Ministry of Justice

A top 10 most requested agency and A ministry

656 requests

(page 5)

Official Version Legislation
Request to Ministry of Justice by Paula Dever. Annotated by Paula Dever on .
Partially successful.
Thank you, Pee Pee Poo Poo and the MoJ team. No response necessary. Believe it or not, you are all one family and I am God… not religious. The introdu...
Official Version
Response by Ministry of Justice to Paula Dever on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Paula The Ministry of Justice has nothing further to add to its response. As always, you have the right to seek a review from the Ombudsman....
Fine letters sent to known "bad" addresses
Response by Ministry of Justice to B. White on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear B White,   Please find your OIA response attached.   Please accept our apologies for the lateness of this response.     Ngā mihi,...
Are you sure? I know of two people who were placed on leave from DoJ who were not vaccinated Yours sincerely, Erika Whittome
Dear Shane Thank you for your email, and your suggestion to narrow down the payments to $1000. Unfortunately, I've been advised that this wouldn't so...
Kia ora Jeremy,   Thank you for request to the Ministry of Justice of 7 June 2023 seeking, under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) court...
Section 66 of the Privacy Act 2020
Response by Ministry of Justice to Amanda Murtagh on .
Kia ora Amanda, Thank you for your request on 8 May 2023 under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of Justice about the Privac...
Summary Proceedings Act section 78B requests
Response by Ministry of Justice to J A Harris on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear JA Harris   Please find your OIA response attached.     Ngā mihi, Communications Services Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture www....
Hi Jason   Please find a letter attached regarding your recent OIA request.     Ngā mihi, Communications Services Ministry of Justice | Tā...
Kia ora Kent,   Attached is a response to your request for information about the numbers of Ministry employees with gender studies qualifications....
Papakura DC
Response by Ministry of Justice to tina marie kahurangi on .
Kia ora Tina Marie   Please find attached a response to your OIA requesting court documents.   Ngā mihi   Annie           [1]Descriptio...
Communication with Aspect Furniture Ltd
Response by Ministry of Justice to Peter Banksia on .
Dear Mr Banksia   Attached is the response to your request of 29 March 2023.   Regards   Ministerial Relations & Services     Ministeri...
Number of parenting application
Response by Ministry of Justice to Zane Collins on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Zane   Please find attached a response to your OIA relating to Parenting Order applications.   Ngā mihi   Annie           [1]D...
Info held by MOJ
Response by Ministry of Justice to Requestor on .
Dear Requestor,   Please find attached the response to your OIA request of 8 March 2023.   Regards   Ministerial Relations and Services  ...
Tenancy Tribunal Website Search Issues
Response by Ministry of Justice to Rose Taffard on .
Kia ora Rose,   Please see attached a response to your email of 21 March 2023,     Ngā mihi, Ministerial Relations and Services Governance...
Preventing Corruption in NZ's Political System
Response by Ministry of Justice to Adam Irish on .
Mōrena Adam,   Attached is the response to your Official Information Act request on preventing corruption.   Ngā mihi,   Katarina   Ka...
OIA requests
Response by Ministry of Justice to S Robinson on .
Dear S Robinson,   Please find your OIA response attached.     Ngā mihi, Paul Easton Principal Media Advisor | Communications Services M...
Police have acted outside the law it is normal behaviour, but unlawful in law; Who is the ministry of justice what do they serve and why is this corpo...
Crimes against retail workers
Response by Ministry of Justice to Lance O'Riley on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe  Lance                               Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Zealand Po...
judicial JP OIA
Response by Ministry of Justice to john luke on .
Dear Mr Luke   Please find attached a response to your email of 27 February 2023.   Kind regards       [1]
Dear Mr Luke,   Please find your OIA on the Immigration and Protection Tribunal attached.     Ngā mihi, Paul Easton Principal Media Advis...
follow up on my recent request OIA 102275
Response by Ministry of Justice to john luke on .
Dear Mr Luke,   Please find attached response to your request for official information. Kind regards     Kallan Reid (he/him) Kaitohutohu -...
OI Requests
Response by Ministry of Justice to Requestor on .
Dear Requester   See attached a copy of our response to your request which was transferred to us from the Ministry of Justice.   Regards,  ...
JP status OIA
Response by Ministry of Justice to john luke on .
Kia ora John, We apologise for delays, please find attached the Ministry's response to your request. Ngā mihi, Ministerial Relations and Service...
Kia ora koutou   Please find attached a response to your request of 16 February.   Ngā mihi,       [1]

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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