Brendon Mills
Joined FYI in 2012
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This person's 82 Official Information requests (page 4)
Dear Brendon Mills
Please find attached the Ministry of Education’s reply to your Official
Information Act request of 14 November 2012.
Results of service level review
Response by New Plymouth District Council to Brendon Mills on .
Information not held.
Good morning Brendon,
Please find the response to your information request, attached.
Yours sincerely,
Gaye Batty
Senior Project Manage...
Railway Stations
Request sent to New Zealand Railways Corporation by Brendon Mills on .
Long overdue.
Could you please provide a list of all railway stations on the current KiwiRail network that have been closed over the period from 1970-2012, and wh...
Proposals of use of KiwiRail network by 3rd party operators
Request sent to New Zealand Railways Corporation by Brendon Mills on .
Long overdue.
I would like to know what proposals you have received from other rail operators as to the use of the National Rail Network, in regard to running rai...
Mr Mills, Please find attached a response to your OIA request re Public
Hospital closures.
Marianne Stones
Senior EA to Graeme Osborne
Use of conservation land in treaty settlements
Response by Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations to Brendon Mills on .
Dear Brendon
Please find attached the Minister of Conservation’s reply to your
Yours sincerely
Gavin Rodley
Outsourcing of council functions and services
Response by New Plymouth District Council to Brendon Mills on .
Dear Mr Mills
There are three services that the New Plymouth District Council has
outsourced in the last 12 months, they are:
· The cl...