Rod Badcock
Joined FYI in 2015
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This person's 10 Official Information requests
Integrated transport with active modes - bikes on trains
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Rod Badcock on .
Greeting for the day!
I am Divya, a Web Development Manager in India and I work with
110+experienced IT professionals who are into:
Release of communications regarding LGOIA request dated 15th November
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello Rod Badcock,
Thank you for your Request for Information submission, it has been received by Hutt City Council and is currently being reviewed....
Off-leash dog exercise policy and safety on shared paths
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
Awaiting classification.
Hello Rod Badcock,
Thank you for your Request for Information submission, it has been received by Hutt City Council and is currently being reviewed....
Wainui Road - pedestrian refuges - what consideration has been made for people on bicycles in the risk assessment and planning stages
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Rod Badcock,
We refer to your request dated 5 August 2021.
Please find attached your response letter.
Nāku noa, nā
Woburn Road - pedestrian refuges - what consideration has been made for people on bicycles in the risk assessment and planning stages
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Rod Badcock,
We refer to your official information request dated 1 May 2021.
Please find attached the response letter.
Cost, number and progress on Advance Stop Boxes in HCC
Response by Hutt City Council to Rod Badcock on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Badcock,
It is intended that the cycle boxes at both Cornwall / Kings and Cornwall / Waterloo will be painted within the next 2 months.
We ar...
Total km's of separated cycleways in NZ
Request to New Zealand Transport Agency by Rod Badcock. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Hi Rod,
I guess I thought that the information provided did not address your questions.
Looking at the Dunedin information on the GIS is interestin...
Total km's of separated cycleways in NZ
Response by Ministry of Transport to Rod Badcock on .
Kia ora, This request was transferred to NZTA on 17 December 2019 and has was answered by them -
Maintenance and inspection of Cycling Safety signals on Southbound State Highway 2 at Petone interchange.
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Rod Badcock on .
Information not held.
Dear Rod
Please find attached the response to your request of 5 May 2018 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Brief, scope and cost of GHD cycleway designs for Hutt City Council
Follow up sent to Hutt City Council by Rod Badcock on .
Further to this request I have had discussions and meetings with Ron Muir, Lyle Earle and Jan Simmons and now have clear information. I now know the...
This person's 1 annotation
Total km's of separated cycleways in NZ
Rich, this was answered in the attachment