Actions undertaken in the exotic Caulerpa response

Dan Moskovitz made this Official Information request to Auckland Council

Currently waiting for a response from Auckland Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Dan Moskovitz

Dear Auckland Council,

1. I request a list of the actions the Council has undertaken as part of the response to exotic Caulerpa. Putting this in a table would be ideal, if possible.

2. I also request any reports sent back to council or other stakeholders as a result of these actions.

If part 2 results in a prohibitively large amount of information, please let me know as I'm happy to refine.

A preemptive thank you - I do understand that these requests can take a large amount of information and time.

Yours faithfully,

Dan Moskovitz

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Things to do with this request

Auckland Council only: