Requests similar to 'Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services' (page 5)
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Hutt District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Awaiting classification.
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at Hutt DHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to June 2...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Wairarapa District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Awaiting classification.
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at Wairarapa DHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to J...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Whanganui District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Awaiting classification.
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at Whanganui DHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to J...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Tairawhiti District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Awaiting classification.
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at Tairawhiti DHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Waikato District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Awaiting classification.
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at Waikato DHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to Jun...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Bay of Plenty District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Awaiting classification.
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at Bay of Plenty DHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016...
Kia ora
Thank you for your request. Please find below the Citizenship Ceremony
dates for 2023:
Tuesday 28 February
Thursday 23 March
Property and Rating Valuation Data
Response by Rotorua District Council to Nik Wakelin on .
Good morning Nicholas,
I have logged your request as number 59351.
Please expect a response in due course.
Kind Regards,
Kerry Alemann
Customer Ad...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Response by Southern District Health Board to Health Sector Workers Network on .
Dear Health Sector Workers Network,
Please find attached the response to your Official Information request.
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Waitemata District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at WDHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to June 2017)...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to Auckland District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at ADHB?
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to June 2017)...
Request for restraint policy and the use of mechanical restraints in all services
Request sent to South Canterbury District Health Board by Health Sector Workers Network on .
Long overdue.
Can you please provide all policy documents relating to restraint practices at Southern District Health Board?
Are there instances in the last ye...
Local goverment implementation of water fluoridation
Response by New Plymouth District Council to SPENCER JONES on .
Kia ora Spencer Jones
Please refer to letter and information attached.
Mark Hall
Three Waters Manager
New Plymout...
The NZ Rural Hospital Network wants to clearly understand each DHB's process for allocating, monitoring and reporting the annual DHB Rural Adjuster fund.
Response by Bay of Plenty District Health Board to Marie Daly on .
On behalf of Debbie Brown, Senior Advisor Governance & Quality
Dear Marie,
Please find below response to your OIA request dated 27 February...
Kia ora Sharna-kim,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions,...
List of registered GP clinics in New Zealand
Response by Ministry of Health to A Spiers on .
Dear Mr Spiers
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for official
Yours sincerely
Jan Torres
Ministerial S...
How to direct water fluoridation in Whanganui
Response by Ministry of Health to Tanya on .
Kia ora Tanya
Please see attached a response to your request for official information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Ministry...
Dear Emilia
BOPLASS Ltd (BOP Local Authority Shared Services) is a council-controlled
organisation established to promote shared services betwee...
"Chaos and long queues at customs" on 26 NOV
Response by New Zealand Customs Service to Irene on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Irene,
Thank you for your patience while we compiled our response to your
Official Information Act request. Attached is a binder contain...
Waikato Hack and Datix Midland Integrated Quality and Risk system
Response by Bay of Plenty District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Long overdue.
On behalf of Debbie Brown, Senior Advisor Governance and Quality
Dear Amy
In response to your request of 10 September 2021, we provide the atta...
On behalf of Debbie Brown, Senior Advisor Governance and Quality
Dear D Griffiths
In response to your request transferred to our DHB from the M...
Emails in regards Determination 2023/017
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Shaun Brown on .
Dear Mr Brown,
Attached is the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act
request of 6 July 2023.
If you have any queries regard...
Explanation on financial performance
Response by MidCentral District Health Board to Thai Quoc Khanh on .
Dear Thai
Thank you for your recent request for an explanation on financial
performance terminology.
Please find attached letter with the...
The estimated hospital floor area
Response by MidCentral District Health Board to Antony Andrews on .
Dear Antony,
Thank you for your recent request regarding the estimated hospital floor
area of MidCentral DHB.
Please see the attached let...
How many weeks of emergency accomodation have been purchased during 2020 and 2021
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Ms Hartley on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Ms Hartley
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.
Nâ mâtou noa, nâ