There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Anthony Jordan
Anthony Jordan
Joined FYI in 2013
Send message to Anthony Jordan

"Arguing with a fool only proves there's two"
"A common mistake that people make when trying to make something completely foolproof is to under estimate the ingenuity of complete fools"
"Its not until you've been in the deepest valley, will you truly know what its like to be on the highest mountain"
Sign in to change password, subscriptions and more (Anthony Jordan only)
This person's 220 Official Information requests (page 7)
Roadside Memorials onside District Roads
Response by Wairoa District Council to Anthony Jordan on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for your email.
Trudy Clark
It Systems Administrator
P: +64 6 838 7309
F: +64 6 838 8874
PO Box 54 | WAIROA 4160
Email:- [emai...
$450 Million Programme to Boost ACC - One year on
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Tçnâ koe Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request under the Official
Information Act 1982.
Ngâ mihi
Travel Expenses Dr John Lewis Collier - Hamilton
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Good afternoon,
Please see attached response to your OIA request of 19 January 2017.
Yours sincerely
Government Services
Dr John Lewis Collier - Hamilton Income and ACC Claimant Cases for years Jan 2010 - To date
Follow up sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by Anthony Jordan on .
Thank you for your recent reply.
Please accept my sincere and genuine apologies for any impression that may appear to vindicate Dr Collier in any...
Dr John Lewis Collier - Hamilton Income and MSD Claimant Cases for years Jan 1996 - To date
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Anthony Jordan on .
Tçnâ koe Anthony Jordan,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request of 29 November 2016
Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Evidence Based Practices used by ACC to assess entitlements
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Link: [1]File-List
Good afternoon Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request dated 19 Sept 2016.
Roadside Memorials Erected in Wairoa District
Follow up sent to Wairoa District Council by Anthony Jordan on .
Long overdue.
Details will be found with correspondence dated 21 July 2016. ie the initial request made to WDC. Please note delay in response
Yours sincerely,...
Rotorua Branch Telephone Recording Policy
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Good afternoon Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request of 10 May 2016.
Government Services
Clients/Claimants requirement to Comply with Current Health and Safety Law in Workplace whilst in ACC 'Care"
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request under the Official
Information Act 1982.
Yours sincerely
Re: Dr B Cheesman - Emphasis is placed on 'to the best of the Corporation's knowledge'...
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Jordan
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
of 1 May 2016.
Yours sincerely
Accident Compensation Corporation and Section 240 Crimes act (1961)
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Anthony Jordan on .
Waiting clarification.
Please note clarification
(February 19, 2016)
Please provide the following:
1/ Is the Accident Compensation
Corporation exempt from the crime...
Disclosure of Allegation Photographic Evidence and Police Statements Publicly ie Facebook before Conviction
Response by New Zealand Police to Anthony Jordan on .
I have been asked to send you the attached reply to your request for
Employment Contract including References to any 'Benefit Packages'
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Tçnâ koe Mr Jordan
Official Information Act Request
Please find attached ACC’s response to your email of 23 February 2016.
If you hav...
Cambridge Physiotherapy vs Accident Compensation Corporation
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Dear Mr Jordan
Please find attached a response to your request under the Official
Information Act 1982.
Yours sincerely
Government Servi...
Case Managers increase in Claimant Case Load/Reduction of Case Managers
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Dear Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request
Yours sincerely
Government Services...
30% Claimant reduction Objective this year (2016)
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Jordan
Official Information Act Request
Thank you for your email of 28 January 2016 requesting the following
1. ...
Concussion/mTBI Guidelines used 1991-1998 or at least include years 1995/96/97
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Jordan
Please see our attached response to your 10 December 2015 request.
Yours sincerely
Government Services ...
Dealings Specific to Clients with Invisible Neuro-Psychiatric Impairments e.g. Concussion/mTBI/Epilepsy
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Anthony Jordan on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe Anthony Jordan,
Further to the Ministry's previous email, please find the response to your Official information Act request attached.
Nā mā...
Senior Peer Reviewers
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mr Jordan,
I would be interested in the names of the peer reviewers as it seems like all WPI assessments now have to be peer reviewed, not ju...
Concussion Prevention and Diagnosis in New Zealand Defense Force Conducive to United States Defense Force
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Anthony Jordan on .
Good morning Mr Jordan
Please find attached a response to your request:
Corporate and Ministerial Services
Office of the Chief of...
Embalming and Funeral Director Services/Accidental Death Cover
Follow up sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by Anthony Jordan on .
Apologies for oversight....very informative and greatly appreciated
Yours sincerely,
Anthony Jordan
'Consultation reply Letter' Re:FYI request 1453-6d66ef07 Dr J Collier work hours (as per Part A.4.Table 1 CPS3) Contract Compliance
Follow up sent to Accident Compensation Corporation by Anthony Jordan on .
I don't believe it is upto the Corporation to dictate how a request for Public Information should be obtained outside of this forum. Be advised so's...
Disclosing Evidence to Public Media before Trial
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Anthony Jordan on .
Please be advised I have perused the link and cannot find the information as requested. Would be most grateful for a more elaborate disclosure
Re: Dr John Lewis Collier (Specialist Psychiatrist) 11 Firth St Hamilton East/100 Clarence Street Hamilton Practice letter of Confirmation working hours in Private Practice
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Dear Mr Jordan
Thank you for your email of 15 October 2015, which relates to ACC’s
consultation with Dr Collier noted in our response of 27 March 20...
Neuro-Optometry Entitlement when Concussion Services Ineligible to Claimant
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC’s response to your request of 28 October 2015.
Government Services, ACC