Student Loan Arrest details
Michael Rescue made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Inland Revenue Department should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Michael Rescue
Dear Ministry of Justice,
There have been three arests in 2016 regarding the non payment in default of student loan debt when the three debtors in question attempted to leave New Zealand.
I would like to please receive the following information;
1) Court name and court date for the court appearances of each of the three arrests outlined above.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Rescue
From: correspondence, official
Good afternoon Mr Rescue,
Thank you for your recent request. Under section 14(b) of the Official Information Act, I have transferred this request to Inland Revenue, as we believe the information you seek is more closely related to their functions.
You will receive a response from Inland Revenue in due time. If you have any questions, they can be contacted at [email address].
From: Michael Rescue
Dear correspondence, official,
I have not received a reply in the require timeframe, please explain
Yours sincerely,
Michael Rescue
From: oia
Inland Revenue Department
Dear Mr Rescue,
Your request to the Ministry of Justice was transferred to Inland Revenue for response. Please refer to the response issued to you on 30 November 2016.
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Michael Rescue left an annotation ()
There is no reply on Nov 30 and I still have not received a reply as required in the outlined timeframe
From: Michael Rescue
Dear oia,
There is no reply on Nov 30 and I still have not received a reply as required in the outlined timeframe.
You state the reply was issued on Nov 30, there is not reply shown here for that date
Yours sincerely,
Michael Rescue
From: oia
Inland Revenue Department
Good afternoon
We have received a follow up enquiry from Mr Rescue re his earlier information request. However, your site indicates this follow up was sent to Ministry of Justice.
Please find attached IR's response of 30 November, which also covered the request transferred from Ministry of Justice.
We would appreciate your assistance with updating the site.
Nancy Robbie
Nancy Robbie |Senior Ministerial Advisor | Government & Executive Services |
Stakeholder Relations | Information, Intelligence & Communications | Inland Revenue |
E: [email address]
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From: Michael Rescue
Dear oia,
I am still waiting for my response, I believe the required response time has been exceeded, please provide the required response.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Rescue
From: Michael Rescue
Dear oia,
I am still waiting on a reply it's long overdue
Yours sincerely,
Michael Rescue
Oliver Lineham ( volunteer) left an annotation ()
I've checked the mail delivery logs and can confirm your follow-ups to IRD are being delivered to them, so I don't know why you're not getting any reply, sorry.
robert mckenzie left an annotation () have there been 3 arrests or what? Was Nga Puna just a media stitch up orchestrated by the govt?
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Michael Rescue left an annotation ()
Why is the replay delayed for so long, please reply in the require timeframe.
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