robert mckenzie
Joined FYI in 2016
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This person's 17 Official Information requests
Third party debt collection agencies - Student Loans
Response by Inland Revenue Department to robert mckenzie on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Robert
Please find attached a response to your OIA request received...
Student Loan arrests 2021 / 2022
Response by Inland Revenue Department to robert mckenzie on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Robert Mckenzie
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information
Act received on 2022-08-26.
Please find attached th...
Good afternoon Mr McKenzie
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act 1982 request, on behalf...
Student Loan arrest data
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to robert mckenzie on .
Waiting clarification.
Good afternoon
Please see attached.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services
Dear Robert
Please find attached the reply to your correspondence of 13 January 2020.
Kind regards
Ministerial Services
Student Loans
I would like to know how it would be at all possible to identify an individual tax payer by releasing a number of people who have lost their home in Au...
Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2014
Request to Ministry of Justice by robert mckenzie. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Information not held.
There's a movement in the United States (of all places) to nullify all student loan debts. And yes those European countries that offer free education t...
Contigency plans for immenenat collapse of the biosphere
Response by Ministry for the Environment to robert mckenzie on .
Information not held.
Kia ora
Please find attached the response to your request of 26 June 2019.
Ngâ mihi
Executive Relations Team
Ministry for the Enviro...
Good morning
Please find attached a response to your Official Information request on
behalf of Kaylynne Bell,...
Student Loans on returning citizens
Response by Inland Revenue Department to robert mckenzie on .
Good afternoon,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act
Manager Commissioner's Correspondence
Student Loan Debt Collection overseas
Response by Inland Revenue Department to robert mckenzie on .
Dear Mr McKenzie,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Jonathan Burrage
Manager, Gove...
Good morning Mr McKenzie,
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request
which was received on 7 March 2017.
Student Loan Contracts
Information not held.
What was the actual response from the IRD to this request?
Student Loan Collection
Response by Inland Revenue Department to robert mckenzie on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act
Manager Commissioner's Correspondence
Good afternoon Mr McKenzie
Please find attached Inland Revenue's response to your recent information request.
Nancy Robbie |Senior Mi...
Dear Mr McKenzie
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
regarding the Manukau District Court.
Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2014
Long overdue.
The signed contracts, if still held, are probably held offsite at a records management archive warehouse.
If they have disposed of the contract, the...
This person's 6 annotations
Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2014
Information not held.
Sorry to hear about your mother.
If it’s any consolation I am 100 percent confident you will not be arrested, the new Labour govt have pre...
Student Loan Arrest details
Long overdue. have there been 3 arrests or what? Was Nga Puna just a media stitch up orchestrated by the govt?
What a bizarre answer, they completely skirted around the issue using legal jargon and other nonsensical language. So basically in a nutshell put as li...
Student Loan Collection
Partially successful.
You didn't answer my question:
"Can you please provide me how many suicides have been attributed to IRD’s questionable Student Loan collection practi...
Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2014
Long overdue.
I am still waiting on the Ministry of Social Development regarding the copies signed loan contracts which they have still not provided.
Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2014
Information not held.
Also as annotation to the above:
Under section 26 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990:
"26 Retroactive penalties and double jeopardy