Disinformation Assessment and Response Team

Erika Whittome made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health did not have the information requested.

From: Erika Whittome

Dear Ministry of Health,

I request all communications between any member of the Disinformation Assessment and
Response Team (DART) and any other organisation including internal communications/reports/memoranda/emails etc that references/mentions/reports on me, Erika Whittome since the inception of DART to the present day.

Yours faithfully,

Erika Whittome

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From: OIA Requests

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Kia ora Erika, 


Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the
Act), received by the Ministry of Health on 18 February 2025. You


“I request  all communications between any member of the Disinformation
Assessment and Response Team (DART) and any other organisation including
internal communications/reports/memoranda/emails etc that
references/mentions/reports on me, Erika Whittome since the inception of
DART to the present day”


The reference number for your request is H2025061618. As required under
the Act, the Ministry will endeavour to respond to your request no later
than 20 working days after the day your request was received:


If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch ([1][email address]).



Ngā mihi 
OIA Services Team 

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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

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From: OIA Requests

Attachment Outlook aymhwanx.png
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Attachment H2025061618 Response.pdf
1.4M Download View as HTML

Kia ora Erika


Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.


Ngā mihi 


OIA Services Team

Ministry of Health  | Manatū Hauora 

M[1]inistry of Health information releases 


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Visible links
1. https://www.health.govt.nz/about-ministr...

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Health only: