Browse and search requests (page 10)


373 Official Information requests found

Dear Tim   Please find attached the response to your request of 2 December 2019 information under the Official Information Act 1982.   Regards...
New Zealand Transport System Map
Response by Ministry of Transport to Caleb on .
Dear Caleb   Attached is a cover letter and the maps you requested.   Please contact me if you have any questions. Peter Carr Senior Adviser...
Glen Innes to Tamaki shared path Funding
Response by Auckland Transport to Alan Johnstone on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Alan    I’ve attached the official information you asked for On 17/10/2019 you asked for information about the funding for the Glen Inne...
---------- Forwarded message Annual Report 2008 Accident Compensation Corporation ACC20014-Pr#21-Electronic.indd 1 14/10/08 4:12:41 PM 2008 Servic...
Dear Mr Randle   Please find attached the documents as noted in the decision letter to you dated 1 November.    o Report to Council PE19.446 –...
Ownership of rail freight depot land at Waltham
Response by KiwiRail to Patrick Dunford on .
Good afternoon   Please find attached the response to your query. As noted earlier, we invite you to contact us to discuss any further questions...
Current Status of Pukekohe Rail Electrification
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Rowan Edwards on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Rowan   Please find attached the response to your request of 2 September 2019 for information under the Official Information Act 1982.  ...
Updated Radio Communications Frequency's For All Bus Company's
Response by Auckland Transport to Leith Cullen on .
Information not held.
Kia Ora Leith   Thank you for your request for information dated 12 September 2019. Please see attached response.   If you have any further qu...
Good afternoon Patrick Please find attached our response to your query. Kind regards Dave Dave Allard  | Government Relations Advisor Level 4, Well...
Procurement advice
Response by Ministry of Transport to Barry Garrick on .
Dear Mr Garrick   Please find attached Documents 18-23. regards, Glen-Marie Glen-Marie Burns Manager Urban Development & Environment Ministry...
Dear J Bruning   Please find attached the response to your request of 12 July 2019 for information under the Official Information Act 1982.  ...
Good afternoon   Please find attached KiwiRail’s response to your OIA request.   Kind regards   Dave     Dave Allard  | Government Re...
Train services not run.
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Andrew Crow on .
Dear Mr Crow Attached is our response to your recent OIA.   Yours sincerely   Nichola   Nichola Powell | Kaiāwhina Matua ki te Kaiwhaka...
Good afternoon Patrick. Please find attached KiwiRail's response to your Official Information Act request. Kind regards OCU Team Level 4, Welling...
Thank you for the clarification Tony. I acknowledge receipt of the Official Information Act 1982 request, for the dates the business cases were receiv...
Correspondance about NZDF related graffiti
Response by Wellington City Council to Sarah Atkinson on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora,   Attached is your response letter and relevant document.   Ngā mihi nui Ana   Ana Nicholls Assurance Advisor | Wellington City...
Can KiwiRail please provide an update on when I may expect to receive the requested contract for business case information as this is now overdue ?...
Death or harm on transfer bus
Response by KiwiRail to Tim Frank on .
Dear Tim Frank, please rind our response to your OIA request in regard to deaths and serious harm in the Otira Tunnel.   Kind regards   OCU Te...
Report on Collision Risk at Wellington Station
Response by KiwiRail to Benjamin on .
Dear Benjamin, please find attached our response for your OIA request for the a copy of the Wellington Risk Study.   Kind regards   The OCU Te...
Interislander crewman and officer ranks?
Response by KiwiRail to Colby James on .
Dear James Colby, please find attached the list of crew ranks s requested.   Kind regards   OCU Team   Level 4, Wellington Railway Station,...
Glen Innes to Tamaki Cycleway progress
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Alan Johnstone on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Alan, Please find attached. Please note the file size is 18MB and the FYI request system may not support a file of this size. Alterna...
Information about the East West Link
Response by Auckland Transport to Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Lee   Please find attached a hard copy of the document ‘EWC DBC Draft Final Vol 1 complete 18 August 2015.pdf’, as previously advised.  ...
Dear Peter   Please find attached the response to your request of 29 August 2018 for information under the Official Information Act 1982.   Re...
Dear Mr Randle,   This is to advise that your OIA request to Horizons Regional Council was transferred to KiwiRail on 13 August 2018. It is Horizo...
Current Frequency and distance of bus stops
Response by Auckland Transport to Hemant on .
Long overdue.
Dear Hemant   We refer to you request for information dated 10 July 2018 and our subsequent response on 22 August 2018.   We had anticipated a...