Brendon Mills
Joined FYI in 2012
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This person's 82 Official Information requests (page 3)
Dear Mr Mills
Please find attached our response to your request for information about
the Auckland Energy Consumer Trust dividend received by Au...
Advise to minister regarding impact of Ministry of Works abolishment
Request to Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery by Brendon Mills. Annotated by Leighton Fletcher on .
Hi Gemma,
Please note that the information provided in this OIA should actually be a response to a different OIA…
The actual OIA has been long over...
Shared Accomodation
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to Brendon Mills on .
Information not held.
Dear Mr Mills
Please find attached a response from Rachel Kelly, Manager Government
Relations, Housing New Zealand, to your email of 31 January...
Benefit recipents that have 'no fixed abode"
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Brendon Mills on .
Good afternoon Mr Mills.
Please find attached a letter from the Ministry of Social Development.
Yours sincerely
Ministerial & Executi...
Advise on running down NZ's railway network
Response by The Treasury to Brendon Mills on .
A response is attached regarding your Official Information Act Request.
Sherida Charles | Ministerial Coordinator | ...
Beneficiaries that pay more than 66% of their income in rent.
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Brendon Mills on .
Information not held.
Dear Brendon Mills
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request dated 11 January 2015.
Kind regar...
Outsourcing of DoC activities
Response by Department of Conservation to Brendon Mills on .
Dear Robert
Please find attached the response to your request.
Kind Regards
Geoff Tilbrook
Director, Finance
Dear Brendon
Please find attached our response to your request dated 13 January 2015.
Andrew Martin / Manager, Official Infor...
Dear Mr Mills
Thank you for your email dated 13 January 2015 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act 1982 "if KiwiRail...
Dear Mr. Mills,
Please find attached a table which details which Council activities are outsourced and which are dealt with in-house.
Government Departments that own their buildings
Long overdue.
The request would likely have been transferred on the same as the date the the SSC responded to you (18 November 2012). Add about 1-2 two days for leew...
Regarding your Official Information Act request of 20 January 2013,
please find attached a response from the the Ministry for Primary
Dear Mr Mills
Please find attached the response to your OIA request of 20 December 2012.
Yours sincerely
Kathryn Patterson
Good afternoon
The following query;
I would like you know what activities you have outsourced to the
private sector, and what activities you...
For the OIA request to be responded to directly by the Chief of the Defence Force is a credit to himself and his orgainisation, and yet another reason...
Booz, Allen and Hamilton Report on New Zealand Railways Corporation
Response by The Treasury to Brendon Mills on .
Information not held.
Good evening Mr Mills,
As you are aware your request to Treasury for the following was
transferred to us:
“in 1983/84 the Government of th...
Dear Mr Mills
Please find attached a response from Sharon Girvan, Manager Government
Relations (Acting), at Housing New Zealand Corporation, in
Dear Mr Mills,
Information about what is contracted out is available in Hamilton City Council’s 2011/12 Annual Report:
Thank you. Your response is an example that others should follow.
Yours sincerely,
Brendon Mills
Please find attached our response to the above Official Information Request.
Kind Regards
Annie Holmes
Senior Support Officer
Schooling Policy Team...
I would like you know what activities you have outsourced to the
private sector, and what activities you do 'in house'?
Yours faithfully,
Outsouring of functions to the private sector
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by Brendon Mills on .
Long overdue.
I meant "What police actvities are outsourced".
Yours faithfully,
Brendon Mills
Good Morning Brendon,
Thank you for your request for information received by the Ministry of
Health on 18 December 2012.
I am pleased to provide y...
Evictions from state housing
Response by Minister of Housing to Brendon Mills on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Mills
Please find attached a response from Sharon Girvan, Manager Government
Relations (Acting) at Housing New Zealand Corporation, in