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29520 Official Information requests found

Past ten years of Bluff Community Board Budgets
Response by Invercargill City Council to Kylie Fowler on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora, Thank you for contacting Invercargill City Council. This is an automatic confirmation that we have received your email. Our email inbox i...
##- Please type your reply above this line -## [1]Vote NZ logo [2]an official site of the New Zealand Electoral Commission Kia ora Thank you for...
Kia ora, Thank you for getting in touch with the Ministerial Services team. Please note - the [1][Department of Corrections request email] inbox is...
Kia ora, Thank you for getting in touch with the Ministerial Services team. Please note - the [1][Department of Corrections request email] inbox is...
Kia ora, Thank you for getting in touch with the Ministerial Services team. Please note - the [1][Department of Corrections request email] inbox is...
Kia ora, Thank you for getting in touch with the Ministerial Services team. Please note - the [1][Department of Corrections request email] inbox is...
Esther Peters and Levi Marley Hetherington [email address] 9 Selby Street, Pokeno 22/02/2025 To: Ministry of Social Development (MSD) Department...
Kia ora, Thank you for getting in touch with the Ministerial Services team. Please note - the [1][Department of Corrections request email] inbox is...
MBIE and ERA Ministerial documents
Request sent to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by Erika Whittome on .
Awaiting response.
1 Would you please share the reports and directions from the Minister of Workplace relations that MBIE and the ERA received for 2024 and 2025. 2....
Would you please provide the information you hold or were supplied with on the "serious threat" ? It appears that you used "serious threat" to disre...
Number of complaints received regarding aircraft noise?
Request to Ministry of Defence by G. Reed. Annotated by G. Reed on .
Turned out that most of the problems were due to a neighbouring flight school rather than the defence field.
Do present day pharmacy provided flu vaccines contain mRNA?
Request sent to Ministry of Health by G. Reed on .
Awaiting response.
I request under the freedom of information Act as to whether present day flu vaccines still include mRNA or is there now a moratorium on this? Tha...
Covid “vaccine” safety and efficacy
Request to Ministry of Health by ASE. Annotated by G. Reed on .
Awaiting classification.
Does "unvaccinated" in this context mean never vaccinated or not followed up with a booster. Also people who were recently vaccinated were not conside...
Audits Related to Te Tiriti o Waitangi Principles in Health Organisations
Response by Simeon Brown to Hone on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for contacting the Hon Simeon Brown, Minister of Health, Minister for State Owned Enterprises, and Minister for Auckland. If the topic of...
  21 February 2025 John Luke [FOI #29900 email] Ref: PMO OIA 274-2024-25 Dear John Luke Official Information Act request: [Luke] Documents received by...
Candace Owens Correspondence
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Chris   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request.   To access the appendix please use the following...
Kia ora Kieran,   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request.   To access the appendix please use the followin...
Breakdown of Increase in MBChB Fees
Response by University of Auckland to HGH on .
Dear H.G.H,   I refer to your request of 2 November 2024.  We apologise for the delay in our response.  The University’s response follows:   “...
BDS and MBChB Alternative Category (2020-2025)
Response by University of Otago to Joseph Kalan on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Joseph Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request dated 18 December 2024. We will be ba...
BDS Waitlist Entry for Grads
Response by University of Otago to raheel hussain on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Raheel Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request. We will be back in touch soon. Ngâ...
MoH COVID-19 Science Updates
Response by Ministry of Health to Erika Whittome on .
Awaiting classification.
      Kia ora Erika       Please find attached a letter regarding your request for official information. If you wish to discuss any aspe...
Grade Distribution for HIST303 Otago 2024
Request sent to University of Otago by Seetharam Jandhyala on .
Awaiting response.
Could you please provide the grade distributions HIST303 in 2024. Yours faithfully, Anonymous
IN-CONFIDENCE Kia ora Bruce, Please se our response to your Official Information Act request.   Ngā mihi, Ministerial Support PO Box 546, W...
Is weather modification happening in NZ
Request sent to Climate Change Commission by Lynda Sampson on .
Awaiting response.
I have seen planes over the years with what seems to be 'chem'trails not contrails as I've seen them literally form clouds, and I have now been info...
Tēnā koe Jason,   Thank you for your email of 23 January 2025, asking for the following information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the A...