Andrew Riddell
Joined FYI in 2015
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This person's 92 Official Information requests
School Lunch Programme - more details on feedback
Response by David Seymour to Andrew Riddell on .
Awaiting classification.
Please note this is an automatically generated email.
Thank you for taking the time to contact Hon David Seymour. While David
considers all correspo...
Dear Andrew
Please find attached response to your information request of 17 March
Kind regards,
Office of Hon David Se...
Local government - wellbeings and rates
Request sent to Department of Internal Affairs by Andrew Riddell on .
Awaiting response.
In the Cabinet paper, Local Government System Improvements: Policy Decisions, dated 13 November 2024 the future of the four wellbeings required to b...
Francesca Albanese visit
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
An updated document was provided following my complaint to the Ombudsman and their investigation. It is unclear whether the emails that MFAT refused to...
Kia ora Andrew,
This is a courtesy notification that the Regulatory Impact Statement on
refocusing the purpose of local government, which includes t...
Dear Andrew,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Visit us on...
ICJ Advisory Decision on Occupied Palestinian Territories
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
The requested information was provided with quite a few redactions.
Investment Quarterly Reporting
The last email from Treasury is an apology for not providing requested information promptly. The Ombudsman had investigated and decided that there had...
Regulatory Standards Bill Consultation - supplementary documents
Response by Ministry for Regulation to Andrew Riddell on .
Kia ora Andrew
Our reference: R00678
Thank you for your request, which we have considered under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the OIA...
Good evening Andrew,
Please find attached a response from Hon Simeon Brown.
Office of Hon Simeon Brown
Minister of Transpo...
Planning and permissions positions
Response by Department of Conservation to Andrew Riddell on .
Kia ora Andrew,
Please find attached the Department of Conservation’s response to your
request, which we received on 06 November 2024.
If you have...
Israeli attacks on UNIFIL
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
Lots of redactions so cannot say have received all of the information
Roof top solar
Long overdue.
Copies of briefing papers on roof top solar have been sent to me under my Expert Energy Group request.
Dear Andrew,
Please see attached Minister Brown’s response to your OIA including the
requested documents.
Kind regards
Office of Hon...
20 working days to decide Mr Seymour was speaking on the economy as the ACT leader not as Associate Minister of Finance!
Dear Andrew Riddell,
Thank you for your email of 27 June 2024 in which you requested the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):
Purchasing services from private companies
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Andrew Riddell on .
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 18 September 2024. If you have any questions about the response...
Local government technical advisory group
Response by Simeon Brown to Andrew Riddell on .
Dear Andrew,
Please find attached correspondence from Hon Simeon Brown regarding your
request under the Official Information Act 1982.
Good evening Andrew
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngâ mihi,
8 October 2024
Andrew Riddell
[FOI #27966 email]
Official inf...
Kia ora Andrew,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, plea...
OIA 29524 - who was consulted
Follow up sent to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell on .
Thanks for the prompt response to my information request.
Andrew Riddell
Local government distractions and experiments
Response by Christopher Luxon to Andrew Riddell on .
11 September 2024
Andrew Riddell
[FOI #28167 email]
Ref: PMO 077-2024-2...
Dear Andrew
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards
Office of Hon Simeon Brown
Dear Andrew Riddell
Please find attached a response from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to
your email of 2 August 2024.
Kind regards
Advice provided on South African case to International Court of Justice
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
The information has been heavily redacted and does not address all the matters on which information was requested. A complaint is being lodged with the...
This person's 67 annotations
Public hospital elective surgery wait times
Awaiting classification.
It looks like the attached spreadsheet doesn't allow access to the figures.
Francesca Albanese visit
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
An updated document was provided following my complaint to the Ombudsman and their investigation. It is unclear whether the emails that MFAT refused to...
Francesca Albanese visit
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
I have complained to the Ombudsman over the MFAT reply and refusal to review and provide emails. The Ombudsman tells me that MFAT have agreed there is...
Costs and benefits of four wellbeings
Refused because a cabinet paper considered relevant will be publicly released this month.
There was a subtle reframing of my request from 'all eviden...
ICJ Advisory Decision on Occupied Palestinian Territories
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
The requested information was provided with quite a few redactions.
Investment Quarterly Reporting
The last email from Treasury is an apology for not providing requested information promptly. The Ombudsman had investigated and decided that there had...
ICJ Advisory Decision on Occupied Palestinian Territories
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Yet again Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade extends the time to provide the requested information, notwithstanding this time that it is a simple re...
Israeli attacks on UNIFIL
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
Lots of redactions so cannot say have received all of the information
Roof top solar
Long overdue.
Copies of briefing papers on roof top solar have been sent to me under my Expert Energy Group request.
Roof top solar
Long overdue.
Got told on 25 October that responding to this information request is extended to 15 November.
20 working days to decide Mr Seymour was speaking on the economy as the ACT leader not as Associate Minister of Finance!
Processing of information request
I have complained to the Ombudsman about the delay in getting a response. Today I received and email from the Ombudsman saying that the Minster's offic...
Advice provided on South African case to International Court of Justice
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
The information has been heavily redacted and does not address all the matters on which information was requested. A complaint is being lodged with the...
Engagement with Israeli Embassy
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
The difficulty in getting any information from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade over what their advice is to the government over the genocide and...
Investment Quarterly Reporting
This quote from the Ombudsman is in this article
Investment Quarterly Reporting
Can't immediately find the Ombudsman's comment but copied down this from a report on a 'consultation' delay - likely to be a decision on a request to H...
Covid-19 public health measures
Another one of those 'we are going to publish this soon so refuse to provide it now' responses.
Despite recent Ombudsman ruling on this sort of refus...
Benefits of Charter Schools
Asking a Minister what advice he has received looks more like a request the Minister should answer, not transfer it elsewhere. Transferring the request...
Covid-19 public health measures
The part of the request relating to briefings etc to the Minister of Health is still to be answered.
Francesca Albanese visit
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Essentially the request was refused because so much of it was redacted. There were a number of emails potentially within the ambit of the request but M...
I-Rex KiwiRail Project
Request refused because Treasury are releasing the documents anyway.
This request was refused on very shabby grounds.
Decision to oppose a UN resolution
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade took a very restrictive approach to the request, only provided what they felt like providing, and redacted things...
Partially successful.
I have made several information requests to this government re Israel's genocidal actions.
The repsonses follow the same pattern. First, seek to redu...
briefings on Israel and Gaza
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade by Andrew Riddell. Annotated by Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
(a) I will be complaining to the Ombudsman over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade's response
- excessive delays in providing the requested inf...