Browse and search requests (page 6)


3767 Official Information requests found

Mobile phone offences - speed of vehicles
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to R S Grant on .
Information not held.
Kia ora R S Grant   Please find attached the response to your request of 21 March 2024 for information under the Official Information Act 1982....
EV charging network NZ - Business case
Response by Crown Infrastructure Partners to Abhishek on .
Information not held.
Dear Abhishek Thank you for your request for any business case, concept paper, indicative, detailed business case ever done by CIP on Electric vehicle...
Kia ora   Please see the attached letter regarding your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982. Ngā mihi, Beth  ...
Regulators approach to discount pharmacies
Response by Ministry of Health to A McKee on .
Kia ora A Mckee,   Please find attached a response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi       OIA Services Team Manatū...
Hi Mr Brailsford, The artists name is Danielle Adams. She is the sister of one of Bob Jones' former employees. Bob liked her art work and thought it w...
Kia ora Erika    The OIA creates an obligation for Health NZ to transfer a request if we believe that information is held by another agency. However...
MBChB seats commencing 2025
Response by University of Auckland to Kanwaldeep Singh on .
Information not held.
Dear Kanwal,   I refer to your request of 31 March 2024, in which you requested “any updates” regarding whether another 50 places would be added t...
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Paul White on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Paul Please find attached our response to your official information request dated 22 March 2024. If you have any questions about the respons...
Failure to address corruption within Police
Request to New Zealand Police by Amanda Murtagh. Annotated by Adrian on .
New Zealand Police are an utter disappointment and entirely unprofessional - the entire organisation is largely incompetent, and the parts which are no...
Cost of Police protection of past Prime Ministers
Request to Christopher Luxon by Mark Brown. Annotated by Adrian on .
This needs another look. Penny at police has quoted three sections under which she is refusing this - however none of them would appear to actually be...
Kia ora Luke   Please find our response to your OIA below.   You have a right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of our deci...
OIA Requests from social networks.
Follow up sent to Judith Collins by Brett Cooper on .
Information not held.
And update to my OIA question. Because Twitter is a social network that Judith active on. How many OIA requests from twitter has she received sinc...
Employment-Complaint about ERA Members.
Response by Brooke van Velden to peter on .
Kia ora Peter   I have not received any response from you and I am therefore not satisfied that you are eligible to make a request under section 1...
Kia ora,   We cannot supply the Google Transit Feed Specification Realtime bus trip information (the Information) you have requested.   Our sy...
Dear Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc, Please find attached the response to your request for information dated 1 March 2024. Ngā mihi T...
Free Speech Union
Response by David Seymour to levi on .
Dear Levi   Further to my acknowledgment below;   On behalf of Hon David Seymour, your request is refused under section 18(e) of the OIA becau...
Tçnâ koe We refer to your request made under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) to the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) on 12 Mar...
Kia ora Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc   Please find attached a response to your 28 February 2024 Official Information Act 1982 req...
Wellington Railway Station New World/Trax
Response by KiwiRail to Mike Campbell on .
Good afternoon Mike Thank you for your request under the OIA asking for information on the shops in the Wellington Railway Station as noted below. Pl...
[UNCLASSIFIED] Tēnā koe Please see the attached letter concerning your OIA request. Ngā mihi Executive Services Division New Zealand Ministry of Fo...
Finance - RBNZ staffing levels
Response by David Seymour to R S Grant on .
Information not held.
Letter from Hon Nicola Willis, Minister of Finance, attached.   Private Secretary | Office of Hon Nicola Willis Minister of Finance | Minister fo...
PCR Ct Values for Covid-19 detection and for breakthrough infections
Response by Ministry of Health to Ryan on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Ryan,   Thank you for your request for information on 11 February 2024. Please find attached our response to your request.   If you have a...
Position Information revisited
Response by Hutt City Council to David on .
Kia Ora Please find attached our response to your request. Regards Philip Philip Rossiter Senior Advisor | Official Information and Privacy  Hutt...
Giving effect to Government policy
Response by Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children to John on .
Information not held.
IN-CONFIDENCE   Tçnâ koe John   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 23 February 2024. Nâku noa, nâ...
Bus Route Review 17 and 28 impacts on Route 125
Request to Canterbury Regional Council by Cody C. Annotated by Cody C on .
Information not held.
Bus route 125 changes were avoided, due faulty consultation.