NetSafe Incorporated
A public authority, also called NetSafe
NetSafe is subject to the Official Information Act in respect of functions it performs as the "approved agency" under s.7 of the Harmful Digital Communications Act.
10 requests
1 follower
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JUNE 20, 2024
Simon Anderson
[1][FOI #26543 email]
To Simon
Request for access to information held by Netsafe
Thank you for...
Communications with Twitter, Youtube & Google
Response by NetSafe Incorporated to Jai Ganesh on .
Waiting clarification.
FEBRUARY 16, 2023
Jai Ganesh
[1][FOI #21443 email]
To Jai Ganesh
Request for access to information held by Nets...
Dear Isla,
Please find your OIA response attached.
Ngā mihi,
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture
Findings of an investigation into an alleged "hacking" of the Facebook account Tanya Unkovich
Response by NetSafe Incorporated to Jack Tallott on .
Long overdue.
To Jack
Request for access to information held by Netsafe
Thank you for your correspondence of August 12, 2024 where you requested
copies o...
JUNE 06, 2024
Simon Anderson
[1][email address]
To Simon
Request for access to information held by Netsafe
I have made a complaint to the Ombudsman.
Communications between Netsafe and Facebook (Meta)
Response by NetSafe Incorporated to P Taylor on .
Long overdue.
FEBRUARY 23, 2023
P Taylor
[FOI #20990 email]
To P Taylor
Request for access to information held by Netsafe ...
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Hello Rich Seager RFI,
We're rolling out a new reporting system, we'd love to hear what you
Tauiwi Tautoko project handles
Response by NetSafe Incorporated to Victoria Muninn on .
Awaiting classification.
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Hello Victoria Muninn,
We're rolling out a new reporting system, we'd love to hear what you
Public figures using the Harmful Digital Communications Act
Response by NetSafe Incorporated to Tane Harre on .
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your report (60254) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to
this email
Lee (Netsafe...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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