Ministry of Justice

A top 10 most requested agency and A ministry

656 requests

(page 4)

Disputes Tribunal Wheel Clamping Cases involving Super City Towing
Response by Ministry of Justice to D Tate on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Tate   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act response.  As the letter notes, this response is late due to the N...
Good afternoon Mr McLachlan,   Thank you for email. The information you have requested is court information and is not subject to the Official I...
Dear Kong Tan   Please find attached a response to your requests on 21 and 22 October 2016 regarding the Social Security Appeals Authority.  ...
CCTV Napier Courthouse 10-14 October 2016
Response by Ministry of Justice to James Henry Woods on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Woods   Please find attached a response to your OIA request.   Regards           [1]Description: Description: Description: An...
Good afternoon, Thank you for your request for High Court information under the Official Information Act. The information you have requested is court...
Family court and suicide
Response by Ministry of Justice to The New Zealand Fathers Rights Movement on .
Information not held.
Hi Jeremy   Please find attached a response to your OIA request about Family Court cases dismissed due to suicide.   Regards   Antony  ...
Dear Renee,   Officialinformation request for 2013-2016 Crime Statistics for Maori Youth Offenders in Lower Hutt Area Units.   I refer to your...
How many people who commit suicide are also smokers.
Response by Ministry of Justice to Tane Harre on .
Information not held.
Hi Tane Thanks for your email. The Chief Coroner publishes the provisional suicide statistics every year. They statistics for the financial years sinc...
Prison forecast for Sept 2017
Response by Ministry of Justice to Ti Lamusse on .
Information not held.
Good morning again, I would just like to correct the contact telephone number I gave you for Paul Henderson. The correct number should be 04 913 9161....
Dear Ginnette, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, the courts (including court records) are not subject to the Official Information Act, as per s...
Closing of Premises Licensed to Sell Alcohol Between March 2013 and March 2017
Request to Ministry of Justice by Adam Ward. Annotated by Nigel Jones on .
Information not held.
This looks a bit weird/fishy... 1) 2(6)(b) and 2(6)(e) are referring to Sp...
Total number of book issues per library
Response by Ministry of Justice to Mr. Benchmark on .
Information not held.
Hi   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards         [1]Description: Description: Descripti...
IPT - Decisions for Judges
Response by Ministry of Justice to Ryan S on .
Hi Ryan   Please find attached a response to your OIA request related to the Immigration Protection Tribunal.   Regards           [1...
Proceeds of crime
Response by Ministry of Justice to Misha on .
Information not held.
Good morning Misha, I have been advised that the Ministry of Justice is unable to provide this information. It is recommended that you contact NZ Poli...
Hi Ms Haden Thanks for your email. I understand you have emailed the Ministry directly with similar questions. Rather than provide two responses, the...
Dear Mr Harrison   In response to your email of 16 April 2015. Please see the attached response. Regards Collections National Office  ...
Evidence that a "Person" is a "Human Being".
Response by Ministry of Justice to Andre on .
Dear Andre,   Please find attached a response to your OIA request concerning the definition of a person.   Regards, Daniel
Correspondence with Sir Thomas Eichelbaum
Request to Ministry of Justice by Ross Francis. Annotated by Ross Francis on .
Thanks for you reply Sophie. I'm not sure why you have refused my request. You will be aware that the principle of the Official Information Act is th...
Dear Belinda   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.   Regards   Antony       [1]Description: Des...
Kia ora Anon,   Please find attached a response to your OIA request.   Nga mihi,   Matt
Hi Grace   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act response.   Cheers   Antony       [1]Description: Descrip...
Cost of Cannabis Related Incarcerations
Response by Ministry of Justice to Gregory Soar on .
Information not held.
    Hello   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.    Regards     Ministerial Services Team Nation...
Recording of teleconferences and
Response by Ministry of Justice to JennyM on .
Information not held.
Dear Jenny M   Please find attached response to your correspondence of 1 December.   Yours sincerely           [1]http://justice.govt...
  =============================================================== WARNING The information contained in this email message is intended for the ad...
Consideration of overseas convictions
Response by Ministry of Justice to K Logan on .
    Hello   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.    Regards     Ministerial Services Team Nation...

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