ce regarAll Internal correspondending my section 124 complaints and official information requests and meeting with the Mayor

Gary Whitehead made this Official Information request to Far North District Council

The request was successful.

From: Gary Whitehead

Dear Far North District Council,
I am requesting All Internal correspondence regarding my section 124 complaints and official information requests and meeting with the Mayor.
Priority given to the following correspondence.:
Emails between Simon Grimme and Alice Astell.,
Correspondence from the Mayor to legal and building team.
And any other correspondence that mentions my self or my residence.

Yours faithfully,

Gary Whitehead

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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

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From: Ask Us Team
Far North District Council

Attachment image1524287506684.png
3K Download

Good afternoon Gary,

Thank you for your request received 21 April 2018.

Pursuant to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act
1987, you will receive a reply within twenty working days of Council
receiving your request.

Please quote your customer Reference 3884182   in any future
correspondence concerning this matter.

Kind regards


[1][IMG] Ask Us Team
District Services
Far North District Council
09 401 5200 or 24-hour Contact Centre 0800 920 029 |
[2][Far North District Council request email]



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From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Far North District Council

Attachment image001.png
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Attachment image002.jpg
38K Download

Attachment RFS 3884182.pdf
3.9M Download View as HTML

To Gary Whitehead

By email to:    [FOI #7684 email]



Dear Mr Whitehead


Official Information Request – RFS 3884182


Thank you for your enquiry 23 April 2018. Your request has been referred
to Legal Services for consideration under the provisions of the Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (“the LGOIMA”).


Your request


“I am requesting all internal correspondence regarding my section 124
complaints and official information requests and meeting with the Mayor.
Priority given to the following correspondence: Emails between Simon
Grimme and Alice Astell. Correspondence from the Mayor to legal and
building team. And any other correspondence that mentions myself or my


Our response


The information collated and held by Council in reference to your request
is attached. Responses to your information requests and letters sent to
you from Council have not been provided as it is assumed you hold this
information. There will be some repetition in the information provided;
this is due to the fact that each request for service raised by you with
Council is linked as it relates to the same issue, property or person.


Please note that pursuant to section 7(2)(a) of the LGOIMA we have
redacted all references to personal information in order to protect the
privacy of natural persons including that of deceased natural persons. 
Therefore in this instance we have withheld the names and email addresses
of all persons outside that of Council Officers.


We also rely on section 7(2)(g) of the LGOIMA; we find it necessary to
withhold information to maintain legal professional privilege. In this
instance we have withheld legal advice given to the organisation by
Council’s In-house Counsel on this matter.


Pursuant to section 13(1A) a local authority may charge for the supply of
official information, on this occasion we have decided not to apply a
charge. To date your requests for information surrounding this matter has
required the consultation of a number of key staff, as well as substantial
research in order to process your requests and provide you with a response
each time. Should you require further information regarding this matter a
charge will be applied. Our fees and charges are accessible on the Far
North District Council’s website which identifies official information
requests at a charge of $38.00 per half hour (GST incl.), the first hour
being free. 


Should you be unsatisfied with the response you have a right of recourse
with the Ombudsman. The address should you require it is:


The Office of the Ombudsman

PO Box 10152
Wellington 6143

Tel: 0800 802 602


Thank you for your enquiry.


Yours faithfully



[1]FNDC Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
logo Legal Services Officer
Corporate Services, Far North District Council  |  24-hour Contact
Centre 0800 920 029
[email address]
  [2]Website  |   [3]Facebook  |  [4]LinkedIn   |   [5]Careers


[6]Far North District Council - Spatial Excellence Award Catagory Winner



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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
Ph. 09 401 5200 | Fax. 09 401 2137 | Email. [Far North District Council request email]
Address. Memorial Avenue, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, New Zealand

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Visible links
1. http://www.fndc.govt.nz/
2. http://www.fndc.govt.nz/
3. http://www.facebook.com/FarNorthDistrict...
4. http://www.linkedin.com/company/far-nort...
5. http://fndc.govt.applyfirst.net/
6. https://www.surveyors.org.nz/

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From: Gary Whitehead

Dear Carla Ditchfield-Hunia,

Thank you for all the info, however If you refer to page 90, there is a email mentioned which contains a quote from the Mayor that starts "Yes its all their fault"

Could I have a copy of that email chain.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Whitehead

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From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Far North District Council

Attachment 22 May 19 RFS3884182.pdf
127K Download View as HTML

Good morning

Official Information Request – RFS 3884182

The email requested was easy to retrieve so I can provide this for you at no cost. However, I refer to the letter of response provided to you yesterday, any further official information requests regarding this matter will result in the application of a charge.

Kind regards

Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Legal Services Officer
Corporate Services, Far North District Council
[email address]

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From: Gary Whitehead

Dear Carla Ditchfield-Hunia,

Thank you Carla,

Could you please clarify if there is more information that I need to pay for or is there no more information.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Whitehead

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From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Far North District Council

Good morning Mr Whitehead

Official Information Request – RFS 3884182

To the best of my knowledge we have provided you with all information held by Council in relation to RFS 3884182. The additional email you had requested was attached to one of the emails between Ms Astell and Mr Grimme, which for seem reason or other was not attached to the scanned documentation sent 21 May 2018. However you have that attachment now.

Kind regards

Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Legal Services Officer
Corporate Services, Far North District Council
+6494015215 | [email address]

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From: Gary Whitehead

Dear Carla Ditchfield-Hunia,
Thank you for all the information, it is appreciated
There is just one document I would like a copy of.

That is a letter sent by Simon Grimme to Maree Levien stating there is no outstanding requirements on the property 500 Pupuke Mangapa rd, relating to the section 124 notice, This was sent around mid to late 2004
Although it is not covered by this official information request it is essential information that has importance to the determination I have applied for.
I have previously been sent this information but it has been lost as a result of a computer failure.

Rather than ask for another OIA request or request determinations to ask for this letter would you please provide it to me with all references to personal information removed.

Yours sincerely,

Gary Whitehead

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From: Carla Ditchfield-Hunia
Far North District Council



I am currently unavailable until Tuesday 5 June 2018. If your query is
urgent please contact Council on 0800 920 029.


Carla Ditchfield-Hunia




Get it done online at your convenience, visit our website -

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Far North District Council | Te Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki
Ph. 09 401 5200 | Fax. 09 401 2137 | Email. [Far North District Council request email]
Address. Memorial Avenue, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, New Zealand

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Things to do with this request

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