Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer)
Joined FYI in 2012
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This person's 256 annotations (page 5)
Guidance provided to transport networks around eligibility exceptions
Request to Ministry of Education by Tony Meyer. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
The Dec 07 response above was sent by the authority to an incorrect email address. I have moved it here for completeness sake.
CCTV footage request for 2 The Strand
Request to Transport Accident Investigation Commission by Daniel Kim. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Unusual response.
Hi Daniel,
Firstly, TAIC only investigates serious aviation, marine, and rail accidents. They won't be able to get hold of the information you've ask...
Policies and protocols around transgender and intersex persons
Request to New Zealand Police by Sophie Buchanan. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Hi David & Mark,
I'm sorry, we have had an intermittent problem with our web server in the last few weeks. The PDF is downloading again OK now.
I h...
Suitability of Mike Hosking for TV debates
Request to Television New Zealand Limited by Thomas Harvey. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Partially successful.
This response is inadequate as TVNZ has neither provided the "documents or communications" you asked for, nor cited any withholding grounds.
I sugges...
Policies relating to the handling of OIA requests
Partially successful.
Hi Ben,
It's been brought to my attention the response from Crown Law seems to be cut off at the end. I've double checked the raw email received by...
Student Loan Arrest details
Request to Inland Revenue Department by Michael Rescue. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Long overdue.
I've checked the FYI.org.nz mail delivery logs and can confirm your follow-ups to IRD are being delivered to them, so I don't know why you're not getti...
RAAYS and Signature block of Principal
Request to Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham) by Howard Rait. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
On further investigation, a problem with our incoming mail queue prevented the above response appearing. I'm sorry. This has now been corrected. Thanks...
Policies relating to the handling of OIA requests
Request to Public Service Commission by Ben. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
A problem with our incoming mail queue prevented the above responses appearing, I'm sorry. This has now been corrected. Thanks for your patience.
Policies relating to the handling of OIA requests
Request to Public Service Commission by Ben. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
SSC has raised this to FYI's attention and we are investigating the problem.
RAAYS and Signature block of Principal
Request to Fergusson Intermediate (Trentham) by Howard Rait. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
The Chair has been in touch with FYI stating she sent her response by 5 July, but we do not have any record of it. I've asked her to re-send it and I w...
Coke machines on campus
Request to University of Otago by Phillip Coke. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Waiting clarification.
Hi Phillip,
OIA organisations such as University of Otago are allowed to "satisfy themselves" that you are an eligible requester. I suggest you ask t...
Carrington Road / NW cycleway crossing
Request to Auckland Transport by tim robinson. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Long overdue.
Upload URL generated and provided to AT privately.
Warning letters to users of social media about the sale of drugs.
Request to New Zealand Police by David Johnston. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Hi David,
This has just been brought to my attention. I have sent Teresa the email address to be able to respond to request 5484.
Note that admins...
Journey times from Panmure to Auckland CBD
Request to Auckland Transport by Nick Meyer. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
I have republished the response, as I do not consider AT's request to be reasonable given it was already overdue at the time of receipt, and there are...
A copy of the OIA request filed by M M Smith on December 05 2016.
Request to New Zealand Police by David Johnston. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Police have made a fundamental mistake in understanding the Official Information Act above.
They are legally required to respond to the OIA as alread...
A copy of the OIA request filed by M M Smith on December 05 2016.
Request to New Zealand Police by David Johnston. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Hi David,
The response from Police above is incorrect. You are under no obligation to log your OIA request through their form. Authorities cannot dic...
Hi .Would like to make an appointment with you please.
Request to Associate Minister of Immigration by Iqbal ali. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Considered by administrators as not an Official Information request and hidden from site.
Hi Iqbal Ali,
This website is for requesting the release of information held by government.
For general correspondence you should contact the relev...
Journey times from Panmure to Auckland CBD
Request to Auckland Transport by Nick Meyer. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
A response was received from AT today that they advise was sent prematurely. AT have asked for it to be removed. The authority's reason is not one tha...
How many registration failures for AT online membership?
Request to Auckland Transport by Jason Brown. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Partially successful.
Hi Jason,
I encourage you to complaint to the Ombudsman over the withheld costs.
You can make a complaint online here: http://www.ombudsman.parliam...
Acupuncture evaluation document
Request to Accident Compensation Corporation by Mark Hanna. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Information not held.
We (FYI) had a failure of our incoming mail processing, hence the out-of-order messages above (the response above was received on the 27th but only pro...
Submission to OIA review
Request to Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited by Alex Harris. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Airways has contacted FYI.org.nz to advise this request was not received as we used an incorrect email address. We do not have email logs back to 2012...
Aviation Safety and RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems – ‘drones’) – Whenuapai Control Zone
Request to Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited by Allen Reynolds. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Long overdue.
Airways has contacted FYI.org.nz with an updated email address as the one we previously used bounces. I have resent your request to the new address.
Cost of catering - UAV policy launch
Request to Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited by Phil Lyth. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
This request was sent to an outdated email address. I apologise that we did not detect the bounce message in our email logs. If you still want the info...
Human rights breach by IRD policy - no work references provided
Request to Human Rights Commission by D Dahya. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Hi D Dahya, were you trying to write a draft?
Schedules to monthly DHB Sector Financial Reports
Request to Ministry of Health by Antony Andrews. Annotated by Oliver Lineham (FYI.org.nz volunteer) on .
I have checked our mail logs. Ministry of Health is persistently blocking emails from FYI.org.nz due their use of a highly unreliable spam blacklist se...