Mark Hanna
Joined FYI in 2013

Timeliness of my OIA requests using FYI:
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This person's 442 annotations (page 12)
Gender of officers involved in pursuits 2011-2018
Information not held.
I don't think the reason for refusal NZ Police have used here is justified. Section 18(g) of the Official Information Act allows requests to be refused...
Complaints summary data
Partially successful.
NZ Post has miscalculated the due date again. According to section 15(1AA) of the Official Information Act, because NZ Post asked you for clarification...
I know it's been a few months now, but I'd suggest you might try complaining to the Ombudsman about this refusal if you haven't already.
Complaints summary data
Partially successful.
It's no longer relevant, since NZ Post has asked for clarification within 7 working days of having received your request, but it seems worth noting tha...
Thanks a lot for your advice Roger. I honestly hadn't noticed that NZ Police hadn't stated a specific ground for refusal if I do not pay their fee, tho...
I intend to complain to the Ombudsman about this refusal, as I can't afford to pay the $684 - $836 fee they have proposed. I believe there is clear pub...
Access to services by non-binary people
Partially successful.
Thanks for asking these questions.
It would be interesting to ask about what that active engagement they mention has actually been. I'm not sure curr...
A response to this request is now overdue. I have lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman.
Dogs shot by NZ police officers in last 5 years
These stats don't seem to include the dog that was reported as having been fatally shot by police during the execution of a search warrant in November...
Here are links to previously requests for this data over different periods:
Q3-4 2016:
Religious Instruction
Partially successful.
Sorry, make that section 14. Forgot we're talking about the LGOIMA here instead of the OIA.
Religious Instruction
Partially successful.
I don't believe that's a valid interpretation of when the request was received. As soon as it went to their spam folder, the school received it. It doe...
Taser policy compliance
Partially successful.
I have lodged a complaint with the Ombudsman regarding Police's failure to send this information in an accessible format, as I had requested.
Given t...
This is a ridiculous justification for refusing your request. If it were true that the information you had requested does not exist, then it would be i...
Name and Contact Details for all Regional Commissioners, Prison Directors, and Deputy Prison Directors.
Partially successful.
Withholding the work contact details of senior public servants with such little and vague justification is pretty unacceptable. I would recommend you c...
Use of drug dogs detector dogs
Partially successful.
You called it ;)
Use of drug dogs detector dogs
Partially successful.
I expect this request will likely need to be transferred to the Ministry for Primary Industries.
OIA response time statistics clarifications
A response to this request has now been sent to the FYI email for my prior request, so it appears there instead:
OIA response time statistics clarifications
I have lodged the following complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman:
Tēnā koe,
I would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding a...
It seems strange that NZ Police have said there have been over 15,000 fleeing driver incidents over the past five years, but Table One contains only 3,...
OIA Extensions
Partially successful.
Since Corrections unfortunately chose to use an inaccessible format for their response letter, it's not possible to click on the URL they provide for w...
Receiving office and sexual orientation
Information not held.
Might also be worth asking for the number of people who refused to provide this information, assuming that's a possible response?
OIA response time statistics
Partially successful.
I have sent a follow-up request to ask for clarification on the data provided:
OIA response time statistics clarification
Here's a link to the original request I am following up here:
Kia ora Jason,
NZ Police recently released some of the information you have asked about to me, when I asked them about some police pursuit statistics...