ICD-10/ICD-11 Mortality Questions

Marcus made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

The request was partially successful.

From: Marcus

Dear Ministry of Health,

I have a couple of questions around mortalities that are coded using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.

1. Have there been any mortalities at any point within New Zealand coded against either "RA00.0 Vaping related disorder" (ICD-11) or "U07.0 Vaping-related disorder" (ICD-10)?

2. For each of the past 3 years, could I get a table showing how many cases of RA00.0/U07.0 have been diagnosed and how many of those ended up being fatal?

3. For each of the past 3 years, could I get a table showing how many fatal cases were there of the following nutritional deficiencies/excesses (ICD-11 codes):

5B55 Vitamin A deficiency
5B56 Vitamin C deficiency
5B57 Vitamine D deficiency
5B58 Vitamin E deficiency
5B59 Vitamin K deficiency
5B5A Vitamin B1 deficiency
5B5B Vitamin B2 deficiency
5B5C Vitamin B3 deficiency
5B5D Vitamin B6 deficiency
5B5E Folate deficiency
5B5F Vitamin B12 deficiency
5B5G Biotin deficiency
5B5H Pantothenic acid deficiency
5B5J Choline deficiency
5B5K.0 Iron deficiency
5B5K.1 Calcium deficiency
5B5K.2 Zinc deficiency
5B5K.3 Iodine deficiency
5B5K.4 Fluorine deficiency
5B5K.5 Sodium chlordine deficiency
5B5K.6 Copper deficiency
5B5K.7 Selenium deficiency
5B5K.8 Chromium deficiency
5B5K.9 Manganese deficiency
5B5K.A Molybdenum deficiency
5B5k.B Vanadium deficiency
5B70 Essential fatty acid deficiency
5B71 Protein deficiency
5B90.0 Hypervitaminosis A
5B90.1 Hypercarotenaemia
5B90.2 Hypervitaminosis D
5B90.3 Megavitamin-B6 syndrome
5B91.0 Hypercalcaemia
5B91.1 Zinc excess
5B91.2 Sodium chloride excess
5B91.3 Fluorine excess
5B91.4 Aluminium excess
5B91.5 Manganese excess

4. For each of the past 5 years, could I get a table showing how many instances there have been of the following anxiety-related disordered associated with cases, if it's standard to associate ICD-11 codes with cases which I believe is referred to as "Postcoordination"

6B00 Generalised anxiety disorder
6B01 Panic disorder
6B04 Social anxiety disorder

Thanks for your time, it's greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


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Tçnâ koe Marcus, 

Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act) to the Ministry of Health-Manatû Hauora on 23 January 2025.


The Ministry does not hold any information relating to your request;
however, I have been advised that this information is held by Health New
Zealand (Te Whatu Ora – [1][email address]). For this reason, I
have decided to transfer your request to Health New Zealand under section
14(b)(i) of the Act. You can expect a response from their agency in due


Under section 28(3) of the Act, you have the right to ask the Ombudsman to
review any decisions made under this request. The Ombudsman may be
contacted by email at: [2][email address] or by calling 0800
802 602.


Ngâ mihi 

OIA Services Team

Manatû Hauora | Ministry of Health

M[3]inistry of Health information releases 

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From: Marcus

Dear OIA Requests,

While reading some previous OIAs, I discovered that there is generally a 12 - 18 month lag in assigning cause of death codes.

As such, where I've stated "The past X years", feel free to re-interpret those sections as spanning an X year period ending on the nearest complete year that has cause of death codes assigned.

I also realise that the 12 - 18 month lag may mean that some of the 5 year queries span back to 2018 which was when ICD-11 was introduced, and may also mean that any stats relating to Question 1 about "RA00.0" may be non-existent or incomplete which is fine as well.

Feel free to use equivalent ICD-10 codes if it's not much work but I'd rather just receive a smaller portion of data if it's going to be a pain.

Yours sincerely,


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From: hnzOIA

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Kia ora Marcus,


Health New Zealand I Te Whatu Ora received an email yesterday from
Ministry of Health which we believe relates to your request transferred to
Health NZ on 27 January 2025, ref. HNZ00076845. 


"Dear OIA Request, 

While reading some previous OIAs, I discovered that there is generally a
12-18 month lag in assigning cause of death codes. 

As such, where I've stated "The past X years", feel free to re-interpret
those sections as spanning an X year period ending on the nearest complete
year that has cause of death codes assigned.

I also realise that the 12 - 18 month lag may mean that some of the 5 year
queries span back to 2018 which was when ICD-11 was introduced, and may
also mean that any stats relating to Question 1 about "RA00.0" may be
non-existent or incomplete which is fine as well.

Feel free to use equivalent ICD-10 codes if it's not much work but I'd
rather just receive a smaller portion of data if it's going to be a pain."


This email is to advise you that we have received this clarification and
will continue working to provide a response to your request. 


If you have any questions, please get in touch
at [1][email address].

Ngā mihi, 
Government Services (OIA)
[2][email address]    

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Statement of confidentiality: This email message and any accompanying
attachments may contain information that is IN-CONFIDENCE and subject to
legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, do not read, use,
disseminate, distribute or copy this message or attachments. If you have
received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and
delete this message


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1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]

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From: hnzOIA

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Attachment HNZ00076845 OIA Response.pdf
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Kia ora Marcus
This is a re-send from last Friday 21 February 2025- just in case it was
not received.
Thank you for your request for information regarding various Mortality
related Questions on 27 January 2025 Please find attached our response to
your request.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at
[1][email address]
If you are not happy with this response, you have the right to make a
complaint to the Ombudsman. Information about how to do this is available
at [2]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or by phoning 0800 802 602.

Ngā mihi,
Government Services (OIA)
[3][email address]
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora


------------------- Original Message

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Health only: