Mark Hanna
Joined FYI in 2013

Timeliness of my OIA requests using FYI:
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This person's 442 annotations (page 11)
The above response contains information I had requested in a separate request, here:
I belie...
NZ Firearm Licences 2017
NZ Police appear to have sent their response to this request to the wrong FYI email address, and it has shown up in response to a separate request I ma...
Abortion and the Crimes Act
It's a shame the Ministry of Justice decided to only release this information in an inaccessible image-based PDF format.
I've transcribed the tables...
I have laid a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman about this overdue response.
NZ Firearm Licences 2017
I have laid a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman about this overdue response.
That seems like a fair call, I think. Though it would be technically possible for them to review every complaint and make an assessment as to whether o...
Information on use of police dogs
Partially successful.
I've had a response from NZ Police via Twitter, where I asked them why no notice of extension had been sent regarding this request. It turns out the an...
Firearms incidence
Long overdue.
It looks like they didn't attach the "Crime Incidents" spreadsheet referenced in respect to parts 5 and 6 of your request?
Information on use of police dogs
Partially successful.
I wonder under what circumstances Police will or won't choose to record the use of a police dog to apprehend someone as a "Tactical Option Reporting" (...
Information on use of police dogs
Partially successful.
NZ Police have clearly and unambiguous breached the Official Information Act in their failure to send a notice of extension as soon as reasonably pract...
OIA response time statistics
The OIA is clear that requests "may be made in any form and communicated by any means". This is not the first time NZ Police have, incorrectly, implied...
Firearms incidence
Long overdue.
There is some limited information related to this request, regarding events in 2017, available in the response to a previous OIA request, which has bee...
Firearm Regulations
Partially successful.
I see that NZ Police have withheld some information from a document they have released as "out of scope". This is not a valid reason to withhold inform...
Casual Uniform Policy and Decision Process
Partially successful.
Nigel an earlier response noted that the two parts of the request would be sent to separate "workgroups" within NZ Police, and that separate responses...
Casual Uniform Policy and Decision Process
Partially successful.
NZ Police was due to respond to this request 7 working days ago, at the very latest. Wonder what's taken them so long and why they failed to meet their...
NZ Firearm Licences
I have asked NZ Police for an updated set of this data:
Decision to start general arming of Christchurch frontline officers
Partially successful.
RNZ has reported that Christchurch officers will stay armed "until a wanted man is located":
I wonder where NZ Police got the idea that my email on 2019-01-08, which I can see was received by them thanks to the automatic response, was sent on 2...
Auror retail crime reporting system
Partially successful.
It's a bit late now, and this seems to have been resolved, but it is still worth noting that this is absolutely untrue:
"it is necessary to establish...
I guess I was right to worry that Police would take 20 working days or more to answer follow-up questions. It's been 21 working days now since I sent t...
Access to services by non-binary people - Follow up
Partially successful.
I'd suggest laying a complaint with the Ombudsman regarding the section 9(2)(h) refusal. As the guideline on this section clarifies: http://www.ombudsm...
Compensation Payments to tenants evicted under the Meth Policy operating under the last National Led Government
Partially successful.
Very cheeky, given the due date was yesterday.
Since this request was refused, the Office of the Ombudsman has published a guidance document on "Information not held" that is pretty explicit in clar...
Gender of officers involved in pursuits 2011-2018
Information not held.
One approach you may be able to try to avoid a potential refusal under section 18(f) (substantial collation or research) would be to request two separa...
Gender of officers involved in pursuits 2011-2018
Information not held.
You may be interested to see this guideline on "Information not held", which was recently published by the Office of the Ombudsman: http://www.ombudsma...