Requests similar to 'Information regarding the removal of the Ostend Road/Wharf Road bus route on Waiheke Island'

Dear Hana, Thank you for your request for information about weed control in Auckland. Please see attached our response. Kind regards, The Privac...
Hi Hana,   We are checking with the relevant department, and will come back to you promptly.   Kind regards Sarah   Sarah Parry-Crooke |...
Decision process to upgrade bus stop 1188
Response by Auckland Transport to Andrew Watkins on .
[File retrieved from agency's cloud storage by administrator on behalf of user.] Samira Ghadimi (AT) From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachmen...
Good morning Hana,   We have responded to your below request, in conjunction with a further request received about the below topic, to your personal...
Kia ora Hana   Sorry for not acknowledging your email below and thank you for the reminder. We did receive your email of 19 September, and we are...
Kia ora Hana,   I’ve attached the official information you asked for On 7 March 2021 you asked for information about further funding clarificati...
Kia ora Hana,   Thank you for your request for information about Copy of weed treatment schedules.   I have attached an information sheet on o...
Dear William, Thank you for your request for information on the progress update to the Local Government Commission.  Please see attached our respons...
Removal of bus stop indents
Response by Auckland Transport to Andrew Watkins on .
[File retrieved from agency cloud storage by admin on behalf of user.] From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Nabeel Azafer (AT) Stuart M...
The Weed Management Policy adopted by Council in August 2013 had as its very first action: “1a incorporate the vision and objectives of the weed m...
Development Plans for Bayswater Marina
Response by Auckland Council to Maire Vieth on .
Dear Maire   Thank you for your request for information relating to the Bayswater Marina.   Please find attached a response for information re...
Kia ora John Our response to your request about the Aotea Plan  is attached. If you have questions, please contact me at [email address] Ngā mih...
Dear Ms Blackmore Please find council's response to your recent request attached. Kind regards Turi McLeod-Bennett | Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partn...
Request for parking ticket data for the Auckland isthmus area
Response by Auckland Transport to Marcus on .
Partially successful.
Dear Marcus   We refer to your request for information dated 15 January 2018 in relation to parking ticket data for the last 5 years covering the...
Waiheke ferry service database
Response by Auckland Transport to J Diprose on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe J Diprose Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our response. Please note you have the right to request a revie...
TE AU Ō MOANA TE WERO NUI EDUCATION AND SURVEILLANCE REPORT INTRODUCTION Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust (NMST) continue to undertake advocacy mahi...
Kia ora Elizabeth Our response to your request about foreign visitors to Waiheke is attached. I apologise for the delay in getting this information...
Voting record of Waiheke Local Board
Response by Auckland City Council to Andrew Watkins on .
Good afternoon, Please refer the attachment. Regards Stephanie Fleming [Auckland Council] CAUTION: This email message and any attachments cont...
Waiheke Local Board meetings and training
Response by Auckland City Council to Andrew Watkins on .
Dear Mr Watkins Please find attached our response to your request. Regards Veena Kavia Information Advisor Public Information Office This emai...
Kia ora Timothy,   I refer to your official information request dated the18th of May 2024 for the Auckland Ferry Programme Business Case commissione...
A section of the webcast recording of the Annual Plan Debate and proceedings that took place on 13 May 2016 was expunged from the archive record wit...
Total SuperGold Waiheke Trips Per Annum
Response by Ministry of Transport to Mike Keana on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Mr Keana   We refer to your request for information dated 12 May 2018 with the Ministry of Transport in relation to the total number of trips...
Dear Daniel   Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 8 April 2016 requesting information relating to the online top up for the AT HOP card...
Tēnā koe R Jones, Thank you for your request for information. We appreciate your patience while we worked on your request. Please see attached our r...
Dear Ms Blackmore Please find Councils response to your LGOIMA attached. Kind regards Turi McLeod-Bennett | Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner Privac...