Mark Hanna
Joined FYI in 2013

Timeliness of my OIA requests using FYI:
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This person's 442 annotations (page 10)
I have laid a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman regarding the unlawful delay in NZ Police's response to this request.
OIA Authorisation and Training of the National Manager Response and Operations
Partially successful.
This request is 41 working days overdue now. Just a few more and you'll have beat my record of Police not replying to a request until it was 43 working...
Structure charts
Partially successful.
"Perhaps you should try the eastern and BOP districts directly as I only process requests for the Waikato District."
That's not your problem. Your re...
OIA Authorisation and Training of the National Manager Response and Operations
Partially successful.
26 working days unlawfully overdue and counting... Police really don't seem to be taking this request very seriously, do they?
Dogs shot by NZ police officers in last 5 years
You may be interested to know that NZ Police have recently released more information regarding their use of force against animals. This includes the nu...
Complaints made about Corrections Officers
Partially successful.
It's disappointing that Corrections has chosen to use an inaccessible format, and released this information as an image-based PDF. If you wish to avoid...
Prisoner Incentive Framework
Partially successful.
Oops, not sure where my acronym "PCI" came from in that annotation. I was meaning to refer to the Prisoner Incentive Framework.
Prisoner Incentive Framework
Partially successful.
Some of these numbers don't appear to add up.
It's unfortunate that Corrections chose to release this information in an inaccessible format, as an im...
Youth payments
Partially successful.
It's disappointing that MSD has been unable to release much of this information effectively due to their own low quality record keeping processes.
I see previous similar data released by ACC has also excluded GST. For example:
I see the costs they've specified are excluding GST, though it's not clear to me why this is the case. Does ACC not pay GST when they pay for these ser...
August has now ended and the 2018 TOR report has not been published. I've sent a follow-up request asking for the new due date and the reason for the d...
This request is a direct follow-up to
Released Prisoners
Partially successful.
It's disappointing that the Department of Corrections has chosen to release this information in the form of an inaccessible image-based PDF, forcing an...
Released Prisoners
Partially successful.
Disappointing to see this notice of extension only arrive on the original due date. I wish the OIA required that these notices be sent as soon as reaso...
Pain relief in labour
Partially successful.
What a ridiculous response. If the advice is supported by "quantitative and qualitative studies" then clearly to answer your request that they "Please...
Website designer
"the fact that he is not a government minister does not preclude him being subject to the OIA"
This is not correct.
Members of Parliament are not s...
Information on use of police dogs
Partially successful.
I wonder how NZ Police defined "serious" injuries in their response here. They provided this information in response to a question asking about long te...
Whether to conduct a review of the Official Information Act (OIA)
Partially successful.
37 MB isn't that big. Obviously it will depend on exactly what this file size limit is, but surely they could split the PDF into two or three separate...
Transgender prisoners
Reported for administrator attention.
It's disappointing that the Department of Corrections has invoked section 9(2)(g)(i) of the OIA to withhold all the "Current issues" and most of the "R...
Number of prisoners in custody over time
Kia ora Lance,
This information you've asked for sounds like it could be interesting. I'd appreciate it if you could ask Corrections to be sure they...
Decision to start general arming of Christchurch frontline officers
Partially successful.
Thank you, I hope it works. I've also drafted a complaint to the Ombudsman on similar grounds, which I intend to send to them today.
OIA requests received by police
Partially successful.
It's disappointing that NZ Police have chosen not to respond to your request in an accessible format. Here is a clickable link to the page on the SSC w...
The spreadsheet provided has no columns for refused re-applications for D licences, or refused applications for V licences. This omission isn't explain...
OIA response time statistics
NZ Police appear to have sent a slightly edited version of the response to this different request, instead of answering any of the questions asked in...