Browse and search requests (page 15)


27183 Official Information requests found

Self Service Prisoner Kiosk Requests
Response by Department of Corrections to Caleb on .
Kia ora Caleb, Please find attached Corrections response to your request. Ngā mihi | Kind regards, David Ministerial Services Department of Correcti...
Extract of "Sector Operations" Summary Spend Information
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by Erika Whittome on .
Awaiting response.
This request for information is for the Payee name / Recipient which will be registered companies. It won't be individuals because it's not personnel...
Tēnā koe PN I am responding on behalf of the university to your recent OIA request (REF# 48/2024), in which you have asked for information regarding a...
Aerial Acquisition
Request sent to Ministry of Defence by Matthew on .
Awaiting response.
I am requesting all information or advice dated since 2020 regarding the exploration of the reestablishment of any fighter wing squadrons that were...
Dear Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society   Your comments have been noted.   The position of Kāinga Ora stated in the response to you yest...
Non-public housing policies
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to Rida on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Rida   Please find attached a signed response to your Official Information Act request of 11 June 2024 to Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communiti...
Census data
Response by Statistics New Zealand to James on .
Tçnâ koe James A response to your OIA request is now attached. Ngâ mihi Matt Phimmavanh (pronouns: he/him) Principal Advisor – Executive and Governm...
Definition of Dependent Child
Response by Ministry of Social Development to A Lee on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora A Lee   Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request.   Ngâ mihi   Official and Parliamen...
Elected members debt
Response by Kaipara District Council to Jane Reed on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Jane   Thank you for your request for information relating to Elected Members debt under the Local Government Official Information and Mee...
Historical Data on Public vs. Private Prisons
Response by Department of Corrections to #cats on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe, Please see the attached extension letter from Corrections. Ngā mihi, Ministerial Services Department of Corrections, Ara Poutama Aotearoa...
Good afternoon Anthony,   All minutes of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and HBRC committees, including Joint Committees, are available online via th...
Governance Structure of New Dunedin Hospital Project
Clarification sent to Health New Zealand by ODT on .
Awaiting response.
As your request states, I confirm I am a New Zealand citizen. Yours sincerely, Mr O'Malley
Kaiate falls monitoring
Follow up sent to Tauranga City Council by Ross on .
Awaiting classification.
Thanks so much, that's a really good explanation, you've answered all my questions. Sorry to hear the sites are being vandalized, thanks for doin...
Response by Electoral Commission to James on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora James   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request.   In the interests of transparency, we release res...
Voting and conduct
Response by Electoral Commission to James on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora James   Please find attached the response and supporting documents to your Official Information Act request.   In the interests of tra...
Kia ora Catherine    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference number for your request is: H2024046066    As required und...
EQC Reports
Response by Toka Tū Ake – Natural Hazards Commission to S Hill on .
Kia ora,   Please see the attached response to your request for information of 21 June 2024.   Ngā mihi   Ryan O’Leary Senior Advisor Go...
Kia ora Anthony Please find attached a letter extending the time limit for making a decision on your request of 11 June 2024. If you have any questi...
Covid Vaccines Donated to Pacific Islands
Response by Health New Zealand to Catherine Jamieson on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora Catherine    Thank you for your request for official information. The reference number for your request is: H2024046068    As required und...
appointment arts council consultation Janita Pillisi
Response by Shane Reti to Hugh J Coon on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Hugh,   Please find attached the response to your OIA requested dated 11 June 2024 and relevant documents.   Ngā mihi,     Nelso...
Information relating to the use of land at 222-234 Nevay road
Response by Wellington City Council to A.W.D on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora, Thank you for your email dated 10 July requesting information. Our team will manage your request under the Local Government Official Informa...
Dear Andrew Green, Thank you for your request to the Serious Fraud Office (SFO). Due to the content of your request, we will be treating the matter...
Cameras and commercial relationships
Response by Auckland Council to Editor on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora John,   Thank you for your request for information related to Cameras and Commercial Relationships.   Auckland Council has two number...
Response by Ministry of Justice to john homer on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe John,    Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Justice.     We acknowledge receipt of your request.    This has been forwarded to the...
Tēnā koe Warren Murdoch, Thank you for your refined request.    You may expect a decision regarding your request to be sent to you as soon as po...