Requests similar to 'District Plan Change 18 - Appointment of Hearing Panel'
Streamlined Planning Process - District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Process Matters Relating to Plan Change 18 - Plimmerton Farm
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Long overdue.
Dear Brian
Happy New Year.
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Plan Change 18 - correspondence about relationships
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Information not held.
Dear Brian
Happy New Year and thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Proposed District Plan Change 18 Costs - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Appointment of, and Delegation to. Hearing Commissioners
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Streamlined Planning Process and Costs - Proposed District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Dear Brian
Thank you for your Official Information Act request.
Please find attached our Acknowledgment letter.
Ngā mihi,
Streamlined Planning Process - Proposed District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian,
Please find attached a response to your 21 February 2020 request for
official information.
Please note the Ministry for the...
Streamlined Planning Process - Proposed District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Request sent to Ministry for the Environment by Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
I understand that Porirua City Council has made an application for the Minister for the Environment for him to direct that the Streamlined Planning...
Officer Contribution to Proposed District Plan
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Kia ora James,
Thank you for your information request relating to current delegations by
Auckland Council under the Resource Management Act 1991...
Costs of Processing Plan Change 18
Request sent to Porirua City Council by Brian Warburton on .
I understand that in the processing Plan Change 18 the Council incurred costs amounting to $1,340,958.71 that PCC was entitled to recover from the l...
Jet Ski Event Onepoto - 17 January, 2020
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Long overdue.
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Delegations under the Resource Management Act
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Brian
Please find attached a reply to your recent Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act request for delegations under the R...
Determination of MHWS at Onepoto in Relation to Boatshed Developments
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Brian
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your request to the appropriate
department to respond to you.
Please find attache...
Advice for commissioner appointments
Response by Paul Goldsmith to Tyler Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Tyler
Please see attached the response from Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister of
Justice, to your OIA request of 18 August 2024.
Ngā m...
Information Relating to Workshops and Council Meeting
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Receipt of request for official information
Thank you for your request for official information received on 15
December 2022...
Determining Alignment of MHWS
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgment letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records &...
Section 35(2)(d) of the RMA – Monitoring the Exercise of Resource Consents
Response by Carterton District Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian,
LGOIMA Request 2021-96
Thank you for your email request of 5 September 2021.
Attached, our response to your request....
Time to Process LGOIMA Requests
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia Ora Brian
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your request to the appropriate
department to respond to you.
Please see attached our Ack...
Section 35(2)(d) of the RMA – Monitoring the Exercise of Resource Consents
Response by Auckland Council to Brian Warburton on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Brian,
Thank you for contacting the Official Information and Privacy team.
We have passed on your request to our Regulatory Service...
Objection hearing 8th November 2018, menacing dog classification. Stephen John Nahu, dog Lukah.
Response by Auckland Council to Stephen John on .
Dear Stephen,
Thank you for your request for a transcript and/or minute of the objection hearing relating to your dog Lukah on 8 November 2018.
Transfer of LGOIMA request from Porirua CC to Wellington RC
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Hello Brian Warburton
Thank you for contacting us.
Your request has been refer to our Records Management Department.
We expect that you will be c...
Wastewater Joint Venture - Wellington City Council
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Use of GIS Data with Development of Proposed District Plan
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brian
Thank you for your email. I have forwarded your request to the appropriate
department to respond to you.
Please find attached our Ackno...