Television New Zealand Limited

A public authority, also called TVNZ

100 requests

(page 3)

Suitability of Mike Hosking for TV debates
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Thomas Harvey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Harvey   I refer to your request of 11 August, and our response dated 10 September.   In addition to our response I would like to clari...
Dear Cody   I refer to your request dated 4 March relating to TVNZ 1 programme Sensing Murder.   Sensing Murder is a TVNZ commissioned program...
Funding and discriminatory exclusivity arrangements for TVNZ apps
Request to Television New Zealand Limited by A Birch. Annotated by Luke C on .
Partially successful.
Well done TVNZ for providing answers to this requester in what was a lengthy series of technical questions.
Legality of global mode
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Blake Bedford-Palmer on .
Dear Mr Bedford-Palmer   I refer to your email of 19 July 2015 requesting information concerning the legal action against the developers and provi...
Dear Mr Pentz I refer to your request below requesting information regarding the format of programmes. TVNZ has no specific guidelines regarding the...
Dear Mr Maclure   Thanks for your email.    I think you are saying that sometimes a new series is not captioned when the previous series has b...
OIA requests asked by TVNZ staff
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to L MacKenzie on .
Partially successful.
Dear L Mackenzie   We refer to your email of 11 April 2014 requesting information relating to Official Information Act requests made by TVNZ staff...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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