Rich Seager (Account suspended)
Joined FYI in 2019
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Your account was suspended for use of annotations against moderation policy and subsequent messages to the site admin.

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This person's 18 Official Information requests
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Hello Rich Seager RFI,
We're rolling out a new reporting system, we'd love to hear what you
Dear Rich
Please find the response to your OIA request of 03 September 2020 attached.
Should you have any queries regarding this request, please resp...
Percentage of your travel for the calendar year 2019
Response by Julie Anne Genter to Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request.
Kind regards,
Ngā mihi
Nā Stuart
Stuart Baker | Private Secretary Executive
Bicycles, scooters
Response by New Zealand Customs Service to Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Rich Seager
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 on 24
August 2020.
The information you are seeking...
Social media, the commons and women
Actually, both questions were addressed in the response. The answer to both your questions was “no”. Obviously, that is not the answer you wanted, but...
Innovating Street program
Request to New Zealand Transport Agency by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
And therefore it's possible that I should mark this as 'they were economical with the truth'.
Costs and expected lifetime of Paxster vehicles
Request to New Zealand Post Limited by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
I actually like the idea of the Paxters, and am hoping that they're economically viable. It is certainly useful that they can maneuver onto footpaths....
Dear Rich,
Many thanks for your email to Hon James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change, Minister of Statistics, Associate Minister of Finance, and Green...
Tēnā koe Rich Seager
Please find attached a letter from Hon Eugenie Sage in response to your
Official Information Act request da...
I'd have to add that this should be a core issue for Greens.
Seems as if the message is do as I say, not do as I do.
That will go down well.
Births, Death, Marriages and Relationship Registration Bill 2017
Follow up sent to Tracey Martin by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
everyone is impacted by any changes that are made to these laws. In some cases it may be necessary for a Minister to reject changes that supposedly...
btw that train could double as an airport train. One airport for lakes/Invercargill/Dunedin is possible if based somewhere north of Gore and with fa...
Hi Holly,
I sort of figured that you might have been Rod's daughter. So just searched it, and found this;
Website designer
Request to Michael Wood by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Thanks Mark but I already have had a look at the Act (as well as the Ombudsmen Act (1975) and advice given to MPs on the topic.
I think that it coul...
DCC and OMV or their representatives
Follow up sent to Dunedin City Council by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
please excuse any possible double-ups, as I thought that I'd already replied.
Thanks for this. Due to the redactions I've categorised it as 'parti...
Information regarding South and North Dunedin Post Offices (now closed)
Request to New Zealand Post Limited by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
This request was refused here;
Information regarding South and North Dunedin Kiwibanks (now closed)
Request to New Zealand Post Limited by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Very poor response. In a democracy it is important that we are provided with the information required for us to make decisions on whether the citizenry...
Otago Regional Council and OMV or their representatives
Request to Otago Regional Council by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Thanks James. Very much appreciated.
Over to Sue.
This person's 39 annotations
Innovating Street program
Request to New Zealand Transport Agency by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
And therefore it's possible that I should mark this as 'they were economical with the truth'.
Innovating Street program
Request to New Zealand Transport Agency by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
I would add that "in time" is not the same as "before" too btw.
Mr Rodgers,
keep your subjective insults to yourself, there's no need to add paranoid as above.
This site is harshly policed isn't it. I'm surprise...
Green Schools
Request to James Shaw by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
I suggest that you resign. And you should get all the other 6 Green MPs who have yet to resign to resign as well.
Disappointing doesn't even cover h...
Emails and analysis regarding Births, Deaths and Marriages Act
Awaiting classification.
Hi Charlie,
if you want to put in an application for just a month to try and avoid such a response go ahead otherwise I will do the same in a few day...
Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group (Te Manu Korihi)- OIA request
Request to Inland Revenue Department by john luke. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
John, seems to me that your request was spectacularly unsuccessful. I'd suggest searching linkedin for board members names. Arthur Chin claims to be a...
Costs and expected lifetime of Paxster vehicles
Request to New Zealand Post Limited by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
I actually like the idea of the Paxters, and am hoping that they're economically viable. It is certainly useful that they can maneuver onto footpaths....
Request to NetSafe Incorporated by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
I fully expect that you will refuse to answer this request by the way. In which case, I advise you, that it is going straight to the ombudsman.
Total km's of separated cycleways in NZ
Request to New Zealand Transport Agency by Rod Badcock. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Hi Rod,
I guess I thought that the information provided did not address your questions.
Looking at the Dunedin information on the GIS is interestin...
Total km's of separated cycleways in NZ
Request to New Zealand Transport Agency by Rod Badcock. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
The request seems to have been refused Rod?
It's showing currently as 'successful'.
Also would add that a lot of those 'cycle paths' on the gis map...
Social media, the commons and women
Request to Julie Anne Genter by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
I've updated the status of this one, not sure why it was classified as successful, when in fact it addressed neither of my two questions.
Costs and expected lifetime of Paxster vehicles
Request to New Zealand Post Limited by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
yes unfortunately in regards to transparency (which apparently we're top of the world at) we live in NZ. :)
So my 'partially successful' is rela...
Costs and expected lifetime of Paxster vehicles
Request to New Zealand Post Limited by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
Someone.... updated this to 'refused'. It was mostly refused but not totally so I've updated it again to 'partially successful'.
Thanks NZ Post.
In the absence of others having not done it.
EVs, EVs, EVs.
Time to move to Trams, Trains, Buses, bicycles and walking. Cities don't need cars.
Information about actions taken since climate emergency declared
Request to Wellington City Council by Hugh Davenport. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Long overdue.
I had the same promise from the Green Party.
Nothing came of it.
Information about actions taken since climate emergency declared
Request to Wellington City Council by Hugh Davenport. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Long overdue.
Like your work, Hugh.
Planning retreat in Martinborough. Labour PM, Cabinet and Caucus.
Request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Mr M P Ross. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
Sounds familiar. It's what John Key used to do.
Website designer
Request to Michael Wood by Rich Seager (Account suspended). Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Thanks Mark but I already have had a look at the Act (as well as the Ombudsmen Act (1975) and advice given to MPs on the topic.
I think that it coul...
OIA request: UFOs
Request to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand by James Kirk. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
What would Spock think?
Communications with Lizzie Marvelly
Partially successful.
17th July.
Communications with Lizzie Marvelly
Partially successful.
Agree with Hamish here, 15 days after the 26th June was the 17th June. It is now another 6 working days overdue from that extension.
They're all different David Parkers...
Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2014
Request to Ministry of Justice by robert mckenzie. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Information not held.
There's a movement in the United States (of all places) to nullify all student loan debts. And yes those European countries that offer free education t...
Sexual Dimorphism Confusion.
Request to Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor by C Montague. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
One more annotation. Claire Ainsworth, the journalist of the article referred to in the response to this OIA request has stated that she believes that...