Requests similar to 'Ground water monitoring network'

Groundwater nitrate concentrations
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to G Robertshaw on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Good Afternoon Dr Robertshaw   This email is acknowledgement that HBRC has received your LGOIMA request dated Wednesday 6 April 2016, and will pro...
With regard to RMA Schedule 1 cl 8AA: How many RMA Schedule 1 clause 8AA meetings have been held during the last three years, and of those how many i...
OIA request re Talleys group
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Helen kelly on .
Information not held.
Helen, I have searched our data base for "Talleys" and have not found any consents held in that name. We do not know the extent of companies owned by t...
Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Morgan Varaine on .
Good afternoon Morgan   Thanks for your email. I have one of our team looking into this matter. According to LGOIMA guidelines, we must respond to...
Good afternoon Joel,   Please consider this email as Council’s decision to provide the information you requested under LGOIMA s10 via email on 28...
Mayor and Councillor attendance this term
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to aimee w on .
Good afternoon Aimee,   Please find the information you requested (dated 5 July – appended following) about HBRC Councillor attendance at meetings...
Alex please find attached a spreadsheet of consents for air discharges as requested.   If you wish to view the actual consent documents you can ac...
Papanui water tests 2015 to 2019
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Andrew Wilson on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Andrew,   Attached is the information to fulfil your LGOIMA request dated 22 October 2019. Apologies for the delay in providing the...
Good afternoon Mr Harris, I am writing in response to your LGOIMA request, which HBRC received on Wednesday 18 April. Yes - HBRC does open its Region...
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Sam Fraser on .
Good afternoon Samuel,   This email is confirmation that the Council has received your request for information relating to Council staffing statis...
Good afternoon Anthony,   This email is acknowledgement that HBRC has received your LGOIMA request dated 30 May 2023 in relation to Wairoa and Wai...
Good afternoon Anthony,   All minutes of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and HBRC committees, including Joint Committees, are available online via th...
Good afternoon Mr Benjamin,   This email is acknowledgement that HBRC has received your LGOIMA request dated 22 February 2017, and will provide a...
ECC/EOC Seismic Resilience
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Frank on .
Good morning Frank,   This email is acknowledgement that HBRC has received your LGOIMA request dated 11 June 2023, and will provide the informatio...
Good afternoon John,   Please find attached, and following, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council response to your LGOIMA request dated 3 February 2023...
Papanui water tests
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Andrew Wilson on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Andrew,   This email is acknowledgement that HBRC has received your LGOIMA request (summarised following) dated 30 September 2019,...
Good afternoon Hugh,   This email is acknowledgement that HBRC has received your LGOIMA request dated 21 August, and will provide the information...
Good evening Anthony,   This email is acknowledgement that HBRC has received your LGOIMA request, transferred by Department of Conservation on 9 J...
Thompson & Clark
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Alex Harris on .
Good afternoon Alex, This email acknowledges receipt of your LGOIMA request dated 5 July 2018, and advises that HBRC does not hold any information on...
Please find our responses to your requests for information below.     Dear Hawke's Bay Regional Council, I seek information on staff turn over...
Under the Official Information Act I would like you to supply me with the groundwater nitrate concentrations at all wells that have been assessed by...
Resource consent to wairoa district council
Response by Hawke's Bay Regional Council to Benita Cairns on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Benita   Thank you for your enquiry. Please find attached a copy of the resource consent, as requested. Unfortunately the applicat...
Request for Details on Wells and Groundwater Bores in Auckland Region
Request sent to Auckland Council by Mr Davies on .
Partially successful.
My request pertains to all wells and groundwater bores within the Auckland region, covering both public and private entities. Specifically, I am s...
Water Holdings CHB
Response by Central Hawke's Bay District Council to Andrew Wilson on .
Dear Mr Wilson   Thank you for your official information request seeking correspondence between the Central Hawkes Bay District Council CEO, Mayor...
Parties registered
Response by New Zealand Police to Nicolas Bosma on .
As requested     Linda Anderson Regional Manager - RoadSafe HB Phone: 06 835 2633   Cell: 0274 747 294 Email: [1][email address] Hawke's...