Requests similar to 'Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services'
Total number of PGY1 positions filled in outside of ACE matching system in last 5 years
Response by Ministry of Health to Pariket Dhabuwala on .
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes District Health Board
Rotorua Hospital
Pukeroa Hill
Private Bag 3923
Rotorua Ma...
Policy on requests from third party providers of pathology specimens for second opinion
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Good Morning
Further to our previous emails of 24 March acknowledging receipt of your
two OIA requests and advising that you could expect to rec...
Smoke free and mental health seclusion information
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Helena on .
Partially successful.
Hi Helena
Please note that question one is an extensive piece of work for which
Lakes DHB would need to charge you.
Would you like us to e...
Best Practice: Archiving, Storage, Biobanking of Human Tissue for Diagnostic Purposes
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Good Morning
Further to our previous emails of 24 March acknowledging receipt of your
two OIA requests and advising that you could expect to rec...
Apologies this reply was sent on 27 June. The numbers were wrong so it did
not uplift to the site.
I was not alerted to the fact that the e mail...
Recent CPAC statistics for knee and hip replacement operations for all DHBs in NZ
Response by Ministry of Health to Susan on .
Awaiting classification.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes District Health Board
Rotorua Hospital
Pukeroa Hill
Private Bag 3923
Rotorua Mail C...
Hiring data for PGY1 House Officers
Response by Lakes District Health Board to J. Thomas-Maude on .
Awaiting classification.
Please see attached response.
Shan Tapsell
Communications Advisor
Lakes District Health Board
Rotorua Hospital
Pukeroa H...
DHB gender-affirming healthcare services
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Hi Gloria
Lakes DHB has logged your request asking about “gender affirming health
care services”.
The link you sent with a 2015 document d...
The NZ Rural Hospital Network wants to clearly understand each DHB's process for allocating, monitoring and reporting the annual DHB Rural Adjuster fund.
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Marie Daly on .
Hi Marie
Please see attached letter transferring question one of your OIA to the
MOH. Lakes DHB will answer the other questions.
Information pertaining to the use of security cameras in mental health inpatient facilities.
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Miss Black on .
Partially successful.
Hi Karen
Please see attached letter from Lakes DHB.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes District H...
Spend on mental health from 2017-2022
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Anna Longdill on .
Hi Anna
Please see our response attached.
Shan Tapsell
Communications Advisor
Lakes District Health Board
Rotorua Hospit...
Good morning
Please see attached, Lakes DHB’s response to this OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Di...
Annual report and financial data
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Antony Andrews on .
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information
Act. This request has been logged and will be responded to within the
Hi Andrew
Please see attached Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Distri...
Policy relating to security camera use in adult mental health inpatient unit
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Miss Black on .
Hi Karyn
Please see attached Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Distric...
Gender-affirming healthcare availability
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Gloria Fraser on .
Hi Gloria
Please see attached, Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Distr...
Number of Hired PGY1 House Officers (2014 - 2019)
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Mohammed A M on .
Please see attached, Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA request.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Dist...
Total Number of PGY1 House Officer Jobs Advertised Solely for NZREX Graduates (2014 - 2020)
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Mohammed A M on .
Please see attached Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes District Heal...
"Teaching Hospital questions"
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Jan Magee on .
Partially successful.
Hi Jan
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information
Act. This request has been logged and will be responded to...
Re: Planning and Funding
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Christine McLean on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Christine
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information
Act. This request has been logged and will be res...
Re: Decision makers
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Christine McLean on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information
Act. This request has been logged and will be responded to within the
Information Relating to Hip Revision Surgeries
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Julie Hands on .
Partially successful.
Hi Julie
Please see attached Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Distric...
Patients admitted with certain symptoms or diagnoses
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Destiny Wiringi on .
Waiting clarification.
Hi Destiny
Please see attached Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes Distr...
Bureau and agency use at Rotorua Hospital
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Paul on .
Partially successful.
Hi Paul
Please see attached Lakes DHB’s response to your OIA.
Shan Tapsell
Assistant Communications Officer
Lakes District...
Datix Midland Integrated Quality and Risk system
Response by Lakes District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
Hi Amy
Here are the answers to your extra questions following our OIA response.
Q: Please clarify as to whether the incident reports su...