Public authorities

Found 27 public authorities in the category ‘Ministries’

Department of Building and Housing Now part of MBIE.
9 requests made.
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Department of Conservation Also called DOC.
422 requests made.
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Department of Corrections 433 requests made.
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Department of Internal Affairs Also called DIA.
751 requests made.
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Department of Labour Also called DoL. Now part of MBIE.
9 requests made.
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Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Also called DPMC.
475 requests made.
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Inland Revenue Department Also called IRD.
265 requests made.
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Ministry for Culture and Heritage 101 requests made.
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Ministry for Pacific Peoples Also called MPP.
21 requests made.
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Ministry for Primary Industries Also called MPI.
385 requests made.
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Ministry for Regulation 10 requests made.
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Ministry for the Environment Also called MFE.
131 requests made.
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Ministry for Women Te Minitatanga mō ngā Wāhine
29 requests made.
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Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Also called MBIE. MBIE includes many business units and functions, including: Immigration NZ; CERT NZ; New Zealand Space Agency; Tenancy Services; Greater Christchu...
1669 requests made.
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Ministry of Defence The Ministry of Defence is a civilian agency that gives advice to the Government on defence matters, and purchases major equipment. For information...
154 requests made.
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Ministry of Economic Development Also called MED.
25 requests made.
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Ministry of Education 578 requests made.
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Ministry of Fisheries Also called MFish.
0 requests made.
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Also called MFAT.
362 requests made.
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Ministry of Health Are you requesting the same information that someone else already has? Please don't. A large number of duplicate requests will not convince an agency...
1887 requests made.
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Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Also called HUD.
38 requests made.
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Ministry of Justice 716 requests made.
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Ministry of Māori Development Also called TPK. Also known as Te Puni Kōkiri. (Search hints: Ministry of Maori Development, Te Puni Kokiri)
57 requests made.
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Ministry of Research, Science, and Technology Also called MoRST. MoRST merged to become Ministry of Science and Innovation and then Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
0 requests made.
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Ministry of Social Development Also called MSD. Do not request access to information about yourself. Do not include private information in your request. This website is not private. Everything you...
758 requests made.
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Ministry of Transport Also called MOT. This is not the right place to request CCTV footage relating to traffic incidents. You should contact the operator of the cameras such as your local au...
164 requests made.
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Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children Also called Oranga Tamariki. Do not name children or ask for information about children in requests through If you ignore this rule, your request may be hidden or delet...
173 requests made.
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