Browse and search requests (page 5)


27030 Official Information requests found

111 Calls 21/04/24
Response by New Zealand Police to Josh Cross on .
Awaiting classification.
  Tçnâ koe Joshua   On 30.05.2024 we emailed you requesting identity/authorisation information to authenticate your Privacy Act request entitlem...
Pay offer arbitrator - conflict of interest
Response by New Zealand Police to Katie Torrington on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Katie Police acknowledges receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request below, dated 15 July 2024. Your reference number is IR...
Prison Demographics and Recidivism Rates
Response by Department of Corrections to #cats on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe, Please see the attached response from Corrections. Ngā mihi, Ministerial Services Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa a: Natio...
Investigations and prosecution under Maritime Transport Act 1994
Response by Waikato District Council to Marie on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora   Attached is our response to your questions.   Nāku iti nei, nā Jennie   Jennie Cox​​​​  |  OFFICIAL INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ADVI...
Grade distribution for PHCY210 and PHCY211, Semester 1, 2024.
Response by University of Otago to poepies on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Poepies, Please find attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information Act request. Ngā mihi, Jo JO PEARSON (she/her...
Organisational Chart
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Tobias Tohill on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Tobias Tohill   Thank you for your request of 24 June 2024, made to the Ministry of Social Development (the Ministry) under the Official I...
Pfizer covid vaccine contract
Request sent to Health Quality and Safety Commission by Gill Ashmead on .
Awaiting response.
I would like to request the contract between govt and Pfizer on the effiacy and safety of the covid vaccines, also the requirements to mandate, lockd...
Equity Adjustor Tool
Follow up sent to Health New Zealand by Andy R on .
This information request is now one week late. Can you please provide me with an update on its progress as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, An...
OIA Ref: CAS-01858-Y3D1M4 Kia ora Mr Davies We hereby acknowledge receipt of your information request which we will process under the Official Inform...
Datacom assistance withe email redirection in transit
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Joe on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe, I am writing to you in regards to your Official Information Act 1982 request made to the Department of Internal Affairs on 2 July 2024. It...
Communications on Stefan Sunde & EY
Response by Tama Potaka to John Luke on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora John, On behlaf of Hon Tama Potaka, thank you for your email of 13 July in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows:...
Kia ora,   Please find attached a follow up response to your Official Information Act 1982 request OIA2324-1072.   Ngā mihi   Ministerial...
Cameras and commercial relationships
Response by Hamilton City Council to Editor on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora,   We refer to your information request below. Hamilton City Council provides the following response.   Your request:   This is a...
Māori School Leaver Scholarships
Response by University of Auckland to E Wilson on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear requester,   I refer to your request of 18 June 2024. The University's response follows.   "I would like to request a spreadsheet of all scho...
COVID-19 false information reporting cell
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Harold on .
Awaiting classification.
[UNCLASSIFIED] Kia ora,   Please see the attached letter regarding your OIA request.   Ngā mihi,   Ministerial Coordinator Ministerial S...
Correspondence of expectations
Response by Ministry of Social Development to M Williams on .
Tçnâ koe Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request. Nâ mâtou noa, nâ Will Official Information Team | Mi...
Dear Marc,   I refer to your request below.   Council Response   Both Council staff and The Mayor and Councillors were involved in develop...
Response by New Zealand Qualifications Authority to TK on .
Kia ora TK   Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 27 June 2024.   Ngā mihi   NZQA Ministerials team New Zealand Qualifi...
Kia ora Josh   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request.   Ngā mihi   Damian Perez| Official Corresponde...
Eviction of unruly tenants
Response by Chris Bishop to Brendon Mills on .
Awaiting classification.
OIA24-CB201   Dear Brendon   I refer to your Official Information request of Monday 15 July 2024 requesting for:   “With regards to the ne...
PACI301 Grade Distribution 2024
Response by University of Otago to AL on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe, I refer to your information request dated 5 July 2024 made under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). You have requested mark and gr...
Western Line Patronage
Response by Auckland Transport to Ms Zedd on .
Kia ora,    Thank you for your official information request dated 9^th of February 2024 asking for patronage of each station on Western Line HOP dat...
Response by Erica Stanford to James on .
Kia ora James   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request.   Ngā mihi, Lino   Ministerial Services As...
Review of the dog policy and bylaw
Response by Dunedin City Council to Rachael Nicoll on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Ora   I refer to my response (below) to your request for information relating to the proposed Dog Control Bylaw and Policy.  In my response I...
Mangakōtukutuku College, Hamilton
Response by Ministry of Education to M.R.M. on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora M.R.M   Please find attached a response to your request under the Official Information Act 1982.   Nāku noa, nā, Official and Parlia...