Mark Hanna
Joined FYI in 2013

Timeliness of my OIA requests using FYI:
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This person's 87 Official Information requests
Tactical Options Reporting Data January-December 2021
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Mr Hanna
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, which consist...
Police Manual chapter - Privacy and official information - Disclosure under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA)
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Mark Hanna on .
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for your response following my complaint to the Ombudsman.
I understand that the reason you have provided explains, in part, th...
Police Manual chapters relating to sponge rounds
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mr Hanna
Please find attached a revised OIA response to IR-01-22-22024.
Kind regards, Michelle
Ministerial Services Advisor - Pol...
Police policy documents
Police are corrupt as! Just enter new contracts with Sarah or Brittany or God or Satan. Never know who you're dealing with and they bounce you around t...
Police Manual chapters - Police Dogs parts 2 and 5
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Mark
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand...
Effect of Elizabeth II's death on the OIA
Response by Ministry of Justice to Mark Hanna on .
Dear Mr Hanna
Thank you for your email of 9 September 2022, in which you request
information pertaining to the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II an...
Plans to amend the Sovereign's Birthday Observance Act 1952
Response by Ministry for Culture and Heritage to Mark Hanna on .
Kia ora Mark,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Te Pae Hāpai Minita | M...
Unite against COVID-19 messaging: meaning of "eligible"
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Mark Hanna on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coo...
Tactical Options Reporting Data January-December 2020
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Mark Hanna on .
Tēnā koe,
Thank you, I appreciate you getting this response out to me in time for the weekend.
Ngā mihi,
Mark Hanna
Kia ora Mark
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 22 September 2021.
COVID-19 Lockdown Advice - Filming and physical distancing
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Kia ora Mark
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 29 August 2021.
Kind re...
Decision to start general arming of Christchurch frontline officers
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mark,
Please find attached a letter and seven documents in relation to your
Official Information Act request of 28 February 2019.
Tactical Options Reporting Data January-December 2019
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Kia ora Mark
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 19 April 2021.
Kind reg...
Organ donor preference on driver licences March 2021
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Mark Hanna on .
Dear Mark
Please find attached the response to your request of 1 March 2021 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Double-bunking and sexual assault 2020
Response by Department of Corrections to Mark Hanna on .
Kia ora Mark,
I refer to your complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman regarding the
adequacy of Corrections’ response to your queries about the...
Temporary carriage of firearms directives records January 2021
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Tēnā koe Mark
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 31 January 2021.
Tactical Options Reporting Data January-December 2018 follow-up questions
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Mark Hanna on .
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for the update. I've received the response now, and I really appreciate the thorough answers to all of my questions.
Ngā mihi,...
Tactical Options Reporting Data January-December 2018
Response by New Zealand Police to Mark Hanna on .
Dear Mark Hanna
Please find attached correspondence.
Ngā mihi
Billy Clemens
Information Management Coordinator: Response and Operat...
OIA Request: Custodial Practice Manual 2021
Partially successful.
Alternately, I suppose Corrections could argue that they have communicated their decision to release the information I have requested, and their "by th...
Temporary carriage of firearms directives
Partially successful.
It's been over six months. I guess Police are just not going to answer this question.
Fatal shootings by NZ Police
The IPCA has today released its report into the fatal shooting of Donald Ineson on 25 November 2018:
It sounds like the reason for this delay is that the people responsible for conducting that review and providing that feedback had "competing work prio...
Prisoners incarcerated for violent crimes
I have sent a follow-up to my formal complaint to RNZ, referencing this response.
Requests for eligibility under the Official Information Act
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by Mark Hanna on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
Thank you for sending the updated response letter through so quickly, I appreciate that. I'm also happy to see that it is largely accessible...
Organ donor preference on driver licences March 2020
Follow up sent to New Zealand Transport Agency by Mark Hanna on .
Fantastic, thank you so much for providing this information so quickly.
Ngā mihi,
Mark Hanna
This person's 442 annotations
GovGPT Project
Partially successful.
You may want to ask what consultations have been deemed necessary, and why they couldn't have been made within the initial 20 working days. You may als...
Documents in the Family Harm and Policy Manual
You may wish to ask NZ Police to ask what consultations they have identified, why they are necessary, and why they couldn't have been carried out in ti...
Retention of information
While you wait for a response, you may be interested to read the "Information Management: Retention and disposal of Police records" chapter of the Poli...
All information on the internal Police intranet "Hate Hub"
Awaiting classification.
I can't say I'm surprised to see NZ Police chose to interpret your request as narrowly as possible, instead of consulting with you to clarify its scope...
All information on the internal Police intranet "Hate Hub"
Awaiting classification.
Hmm, given the background of your request I wasn't expecting you to get an 18(e) refusal. So did the unnamed police employee quoted in the Free Speech...
Police Training Manual for Notebook Entries
I'm surprised NZ Police didn't release their "Notebooks and Job Sheets" Police Manual chapter to you, as it seems to me like it would fall within the s...
Policy chapter manuals
Long overdue.
Police's response to this request is over a month overdue, have you received a response from them somewhere else?
You may want to consider laying a c...
That seems unusual. Did you have a conversation away from FYI where you and NZ Police agreed that they should communicate their response privately inst...
Police are *always* managing a large number of information requests. They receive more requests for official information than any other agency in the c...
Off-duty interventions policy
Partially successful.
While you wait for a response, you may find it useful to view information that has previously been released about the "Off-duty interventions" chapter...
Constabulary Collective Employment Agreement
Long overdue.
This request is three weeks unlawfully overdue at the moment. You may want to consider laying a complaint with the Ombudsman.
The have a complaints f...
Removing isolation periods and mask mandates
Awaiting classification.
I really hope you will complain to the Office of the Ombudsman about this. Delaying a request for several months, until the recipient is no longer a mi...
"Lessons Learnt: Shooting at moving vehicles" DOCUMENT
Partially successful.
I see NZ Police has marked many sections as having been redacted under "s 9(2)(g)". However, as mentioned in their response letter, section 9(2)(g) of...
Police Chapter Manuals - Alcohol and Drugs
The "Alcohol and drug impaired driving" chapter of the Police Manual has been superseded by the "Impaired driving" chapter, which was last proactively...
School policy on queer students
It's a bit late now, but I would like to point out that the school's response "Please can you identify yourself in accordance with the OIA requirements...
Request for Youth Justice chapter of the Police Manual
Awaiting classification.
When NZ Police gave me a list of all chapters of the Police Manual in May 2022 (
Publishing a persons private info online
It's been a year now since this response was received, but I see it's now been categorised so email notifications have gone out about it. In July 2022,...
Just to correct my previous annotation, in May 2022 NZ Police told me that there is a chapter of the Police Manual called "Investigative interviewing -...
Requesting Police Manuals
Partially successful.
NZ Police also published the same version of the "Traffic crashes" document on their website the day before they responded to this request. Page 17 of...
Requesting Police Manuals
Partially successful.
It's very disappointing that NZ Police has chosen to release these documents in an inaccessible format.
Page 28 of "Crash scene photography" is an im...
Requesting Police Manuals
Partially successful.
NZ Police published the "Traffic crashes" Police Manual chapter on their website yesterday, claiming that it was proactively released. It's not clear t...
Police Manual Chapters
Partially successful.
Hmm, in their response NZ Police say that the "Categories of surveillance with a device" and "Surveillance device warrants" chapters were last updated...
Police Manual Chapters
Partially successful.
This is interesting. NZ Police's response to your OIA request was over two weeks unlawfully overdue, and in their response instead of providing you wit...
You may be interested to see that the chapters in the "Investigative Interviewing" section of the Police Manual were proactively released by NZ Police...
Police Manual Chapters
Partially successful.
Basically just telling you "we haven't finished yet" isn't really a very informative response to the question of "why isn't this finished yet?"