Calculation of honours in LLM
Richard S made this Official Information request to University of Auckland
The request was successful.
From: Richard S
Dear Rebecca,
Please see below the following information requests. If you require any refinement or clarification, please do not hesitate to get in contact.
A. Minutes regarding 2006 change in calculation of honours
(1) Under the Official Information Act 1982, may I please request all information held by the University (including but not limited to email correspondence, minutes, decisions, and resolutions) regarding the "2006 decision to adopt a consistent standard across the University for the award of honours in postgraduate Bachelors Honours and Masters degrees" (as referenced in your response of 3 August 2017 to my previous OIA request).
B. Minutes of the Law School Postgraduate Committee
Under the Official Information Act 1982, may I please request:
(2) the the full minutes of the Law School Postgraduate Committee meeting held 9 October 2007;
(3) any information, records or follow-up correspondence held by the University regarding the "irregularity in calculating the honours marks for students in the LLM programme" that was highlighted at the meeting held 9 October 2007;
(4) the the full minutes of the Law School Postgraduate Committee meeting held 13 November 2007; and
(5) a formal decision or resolution authorising the the change in how honours was calculated within the Law School specifically (noting that at the 13 November 2007 Law School Postgraduate Committee meeting, the NRC only recommended the Faculty develop a system consistent with University policy).
C. Edits to Faculty of Law Website
Under the Official Information Act 1982, may I please request:
(6) Any information held by the University which demonstrates the following (noting these events may have occurred simultaneously):
(i) "Postgraduate Documents" - when was the "Postgraduate Documents" page available on the following link removed from the Faculty of Law's website (available from the Faculty of Law homepage > For Postgraduate students > Postgraduate Documents):
I note that a cache history search demonstrates that this page was still publicly available on the Faculty of Law's website on 11 June 2016, and with it, a public direct link to the Faculty of Law's LLM Marking Guide. As such, the edits to the website should have occurred sometime in the 11 June 2016 - 14 July 2017.
In addition to any email correspondence or service requests, the University should be able to access the website history to confirm when this page was removed or edited. If you have any issues finding this information please advise and I'll put someone in touch who can assist; and
(iii) "LLM Marking Guide" - when was the direct hyperlink to the "LLM Marking Guide" removed from the above page of the Faculty of Law website (if at all) (available from the Faculty of Law homepage > For Postgraduate students > Postgraduate Documents > LLM Marking Guide).
I note that the Faculty of Law have confirmed on multiple occasions that this occurred in early 2014, which is incorrect. The LLM Marking Guide was was still publicly available on the above link as at 11 June 2016. As such, if the LLM Marking Guide was removed from the "Postgraduate Documents" pages at all, it would have been between 11 June 2016 - 14 July 2017.
In addition to any email correspondence or service requests, the University should be able to access the website history to confirm when this page was removed or edited. If you have any issues finding this information please advise and I'll put someone in touch who can assist.
Kind regards,
From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland
Dear Richard
Please find attached the University’s response to your information
Rebecca Ewert
General Counsel
From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland
Dear Richard
This email is further to my letter of 19 December 2017.
C. Edits to Faculty of Law Website
Under the Official Information Act 1982, may I please request:
(6) Any information held by the University which demonstrates the
following (noting these events may have occurred simultaneously):
(i) "Postgraduate Documents" - when was the "Postgraduate Documents" page
available on the following link removed from the Faculty of Law's website
(available from the Faculty of Law homepage > For Postgraduate students >
Postgraduate Documents):
This webpage was removed on 22 June 2016 (see attached)
(iii) "LLM Marking Guide" - when was the direct hyperlink to the "LLM
Marking Guide" removed from the above page of the Faculty of Law website
(if at all) (available from the Faculty of Law homepage > For Postgraduate
students > Postgraduate Documents > LLM Marking Guide).
The “Postgraduate Documents” webpage contained a link to the LLM Marking
Guide until the webpage was removed on 22 June 2016 (see attached).
Rebecca Ewert
General Counsel
The University of Auckland
Visible links
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence