Browse and search requests (page 14)


27183 Official Information requests found

Yes, SOP means standard operating procedures. Please provide the information regarding both teams' responsibilities as well. Thank you so much for...
Thanks for the annotation. That approach does not seem to be yielding the information which has what has prompted this request.
If you're interested in the law around ratepayer voters, it's all set out in s24 of the Local Electoral Act (2001): (1) Every parliamentary elector...
Correspondence regarding Flexible Funding
Response by Penny Simmonds to Anna Wilson on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Anna, Please find attached a response to your OIA request. Kind regards, Office of Hon Penny Simmonds Minister for Environment | Tert...
Summary of pupil exclusions in the last 5 years
Response by Ministry of Education to Tessa on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Tessa   Please see attached in relation to your Official Information Act request.   Ngā mihi     Official and Parliamentary Info...
Kia ora Annabelle   As per your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request dated 26 June, please find the answers to your ques...
I no longer work at Environment Southland. Please contact Ali Meade at [email address] Regards Paul    
Documents on Ben Smart and Olivia Hope
Response by New Zealand Police to Georgie Campbell on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Georgie                                    Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by New Ze...
Engineering Results
Request sent to Auckland University of Technology by V on .
Awaiting response.
Please provide the number of students who were unsuccessful (failing grade or withdrawn) in completing the following papers in 2024 S1, as well as t...
Email redirection and communication plans
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Joe on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Joe,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request dated 1 July 2024.   Ngâ mihi,   Mel   Mel Car...
[UNCLASSIFIED] Kia ora,   Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.   Ngā mihi,   Ministerial Coordinator Minist...
Information on fast track
Response by Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children to Julie H on .
Awaiting classification.
IN-CONFIDENCE Tçnâ koe Johnny,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 12 June 2024.   Nâku noa, nâ...
Documents relating to Genomics Aotearoa IP
Response by University of Otago to Ed Fogerty on .
Awaiting response.
Tēnā koe Ed I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act request. If we have any questions or need to seek clarification on any points we...
Accessibility/Inclusion policy (Te Papa)
Response by Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Board to Nic Lane on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Nic   Thank you for your email of 11 July 2024.   This is to acknowledge receipt of your OIA request. We will respond as soon as possi...
Recent Business case for new school
Response by Ministry of Education to Nadine Finlay on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Nadine   We note that the Ministry has not received a response from you regarding our emails of 21 June 2024 and 8 July 2024, seeking cla...
Threats made by members of Destiny’s Church
Response by Mark Mitchell to Joanna McLeod on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Joanna   Please find attached the response to your OIA request.   Nâku noa, nâ     Office of Hon Mark Mitchell Minister of Pol...
Interest paid on Settlement Balances
Response by Reserve Bank of New Zealand to Don Richards on .
Awaiting classification.
11/07/2024     Don Richards [FOI #27559 email]     Dear Don   Official information request for information on settlement balances T...
Tçnâ koe Surinder, Thank you for your OIA request to the Department of Internal Affairs. The Department will provide its response to your request as...
Good afternoon, Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request, received on 11/07/2024, in which you requested the following infor...
Ombudsman Upholding Complaints Against RDC
Response by Ruapehu District Council to Hamish Carnachan on .
Awaiting classification.
Afternoon Mr Carnachan,   Please see attached response to your LGOIMA request dated 13 June 2024.  For transparency a copy f this response has als...
Creative NZ Appointment
Response by Paul Goldsmith to Hugh J Coon on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Please see attached a response from Hon Paul Goldsmith, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage. Ngā mihi   Office of Hon Paul Goldsmi...
Cost of PG
Response by Electoral Commission to Jean Roberts on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Jean   We are acknowledging your Official Information request, received Friday 5 July 2024, requesting:   1- The number of Personal Gr...
Citizenship by grant application on 08/09/2023
Request sent to Department of Internal Affairs by Surinder Singh on .
Awaiting response.
Can you please provide me the following information for applications submitted on 8th September 2023: 1. Total Number of applications submitted 2....
Vaccines promoted by the Minitsry in 2024
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by Peter Russell on .
Awaiting classification.
On 10 June 2024 I requested: 1. Details of all vaccines promoted to the public by, or on behalf of, the Ministry of Health thus far in 2024. 2...
Response by New Zealand Lotteries Commission to Sovereign sharna on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Ora Sharna   Please find the response to the request you sent through regarding our draw integrity.   Please let me know if you have any f...