Television New Zealand Limited
A public authority, also called TVNZ
122 requests
(page 3)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Reasons for video of interview take-down Paul Henry - John Key (9 Aug 2009)
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to greg rzesniowiecki on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Rzesniowiecki
I refer to your request of 27 September regarding the unavailability of a video clip previously made available on our news webs...
Kia ora Connor
I refer to your request below.
TVNZ only prints a very small amount of copies for compliance purposes, as required by Parliament. We t...
A video Copy of the Jessica Mutch-McKay / Helen Clark Book launch interview 1-11/9/2018
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Aunty Helen Publishing Ltd (Name reserved at the Company's Office) on .
Dear Mr Benson
All licensing requests can be made via our website:
Please note that there will be...
Dear John
I refer to your request below.
Aside from our own employees and contractors, TVNZ does not pay people to feature in or provide information...
Viewer numbers for Q + A with Jack Tame
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Lily on .
Dear Lily,
I refer to your request regarding viewer numbers for Q+A with Jack Tame.
Q+A aired on Sunday mornings for several years, before switching...
Use of Aotearoa instead of New Zealand
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Liz Simons on .
Dear Ms Simons
As we have mentioned in our correspondence below, our creators and presenters are given autonomy over using English and te reo Māori in...
Kia ora Liam
We have no plans to release a new VOD service at this time. We regularly release updates to our existing app and this is part of that pro...
The results of the 2020 election Vote Compass question on gender self-identification
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Beth Johnson on .
Dear Beth
I refer to your request below.
While we asked that question, like many posed within Vote Compass we did not run a story on the outcomes....
2019 World Rugby Cup Reporter Staff Travel costs, Accomodation & Expenses.
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Kevin Coombs on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Coombs
I refer to your request regarding the cost involved in sending news
reporters and crew to Japan to cover Rugby World Cup 2019 (RW...
OIA Request: Any documents relating to the vetting/credibility of doctors appearing on TVNZ's 'The Checkup'
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to David Johnston on .
Dear Mr Johnston
I refer to your request of 15 September regarding the casting of The Check Up.
Please note that this is a programme made by an exter...
Dear Isaac
We refer to your request of 9 August concerning BossBabes.
We calculate total streams over a weekly period, and can confirm that the total...
Dear Jeff
Thanks for your request.
Our production team contacted 4 key groups, who then put the call out to their teams/staff of essential workers....
Legal framework to put TVNZ Archive material online
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Joss J. on .
Partially successful.
Hi Joss
Yes, I would be happy to do that.
Brent McAnulty
General Counsel and Corporate Affairs Director
Ratings and Production Information for the OnDemand Series, BossBabes
Follow up sent to Television New Zealand Limited by Alex Janssen on .
Partially successful.
How many seconds must someone watch a TVNZ programme to be counted as a stream? Must an OnDemand viewer see an advertisement before they are counted...
Ratings and Funding information for the TVNZ Series, Heartbreak Island
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Alex Janssen on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex
I refer to your request of 6 May concerning Heartbreak Island.
We can confirm that the first season of the programme, which screened at...
Funding and Correspondence information on the TVNZ On Demand Series BossBabes
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Alex Janssen on .
Partially successful.
Dear Alex
My apologies. I have been travelling overseas and I see that my response was trapped in my outbox.
I refer to your request of 14 April rega...
Email here is incomplete. Does not contain the initial email to TVNZ through the online contact form, also does not contain email sent by TVNZ staff to...
Payments Made to Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Chaz Harris on .
Dear Mr Harris
I refer to your request of 6 August.
I can confirm that no payment was made to either Mr Molyneux or Ms
Southern for the re...
Information on meetings held with New Zealand security and intelligence service employees
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Richard on .
Dear Richard
I refer to your request below.
There were three meetings between TVNZ and New Zealand's security intelligence services in 2018.
The fir...
2 of 2
Brent McAnulty
General Counsel and Corporate Affairs Director
TVNZ Archive material - digitisation and access for tax payers
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Joss J. on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joss
In respect of Part 1 of your request we attach the Agreement between TVNZ and Nga Taonga in respect of Archive Services.
In respect of Part...
Dear Joss
I refer to your email of 3 January requesting information relating to
database fields.
Attached are the lists of all material he...
Broad Salary Information TVNZ/Woman in Workplace
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Ryan S on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ryan S
I refer to your email of 5 November requesting information relating to pay
equality and harassment at TVNZ.
Consistent with i...
TVNZ Archive material and database freely available online
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Joss J. on .
Partially successful.
Dear Joss
I refer to your email of 13 November requesting information concerning the
relationship between Nga Taonga and TVNZ.
There is no...
Suitability of Mike Hosking for TV debates
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Thomas Harvey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Harvey
I refer to your request of 11 August, and our response dated 10 September.
In addition to our response I would like to clari...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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