contracted Medical Centres
Andrew, it looks like you will be receiving the information by this your preference?
Thank You was all over my head, I didn't see the issue with names disclosure as it was only related to meetings rather than any financial or...
Balance of Probabilities when claiming injuries can not have cover.
Awaiting classification.
I suggest you obtain a copy of:
particularly page 9
Its an excellent rea...
Excellent response and have to say, am impressed with the extra mile to assist where there may be breaches
Investigation of Suicide.
Hi Keith...just a littke heads up incase your dragged through a 90 days wait with fruitless results.
Best prepare a request to the privacy commission...
Requests by Coroners Court
Providing a summary of information requested to Coroner potentially leaves ACC open to non-transparency related issues. An example...very close to home...
Disclosing Evidence to Public Media before Trial
Thank you Oliver...I intend making further inquiries as this doesn't full fill the request. I cannot find the information in any part of this link.
ACC Research
Partially successful.
Hi Brownyn. You may like to view 'Internal vs External' Branch Medical Advisers, a change in tact by Corp maybe....
Party Status Files
Partially successful.
If a request is made by an individual using 'please supply a full and complete copy of all information (Name and Details etc) held by the Corporation',...
Mental Injury Cover Part A
Partially successful.
Please accept any apologies owing in advance should this appear on the 'personal' side. I agree with the earlier statement... This site must be used fo...
Chum up with an MP and run it past them....if a member of parliament applies for info they won't be asked to pay...
How does ACC monitor social media
Chum up with an MP and run it past them....if a member of parliament applies for info they won't be asked to pay...
Case load of sensitive claims psychiatrists
Partially successful.
Fears for safety are subjective until such time those people feeling fearful for their safety or that of their family can produce evidence to prove a r...
If it is of any assistance to your request for information, The ACC released similar information to an advocate in 2009, then refused persistently requ...
Hi Luke
Many thanks for taking the time to post an annotation. I have to admit to not been a pro on these sort of matters and can get side-tracked on...