There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Marcus Marcus Marcus Marcus
This person's 19 Official Information requests
Good afternoon Marcus,
Thank you for your email.
I have received the following response from our marketing team in regard
to your follow up q...
ICD-10/ICD-11 Mortality Questions
Response by Ministry of Health to Marcus on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Marcus
This is a re-send from last Friday 21 February 2025- just in case it was
not received.
Thank you for your request for informati...
Information about the financial health of the FVLB during the Covid era
Awaiting response.
I had sent a direct email earlier today at 2:25pm in order to confirm that my request had arrived and that there hadn't been a delivery failure
Miscellaneous questions about PB/5 pedestrian button
Response by Auckland Transport to Marcus on .
Kia ora Marcus
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 16/12/2024 you asked for information about the PB/5 pedestrian button
Gamma Hotel Emergency Housing Provider
Thanks to this, I confirmed that Gamma Hotel (Steelpoint Hotel Limited under the hood) is part of Roger Nolan and Jinhua Ou's collection of hotels that...
[DPMC] OIAs affected by Section 6 | Aug 2020 - Aug 2021
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Marcus on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coo...
Rejected under the grounds that *ahem* the specific grounds of Section 6 aren't captured for each request.
Given the shear scale of OIAs that NZ Poli...
FOIA Sections S6(a) and S(6)b(i) - Nov 2019 - Aug 2020
Reported for administrator attention.
I'd be curious to know how spam came through given the responder addresses aren't public. Could it perhaps point to someone's address book being compro...
Dear Marcus
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act 1982 request on behalf of Josh Green, M...
FOIA Sections S6(a) and S(6)b(i) - Oct 2018 - Oct 2019
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Marcus on .
Kia ora Marcus
Please see attached a letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi
Request of towing data for three Tamaki Makaurau police districts
Response by New Zealand Police to Marcus on .
Kia Ora Marcus
Thank you for your request for information dated 20 August 2019. Please
see attached response.
If you have any further quer...
"Give Nothing To Racism" Campaign Costs
Response by Human Rights Commission to Marcus on .
Tēnā koe Marcus,
On 26 March 2019, you requested the following information from the Human
Rights Commission (“the Commission”):
o The breakdow...
Request for parking ticket data for the Auckland isthmus area
Response by Auckland Transport to Marcus on .
Partially successful.
Dear Marcus
We refer to your request for official information dated 15 January 2019,
requesting information about parking data.
Please fin...
Request for OIAs declined under Section 6 of the Official Information Act
Response by Jacinda Ardern to Marcus on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Marcus,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Matthew (On Behalf Of)
Request for parking ticket data for the Parnell area
Follow up sent to Auckland Transport by Marcus on .
Thanks for providing this data! I'll let you know if I can surface any useful insights while digging through it :)
Much appreciated,
Withheld / Rejected OIA Filings
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Marcus on .
Please find attached a scanned copy of the reply to your recent Official
Information Act request to the Department of the Prime M...
Cost Overrun and Failed ICT Projects
Follow up sent to Auckland Council by Marcus on .
Information not held.
Apologies for my lack of a response due to a busy few weeks. I don't have a specific scope at present so understandably, the request can't be carrie...
Cost Overrun and Failed ICT Projects
Response by Wellington City Council to Marcus on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for your email, sent to the Issues Resolution Office at Wellington City Council.
This email address is monitored daily. Your email will be a...
This person's 14 annotations
Budgeted and Actual FTEs
While this OIA appeared to be successful, it seems the responding agency forgot to attach the mentioned information
Information about the financial health of the FVLB during the Covid era
Awaiting response.
I had sent a direct email earlier today at 2:25pm in order to confirm that my request had arrived and that there hadn't been a delivery failure
Unfortunately the link appears to have expired and/or is throwing an error
OIA: Events and travel costs
Partially successful.
It seems the rest of this request was never followed up on
Data for Spread and Mortality of Covid
Partially successful.
It appears the rest of this request was never sent
While the second question was refused, the first question is publicly available information. It wasn't explicitly cited but this would generally result...
Formally refused but the information requested is publically available already as linked in the response:
Review into faulty streetlights
The links in the response are broken but at the time of writing, the mentioned report can be found over at
Gamma Hotel Emergency Housing Provider
Thanks to this, I confirmed that Gamma Hotel (Steelpoint Hotel Limited under the hood) is part of Roger Nolan and Jinhua Ou's collection of hotels that...
Gamma Hotel Emergency Housing Provider
Oh, I guess this request triggered some rule because I mentioned "my personal details"
Rejected under the grounds that *ahem* the specific grounds of Section 6 aren't captured for each request.
Given the shear scale of OIAs that NZ Poli...
FOIA Sections S6(a) and S(6)b(i) - Nov 2019 - Aug 2020
Reported for administrator attention.
I'd be curious to know how spam came through given the responder addresses aren't public. Could it perhaps point to someone's address book being compro...
I enjoyed reading this request. Thanks!
FOIA Sections S6(a) and S(6)b(i) - Nov 2019 - Aug 2020
Reported for administrator attention.
Ah! Good spotting, haha
Each year, I just copy the previous year's request and alter it slightly but now that you point it out, that is definitely a...