This person's 46 Official Information requests
Enforcement of Mobility Permits and Camera Cars
Response by Auckland Transport to Hemant on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Hemant,
On 13/02/2025 you asked for information about a mobility permit that has
been picked up by a camera for parking too long.
Bomb Blast Evacuation for Incident in Waikato
Response by New Zealand Police to Hemant on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Orana,
You asked for:
“(Explosives incident in Waikato)
**Response due with Min Services no later than 4 February 2025 (refer
Kia ora Hemant,
I refer to your official information request dated 23 December
2024, requesting information about the Licence Plate recognition...
Karanga Plaza Pool cost breakdown
Response by Eke Panuku Development Auckland Limited to Hemant on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Hermant
Thank you for your request for information about the cost of the Karanga
Plaza Pool.
We apologise for the delay in acknowl...
Immigration question
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Hemant on .
Kia ora H,
Thank you for your response below. Immigration instruction F2.10.10.a defines a New Zealand partner’s eligibility to support a residence cl...
Carplay and Android Auto cutting out
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Hemant on .
Tēnā koe Hemant,
On behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, please
find attached our response to your Official Information...
Kia ora,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 31/10/2024 you asked for information relating to the pothole promise.
Kia ora Hemant,
Thank you for your request for information relating to the Christmas tree
that is going into Te Komititanga square.
The sp...
Question for Radio Spectrum Management - Carplay and Andriod Auto at certain locations
Request sent to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment by Hemant on .
Information not held.
I was after all reports/investigations/complaints you had on why apple carplay and android auto drop out at different locations around Auckland.
Kia ora Hemant
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
In the interests of transparency, we release re...
Ethnicity by region and rank breakdown
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Hemant on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Hemant
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Te...
Parking Tickets issued on March 26th around Eden Park
Response by Auckland Transport to Hemant on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Hemant,
We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for
On 26/03/2023 you asked for data relating to incorrectly issued...
+ sign causing issues with sigins for AT park
Response by Auckland Transport to Hemant on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Hemant,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
I refer to your LGOIMA request dated 15 October 2022 asking for details
Tēnā koe,
On behalf of Raj Nahna, I attach a letter in response to your OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Private Secretary (Executive Support)...
Tēnā koe Hemant
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Poli...
Tēnā koe Hemant
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealan...
Any documentation on how to publicly handle projects that have failed
Response by Auckland Transport to Hemant on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Hemant,
My name is Cameron and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland
Transport. I’m responsible for looking into the official informat...
Kia ora Hemant,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
I refer to your official information request dated 9 May 2022 regarding Te...
Passport staff working over easter weekend
Response by Jan Tinetti to Hemant on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Hemant,
Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act 1982
Ngā mihi,
Louise Walton [1](she...
Kia ora Hemant,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 17 December 2021 you asked for information about how Auckland Transport...
Kia ora Hemant,
Thank you for your follow up email. The current cases webpage holds
information from the current community cluster. This links direct...
Thank you for your Official Information Act request. This is
an automatic reply to let you know we received it.
In accordance with the Act, we'll le...
Minister of Immigration.- Targets for processing times for Visa's
Response by Kris Faafoi to Hemant on .
Information not held.
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngâ mihi
Office of Hon Kris Faafoi MP
Minister of Broadcasting, Minis...
Kia ora Hemant,
On behalf of the Ministry of Health, thank you for taking the time to
contact us. We are currently receiving high volumes of enquiri...
Kia ora Hemant,
Thank you for your email of 12 September to the Ministry for Ethnic
Communities (the Ministry) requesting, under the Official In...
This person's annotations
None made.