Requests similar to 'Elected Member's claim "council used all the road maintenance budget building cycle lanes"'
Cost:benefit of the PN cycle lanes
Response by Palmerston North City Council to citizen on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
I refer to your official information request received on 3 June 2024 for
various information on the Pioneer Highway cycleway and other...
Capital Project Management System (CPMS) sheets
Response by Christchurch City Council to Cody C on .
Dear Cody,
I refer to your request from 24 May below.
Council staff have provided the following responses to your questions:
1. ...
Low Cost Low Risk transport projects
Response by Canterbury Regional Council to Tim Adriaansen on .
Good Day
Please find attached the WDC’s response to your official request for a
breakdown of all the Low Cost/Low Risk Projects which were alloc...
Request for all the funding approvals for the Island Bay Cycleway
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Dear Mr Randell
Thank you for your further email today. Despite your view of my efforts
and I apologise for not getting to you on Wednesday as I...
Auckland Harbour Crossing : Peer Review: Economic benefits of a cross-harbour walking and cycling link
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Darren Conway on .
Kia ora Darren
Please find attached a letter from Josh Driscoll, Manager, Ministerial
Services (Transport Services) regarding your request for i...
Molesworth St cycle lane
Response by Wellington City Council to Peter Clarke on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Peter,
Please find attached to this letter our response to your request for
official information.
Ngā mihi
Laura McIlhone...
Request for the SP11 Walking and cycling facilities evaluations received by NZTA
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Dear Tony,
Please find attached the response to your request of 29 March 2018 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Due to...
Mangawhai Village Roundabouts
Response by Kaipara District Council to Alan William Preston on .
Hi Alan
Thank you for your request relating to traffic flow options under the
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Plea...
Cost of connected communities and plans to implement any findings
Response by Auckland Transport to J Turner on .
Kia ora J Turner
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 5/03/2024 you asked for information about our connected communities
Commuter cycleway planning and strategy
Response by Hutt City Council to Michael Brown on .
Michael Brown
[1][FOI #13817 email]
Dear Michael Brown,
Request for Information – Local Government Official Info...
Cyclelanes and Cycle paths master GIS data
Response by Waimakariri District Council to Cody C on .
Information not held.
Good Day
You requested information regarding the Council’s GIS data of cycle lanes.
We supply this information in the attached documents an...
Budget provision for cycling infrastructure
Response by Manawatu District Council to Mr F M C Rogers on .
Dear Mr Rogers
In response to the two questions to Manawatu District Council regarding roading and cycling budgets, below are the figures you are seek...
Cross-harbour Walking and Cycling Connection, Transport Modelling and Economic Evaluation Report
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Darren Conway on .
Kia ora Darren
Please find attached the response to your request of 21 September 2022 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982....
Auckland Harbour Bridge Planning
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Phillip Hart on .
Long overdue.
Dear Phillip
Please find attached the updated response to your request of 1 June 2021
for information under the Official Information Act 1982....
Email Correspondence and Meeting Minutes - Cycleways
Response by Wellington City Council to Ian Apperley on .
Hello Ian,
As I advised on Monday, please find attached copies of the emails between Councillor Free and Council Officers, Geoff Swainson and Paul Bar...
Kia ora M Hill,
Please find attached the response to your request for information.
Please note, appendix 2 when applying the redactions makes the ema...
Request for the Appendices of the Wellington to Hutt Valley Cycle and Pedestrian Link Business Case
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Dear Mr Randle,
Please find attached a letter from Neil Walker, Highway Manager
Wellington, in response to your email of 10 April 2016 regarding...
Alps 2 Oceans Cycle Trail Feasibility Study
Response by Ministry of Economic Development to Delphi Pringle on .
I refer to your Official Information request dated 27^th April 2023
regarding Alps 2 Oceans Cycle Trail Feasibility Study.
You requested th...
Total km's of separated cycleways in NZ
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Rod Badcock on .
Dear Rod
Please find attached the response to your request of 15 December 2019 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Benefits & disbenefits of “Links to Glen Innes Cycleways" project?
Response by Auckland Transport to R Jones on .
Kia ora R
I’ve attached the official information you asked for.
On 19/04/2023 you asked in relation to the Links to Glen Innes Cycleways...
Auckland Harbour Bridge Shared Path: SSBC unredacted
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Darren Conway on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Darren
Please find attached the response to your request of 27 October 2022 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Copies of Bike Network Thorndon connections plans i.e. current versions of the detailed layout drawings
Response by Wellington City Council to Thorndon Residents' Association on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,
Please see attached response to your LGOIMA request.
Nga mihi,
Claudia Holgate
Senior Advisor Official Information Team
Te Kaun...
Official information request: Totara Street safety
Response by Tauranga City Council to Shane Plummer on .
Môrena S Plummer
Please find your response letter and attachments enclosed with this email.
Ngâ mihi
Emily Clarke | Democracy Ser...
Minister of Transport & 30 May Incident on Auckland Harbour Bridge
Response by Michael Wood to Matthew Hooton on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Matthew
On behalf of Hon Michael Wood, Minister of Transport, please find attached
a response to your 5 June 2021 request for informatio...
NZUP Northern Pathway options
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tim Adriaansen on .
Partially successful.
Dear Tim
Please find attached the response to your request of 23 July 2021 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.