This person's 24 Official Information requests
A digital facsimile copy of the Constitution Act 1986 document
Response by Ministry of Justice to M Bell on .
Awaiting response.
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for contacting the [1][Ministry of Justice request email] mailbox at the
Ministry of Justice.
This automatic message...
"Officials Committee on Constitutional Reform 1985 - 1986" Document
Response by Ministry of Justice to M Bell on .
Awaiting response.
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for contacting the [1][Ministry of Justice request email] mailbox at the
Ministry of Justice.
This automatic message...
Please Provide "Out of Scope" Portions Redacted From SROIA 032
Follow up sent to Shane Reti by M Bell on .
Long overdue.
Appears that you have been compelled by the ombudsman to unredact some of the sections of correspondence that were previously claimed to be out of sc...
Perplexing that this would not be a minuted agenda item at executive team meetings, a major issue like that and apparently not even discussed, weird. O...
Thankyou to Chris James and the OIA requests team for the straightforward, no nonsense respsonse, much appreciated!
Yours sincerely,
M Bell
Where OIA 1982 Law Has Been Broken The Number of Prosecutions Year By Year
Response by Ministry of Justice to M Bell on .
Tēnā koe M Bell,
The Ministry of Justice does not hold statistical information on court
rulings about the Offi...
$554,304.60 spent on this thus far for an unspecified number of consultant reports, not going to release any of it and not even going to itemize it. Re...
Complaint made to the ombudsman.
My complaint is that that they changed the scope of the request without consulting me, and then failed to respond to...
ET Internal Comms, Discussing Public Excess Deaths Analysis
Follow up sent to Health New Zealand by M Bell on .
So all this drawn out to and fro about substantial collation yet there were only 9 email documents in the specified period, and of those 9 you are fl...
Pfizer Covid Vaccine Risk Benefit Analysis / Risk-Benefit Asessment
Partially successful.
'This includes
the assessment of results from clinical trials to help demonstrate the
efficacy and safety of the vaccines,'
What of process 1/proce...
MoH ET Internal Comms, Discussing Excess Deaths Analysis
Response by Ministry of Health to M Bell on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mark,
Please find attached a response to your official information act request.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Minist...
Statements by Margie Apa about Whistleblowers Vaccine Data
Follow up sent to Health New Zealand by M Bell on .
Information not held.
Thankyou for confirmation that there is no further information to provide. The request is now marked as “information not held” and I have withdrawn t...
Request refused, no such document(s) or correspondence could be found.
According to Steve Kirsch both scientists have viewed the leaked data, furtherm...
The covid 19 pandemic "full scale, wide ranging, independent inquiry conducted publicly..."
Response by Winston Peters to M Bell on .
Dear M Bell,
Please see the attached letter from Minister van Velden in response to
your OIA request.
Kind regards,
Office of Hon...
Kia ora M Bell
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act) on 1 February 2024, following up on a response to your pr...
So what can we actually do? Sadly people are still taking it (not many by sounds) but it is criminal and they need to be saved from themselves firstly...
Minister of Finance Indemnity Documents in Relation to Influenza Vaccine
Response by Nicola Willis to M Bell on .
Partially successful.
Dear M Bell
On behalf of Hon Nicola Willis, Minister of Finance, thank you for your further email.
I can advise that the confidentiality clauses stil...
Request for Proactive Release of Cabinet Documents Relating to Vaccine Aquisition
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to M Bell on .
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for emailing the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet (DPMC), including the National Emergency Management
Agency (...
Leaked Data on Covid Vaccine Excess Deaths
Follow up sent to Shane Reti by M Bell on .
Information not held.
I have looked at all of the information that you have provided and I did not find any indication that any analysis has been done to rebut the leaked...
MBIE Key Messaging Details on Pfizer Indemnity Issue
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to M Bell on .
Good evening M Bell,
Please see attached for MBIE’s letter to your Official Information Act
Kind regards,
Lisa Seng...
Procurement Documentation C19 Vaccine Purchases
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to M Bell on .
Good evening M Bell,
Please see attached for MBIE’s letter to your Official Information Act
Apologies for this late information r...
CV-ISMB all available Meeting Minutes, Rapid Cycle Analysis Reports
Response by Ministry of Health to M Bell on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora M Bell,
CV ISMB Minutes
Please note that the error was made from our side and we apologise for the
inconvenience and confusion thi...
Epidemiologist Response to Steve Kisch Excess Death Analysis.
Response by Health New Zealand to M Bell on .
Information not held.
Kia ora M Bell
Thank you for your request for information regarding Epidemiologist
response to excess death analysis on 11 December. Please find...
Track Record of Confidentiality for NZ Census Data
Response by Statistics New Zealand to M Bell on .
Kia ora M Bell
I appreciate you getting in touch so promptly to confirm this with us and I am happy to hear that the response is satisfactory.
Ngā m...
This person's 43 annotations
Perplexing that this would not be a minuted agenda item at executive team meetings, a major issue like that and apparently not even discussed, weird. O...
Details of Flight over Oamaru, 19 March 2024, 9:30am
Partially successful.
A few oddities in that account of events, but regardless, nice detective work Mr French!
Impact of U.S. Federal Court Ruling on Fluoridation on New Zealand’s Policies
Partially successful.
Another good OIA request Lance. The “safe and effective” phrase sounds oddly familiar, and same for the claim of “ensure(ing) that section 11 of the Ne...
Wow so watercare only has an email that in passing links an MSM article about the US court ruling, and MoH only has the old 2014 report that declares f...
$554,304.60 spent on this thus far for an unspecified number of consultant reports, not going to release any of it and not even going to itemize it. Re...
Yeah that is an interesting one Erika. Displays lack of impartiality from the chief ombudsman (hence suspicion of possible capture by outside interests...
Complaint made to the ombudsman.
My complaint is that that they changed the scope of the request without consulting me, and then failed to respond to...
Complaint made to the ombudsman on the basis that they changed the scope of the request without consulting me, apparently to create a pretext to refuse...
Complaint made to the ombudsman on the basis that the "out of scope" claim is being incorrectly applied in an apparently deliberate attempt to not rele...
Official Information Request to the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Regarding the Phenomenon of Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification and Cloud Seeding
Request to National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited by Ben Watkins. Annotated by M Bell on .
I thought your request was already quite specific, but possibly might be administratively burdensome if directed to the entire organisation. If the req...
Details of Flight over Oamaru, 19 March 2024, 9:30am
Partially successful.
110 minute direct flight takes 136 minutes, filmed doing loops with huge trails proceeding from the fuselage. They have now deleted other records, so n...
Barry Young Correspondence
Awaiting classification.
“Members of Parliament (MPs) are not subject to the Act, nor are emails from the public to MPs considered official information. Therefore, we are refus...
“The New Zealand Defence Force does not engage in any of the activities described in your request. Your request is therefore declined in accordance wit...
Another good OIA request Erika. There is so much circumstantial evidence of regulatory capture with the way that the different acts (privacy, human rig...
Vaccination requirements at OT
OT actually provided the information as follows:
1 no, 2 no, 3 no, 4 none, 5 zero, 6 zero, 7 $0, 8 $0
And then they also said they were refusing the...
Vaccination requirements at Gisborne District Council
Long overdue.
Actually an extremely easy question to answer - one of Yes / No / We don't know.
World whistleblower day today. Six months down the track with this OIA request, a drastically lowered scope (which I think is largely unwarranted) and...
MoH ET Internal Comms, Discussing Excess Deaths Analysis
Partially successful.
Update to the ombudsman complaint in progress...
MoH have promised the response, but still waiting, waiting.
MoH have stated to the ombudsman that (a...
Request refused, no such document(s) or correspondence could be found.
According to Steve Kirsch both scientists have viewed the leaked data, furtherm...
Agree Chris. It is pretty clear Kirsch is correct in his analysis, and it is all publicly available on his substack ( HNZ...
Statements by Margie Apa about Whistleblowers Vaccine Data
Information not held.
Complaint made to the ombudsman.
Pfizer Covid Vaccine Risk Benefit Analysis / Risk-Benefit Asessment
Partially successful.
It appears from the only specific document provided, that the RISK of COVID mortality was stated to be low, plenty of data was available confirming thi...
Investigator Policy of the Ombudsman
Handled by post.
A successful response would be show some really good transparency from the office of the ombudsman and hence would valuable to be posted publicly into...
Seems outrageous that they are attempting to refuse a simple request about budget details on the grounds of endangering someone. This utter arrogance o...
Relevant considerations - fluoride levels in urine, levels in drinking water - IQ & cognitive harm to children
Long overdue.
Claiming the information requested does not exist is either dishonesty (from someone) or alternatively it is an admission of incompetence at high level...