Requests similar to 'Covid-19 Wage Subsidy' (page 6)
Streamlined Planning Process - Proposed District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brian Warburton
Please find attached our response to your request below.
Mary Carrington, Senior Advisor
Does the Porirua City Council open its meetings with a prayer?
Response by Porirua City Council to Alex Harris on .
Please find attached response to official information request from Alex Harris.
Allie Dunn
Team Leader Democratic Services
DDI: 04 2371419
Number of Council staff earning less than $18.40 an hour
Response by Porirua City Council to Alex Harris on .
Good Morning Alex
Please find attached our reply to your recent Official Information Request.
Diane Koha
Executive Assistant to Chief Executive
Land Use of Earthworks Associated with Artificial Wetland
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Brian
Please find attached a reply to your recent Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act request relating to earthworks asso...
Complaints regarding Oranga Tamariki social workers
Response by Social Workers Registration Board to L on .
Kia ora L,
Thanks for your patience. Please find attached the SWRB’s response to your
information request.
Please let us know if you h...
Raw data for Whitford Brown Ave, Aotea
Response by New Zealand Police to Jeremy Hart on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Good afternoon Jeremy
Please find attached the reply to your Official Information Request with
regard to the traffic data on Whitford Brown Aven...
Dear Julie
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Dear Brian
Thank you for your Official Information Act request.
Please find attached our Acknowledgment letter.
Ngā mihi,
Transfer of Power Under the Resource Management Act
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Thank you for your request below for Transfer of Power Under the Resource
Management Act.
Please find attached our Acknowled...
Cellphone records for Wendy Walker from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019
Response by Porirua City Council to Old Skool on .
Dear Old Skool
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Wage Subsidy Application
Response by Tauranga City Council to Andrew Price on .
Partially successful.
Dear Andrew,
Please find your LGOIMA response letter attached to this email.
Kind regards,
William Henry
William Henry| Democracy S...
Delegations under the Resource Management Act
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Brian
Thank you for your request below regarding Delegations under the Resource
Management Act
Please find attached our Acknowledg...
I am interested in the decision-making process and communications relating to which employees were included in Council-Controlled Organisations' wag...
District Plan Change 18 - Appointment of Hearing Panel
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brian
Thank you for your request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Marcella Ropu
Records & Sc...
Professional Conduct Committees – new members needed
Response by Social Workers Registration Board to john luke on .
Kia ora John,
Please find attached a letter in response to your request for information
under the Official Information Act 1982.
Types of employees covered by the Wage Subsidy Scheme at Council Controlled Organisations: Zealandia & Wellington Zoo
Response by Wellington City Council to Ms Reynolds on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms. Reynolds,
Further to your email to the Council received on 27 May 2020 in which you
requested information regarding wage subsidy infor...
Release of documents pertaining to Spicer Landfill
Response by Porirua City Council to Rachel Allan on .
Dear Madam
We have received a transfer from Greater Wellington Regional Council
regarding reports for Spi...
Jobs for Nature Funding - Porirua Riparian Planting
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian
Attached is a response to your request for information.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services
Work Programme for
Essential Freshwate...
WCC Final Spatial Plan - Information on Rapid Transit Services and Rapid Transit Stops
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Hello Mr Randle,
Thank you for your email.
The Council has provided you with all of the information held, related to the subject of your request, apa...
Unnecessary removal of the duck pond(Aotea Lagoon) and refusal to fence off a cliff top at Titahi Bay for safetyerrace Roadnnnn
Response by Porirua City Council to D Dahya on .
Long overdue.
Kia Ora D
Thank you for your Official Information request below.
Please find attached our Acknowledgement letter.
Ngā mihi,
Costs of Processing Plan Change 18
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora,
Thanks for your email.
Your request will be logged the next business day, one of our customer
service staff will then be in touch with a...
Porirua Treatment Plant and Related Discharges
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Brian Warburton on .
Dear Mr Warburton
Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Council’s response to
your OIA request 2018-337.
Ngâ Mihi
Professional Conduct Committees
Response by Social Workers Registration Board to john luke on .
Kia ora Mr Luke,
Thank you for your patience.
Please find attached the SWRB’s response to your information request.
Ngâ mihi, ...
Alignment of MHWS - Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall, Rukutane Point
Response by Porirua City Council to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora,
Thanks for your email.
Your request will be logged the next business day, one of our customer
service staff will then be in touch with a...
COVID-19 Wage Subsidy
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Chris Dolmeth on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Chris Dolmeth,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.
Nâ mâtou noa, nâ