Advise to minister regarding impact of Ministry of Works abolishment
Brendon Mills made this Official Information request to Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
The request was successful.
From: Brendon Mills
Dear Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery,
I would like to know what advise you have had regarding how the 1988 abolishment of the Ministry of Works and Development and the sale of its SOE successor has affected options regarding earthquake recovery work.
Yours faithfully,
Brendon Mills
From: G Brownlee (MIN)
On behalf of Hon Gerry Brownlee thank you for your email. Your
correspondence has been noted and will be recorded.
All correspondence, including email, is routed through our mail tracking
process. Although email increases the speed of delivery, the
“behind-the-scenes” efforts of the Minister’s staff in responding to mail
cannot always provide the kind of speedy response users of email may
The Minister considers all correspondence important and your comments will
be noted.
The Office of Hon Gerry Brownlee
Member of Parliament for Ilam
Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
Minister of Defence
Leader of the House
Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission
P: 04 817 6802 F: 04 817 6502
From: G Brownlee (MIN)
Good afternoon Mr Mills
Please find attached correspondence from the office of Hon Gerry Brownlee regarding your Official Information Act request.
Gemma Turney | Private Secretary to Hon Gerry Brownlee
Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | Minister of Defence
Leader of the House | Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission
Member of Parliament for Ilam
Parliament Buildings | Private Bag 18041 | Wellington 6160
From: G Brownlee (MIN)
Dear Mr Mills
Please see the attached reply from Hon Gerry Brownlee.
Gemma Stevenson
Ministerial Correspondence Co-ordinator for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
Office of Hon Gerry Brownlee
Disclaimer: "The information contained in this document is confidential to the intended recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you receive this e-mail message in error please delete it and notify me. Thank you."
From: G Brownlee (MIN)
Dear Mr Fletcher
Please see the attached reply from Hon Gerry Brownlee.
Gemma Stevenson
Ministerial Correspondence Co-ordinator for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
Office of Hon Gerry Brownlee
Disclaimer: "The information contained in this document is confidential to the intended recipient(s) and may be legally privileged. If you receive this e-mail message in error please delete it and notify me. Thank you."
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Leighton Fletcher left an annotation ()
Hi Gemma,
Please note that the information provided in this OIA should actually be a response to a different OIA…
The actual OIA has been long over-due and escalated to the Ombudsman - so you may wish to update the details with the correct responses.
Link to this