Ministry of Justice

A top 10 most requested agency and A ministry

675 requests

(page 5)

Recording of teleconferences and
Response by Ministry of Justice to JennyM on .
Information not held.
Dear Jenny M   Please find attached response to your correspondence of 1 December.   Yours sincerely           [1]http://justice.govt...
  =============================================================== WARNING The information contained in this email message is intended for the ad...
Consideration of overseas convictions
Response by Ministry of Justice to K Logan on .
    Hello   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.    Regards     Ministerial Services Team Nation...
This is defamatory
Response by Ministry of Justice to Pamela Absolum on .
Dear Ms Absolum   Please see attached in response to your recent Official Information Act request.   Regards Dave       [1]http://just...
Dont lie
Response by Ministry of Justice to sam on .
Dear Samuel   Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards       [1]
Registered sex offenders
Request to Ministry of Justice by Alecia Bailey. Annotated by Thomas Roberts on .
Information not held.
Yeah, I hate it when they manufacture those excuses, saying things like "there is no such thing as a registered sex offender" in New Zealand or "there...
Note from the Ministry of Justice: Most of the questions were answered and the only question the Ministry withheld was because it is under legal privi...
Bail application statistics
Request to Ministry of Justice by Sarah Carr. Annotated by luciane bryant on .
Note from the Ministry of Justice: the information requested forms part of the court record which is not subject to the Official Iinformation Act. Al...
Good afternoon Mr Soar,   Please find attached our response to your request for information on discharges for cannabis offending.   Regards...
Cannabis Convictions - Medicinal use as a defense
Response by Ministry of Justice to Shane Le Brun on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Le Brun,   Please find attached our response to your OIA request about cannabis prosecutions.   Regards       [1]Description: De...
Response by Ministry of Justice to Anna on .
Information not held.
Dear Anna   Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Justice requesting under the Official Information Act 1982 the number of registered sex of...
Dear J Beck   Please find attached response to your Official Information Act request of 19 September.   Regards Kate     [1]http://justi...
Number of requests for information
Response by Ministry of Justice to Scott Milne on .
Information not held.
Hi Scott Thanks for your call before to clarify your request. As discussed, this request needs to be directed to the Office of the Minister of Justice...
Dear Ms Raue, Please find attached a letter regarding your Official Information Act request.   Regards, Tania Warburton Acting Chief Legal Co...
Hi Kyle   Please find attached the response from Tony Fisher, General Manager for District Courts, to your email of 12 June 2014. Kind regards,...
Keyword search in what? District Court records aren't electronic.
What does 'strike' mean?
Follow up sent to Ministry of Justice by Mr M J Edmonds on .
Information not held.
Thank you. Yours sincerely, Mr M J Edmonds
Convictions attributed to synthetic cannibis
Request sent to Ministry of Justice by Matthew Coley on .
Information not held.
I would like to request the following information. a) How many convictions of any nature, of individuals have been fully or partly attributed to...
Dear Ms Raue   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards,   Official Correspondence Team I Minist...
Further progress on Class Actions Bill
Response by Ministry of Justice to Kate on .
Information not held.
Dear Kate   Please find attached the Ministry's response to your OIA request.   Kind regards     Official Correspondence Team I Ministry of Jus...
Scott Watson report
Response by Ministry of Justice to Louise Tanguay on .
Dear Ms Tanguay   Please find attached a letter in response to your email of 17 June 2013.   Regards   Jeff Orr Chief Legal Counsel ===========...
Plea Bargaining
Response by Ministry of Justice to Brendon Mills on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Mills   Please find attached the response to your OIA request of 20 December 2012.   Yours sincerely   Kathryn Patterson     District...
Drink driving convictions
Response by Ministry of Justice to Alecia Bailey on .
Information not held.
Thanks very much,   Dean   Dean Rutherford Manager Justice Sector Information Team Interagency Sector Strategy Group Ministry of Justice - Tähū...
Plans to prevent child abusers from having children
Response by Ministry of Justice to Alex Harris on .
Information not held.
See attached response.   Aphra Green Policy Manager (Acting) | Criminal Law Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te...
Sex Offender Register Proposal
Request to Ministry of Justice by Joshua Grainger. Annotated by Joshua Grainger on .
Information not held.
Note that in this response the Ministry of Justice said they did not possess any information I requested. However, this response from the NZ Police (ht...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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