Far North District Council
A public authority
The Ombudsman is investigating the official information practices of Far North District Council and three other councils. If you have submitted a request for information to Far North District Council, or participated, or attempted to participate in a Council meeting in any capacity in the last 6 - 12 months you are invited to share your experience and perceptions with the Ombudsman via this survey. This survey will be open online until 28 January 2019. Further information is available from the Office of the Ombudsman.
90 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
ce regarAll Internal correspondending my section 124 complaints and official information requests and meeting with the Mayor
Response by Far North District Council to Gary Whitehead on .
I am currently unavailable until Tuesday 5 June 2018. If your query is
urgent please contact Council on 0800 920 029.
Carla Ditchfie...
Council Media Statement on Dog Weight
Response by Far North District Council to Jan Graham on .
Ms Jan Graham
By email only: [FOI #8177 email]
Dear Ms Graham
Official Information Request – RFS 3897626
I refer to your off...
Ms Annette Inglis
By email only: [FOI #8167 email]
Dear Ms Inglis
Official Information Request – RFS 3897620
I refer to your...
Dollar Amount of Rates collected Russell Peninsula
Response by Far North District Council to Manuela Gmuer Hornell on .
Waiting clarification.
Kia Ora Manuela
Thank you for contacting Far North District Council.
Please see the response below from our Legal Department dated 21/04/2021
Employment of Tania McInnes since the 2019 Local Government election
Response by Far North District Council to dave hookway on .
Dave Hookway
By email only: [FOI #12740 email]
Tçnâ koe e Mr Hookway
Official information request: RFS 4032344
I refer to your info...
noncompliant earthworks into neighbour's land, trees and water, Kawakawa since 2022
Response by Far North District Council to Sonja van Kerkhoff on .
Awaiting classification.
By email only: [1][FOI #26544 email]
Tēnā koe Requester
Official information request: RFS 4215887
In relation to your information request...
Contracts the council has developed with Joyce Advisory or Steven Joyce.
Response by Far North District Council to Anna Sanderson on .
Anna Sanderson
By email only to: [1][FOI #26778 email]
Tēnā koe Ms Sanderson
Official information request: RFS 4217017
Thank yo...
To the Requester
By email only to: [1][FOI #26361 email]
Tēnā koe Requester
Official information request: RFS 4208376
Thank you for...
Damaged properties Cyclone Gabrielle and Auckland anniversary floods
Response by Far North District Council to Kimberlee Pett on .
Awaiting classification.
Kimberlee Pett
By Email Only:
Tēnā koe Kimberlee,
Official information request: RFS 4190153
Thank you for your response to the...
I am requesting some documentation that the council are legaly required to hold on the property 500 Pupuke Mangapa rd Kaeo
Response by Far North District Council to Gary Whitehead on .
Long overdue.
Good morning Mr Whitehead
Thank you for your email. I am going to send your queries through to the building support team. They would be in a better po...
Documents re earthworks permit 3002060-LGAEWK
Response by Far North District Council to Sen McGlinn on .
Partially successful.
Sen McGlinn
By email only: [1][FOI #24356 email]
Tēnā koe Mr McGlinn
Official information request: RFS 4177930
Effects of Northland Regional Council's non-notification of Resource Consent, 26 Derrick Rd
Reply by email:
"The RC application process that Mr. May will start with FNDC will be independent from the RC application he made with NRC as we have...
Julian Batchelor's mandatory public liability insurance policy - 147 Rawhiti Road.
Response by Far North District Council to Te Ringa Mangu on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council. We have received
your message and a member of our customer service team will issue a
Information on confidential complaints made about us re building, earthworks
Response by Far North District Council to Sen McGlinn on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora, Sen
Thank you for your Official Information request to the Far North District
Council ("Council").
Your request has been referred to th...
Statements made at Council meeting 15 December 2022 in response to Rawhiti Road petition
Response by Far North District Council to Katherine Raue on .
Partially successful.
By email only: [1][FOI #22575 email]
Tçnâ koe Katherine
Official information request: RFS 4155530
Thank you for your...
Communication with Ngati Kuta mandated hapu authority
Response by Far North District Council to Te Ringa Mangu on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council. We have received
your message and a member of our customer service team will issue a
Info about dog body disposal and manner of euthanasia
Response by Far North District Council to arthur prentice on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Mr Arthur Martin Prentice
By email only: [FOI #8182 email]
Dear Mr Prentice
Official Information Request – RFS 3897650
I ref...
Total consents applied for and/or approved relating to the property of 147 Rawhiti rd, rawhiti.
Response by Far North District Council to Vanessa Williamson on .
Delivery error
Dear Ms Williamson
Thank you for your further enquiry. Your request was responded to on 18
March 2018. Please refer to the below. We are awaitin...
Documents re earthworks permit 3002060-LGAEWK
Response by Far North District Council to Sen McGlinn on .
Partially successful.
Robert Mark ('Sen') McGlinn
By email only: [1][FOI #22203 email]
Tēnā koe Mr McGlinn
Official information request: RFS 4151283
CCTV cameras on road reserve
Response by Far North District Council to Andrew Riddell on .
Partially successful.
Andrew Riddell
By email only to: [1][FOI #18269 email]
Tēnā koe Mr Riddell
Official information request: RFS 4094248
Further to the Far...
Clive Manley's hurried departure from Far North District Council.
Response by Far North District Council to John Chapman on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council.
We have received your message and a member of our customer service team
will issue a refere...
Correspondence surrounding descisions made and applications processed for dust suppressant on Kohumaru road
Response by Far North District Council to Anna evans on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Anna,
Thank you for contacting the Far North District Council.
Your request has been referred to our Roading Department to action and
FNDC policies (complaints, corruption etc.) official information request
Response by Far North District Council to Chris Claydon on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Claydon
I refer to your latest official information ‘request’ dated 24 August 2021
as per your email below and to the ‘snip’ taken today...
I am wanting all information held on myself by council.
Response by Far North District Council to Gary Whitehead on .
Reported for administrator attention.
To Gary Whitehead
By email only to: [FOI #11436 email]
Dear Mr Whitehead
Official information request 3977849
CCTV cameras at road intersections
Information not held.
Interesting - new cctv cameras installed on road reserves and neither authority controlling those road reserves (NZTA, FNDC) knows nothing about it.
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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